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My Top 10 list of missed opportunities and annoying stuff about SWTOR.


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Don't get me wrong I like the game and play it actively but there are a few things that I can't understand why it isn't in the game. Any previous MMO I played had some sort of implementation and we all expect SWTOR to have it too.


My Background: I'm a guild leader and an avid PVP-er, Crafter and Raider.



My Top 10 list is not in an order of priority, but atleast they all matter to me.


  1. /roll command:
    Running raids with Masterloot Distribution is a nightmare sometimes because if we decide that people who can use the item that they can /roll for it.. but wait a minute it is not there. Such a simple command to have the RNG spit out a random number between 1-100.
  2. Combat Log:
    It is so nice to see what is happening if you die and not to mention the benefit players have to parse this data.
  3. Guild Mail:
    Communication with the guild is hard in-game and the MOTD isn't cutting it. MOTD is way to short to put some proper messages in. Please insert Guild Mail functionality which can be set by rank.
  4. Custom Guild Rank Bug:
    When you make custom ranks (Nice addition to game though) in the guild. All new people invited will get the last rank by default.. I my case i made custom Officer Ranks with permissions... and all new people invited had Officer rights from the start. Please fix this!
  5. Target of Target:
    It is imperative that you can see on which target the Mob/Boss is on. Nice UI option to see aggro. Missed dearly and a must have!
  6. Raid Assist Target:
    What I would like to see is up to 4 RATs possible, to focus DPS, see Boss morale via Tank. Imperative for Raiding imo.
  7. Crafting in General is not needed:
    Levelled Armormech full out, got the rare drops from raids... in the end, time spend vs reward vs rare mats vs market... not viable.
    Needs more work and incentative to make it as advertised.
    Basicly the game is to easy.. Better Gear then craftable is easily obtained via easy HM Flashpoints or PvP.
  8. Guild Housing:
    Capital Ship or not, we still need a place to call home and hold meetings in.. show your non-existing boss trophies and guild achievements.
  9. Respec Costs:
    Respec costs is getting out of hand. Cap it by level.
    100k respec costs are just insane. Let people have choice in their builds and switch between healer-dps-tank-hybrid easily. It may cost something, but the increases are insane and cap it somewhere and earlier.. 30k or so.
    It is better to have just 1 fixed cost or cost per skill point reset.
    Sometimes I just want 10 different talents to boost some survivibility in Raids and more DPS in PvP.
  10. Possible to queue with 8 man for Warzone:
    The whole point that i'm in a guild is that i want to play with my guildies. I find it very annoying that we need to split groups instead of playing with my mates as a full team.


I'm curious if I'm the only one seeing it this way?

Let me show your top 10 lists and hopefully Bioware can check what bothers people so it can be fixed sooner than later.


Don't make it a whipe-fest and keep it constructive.

Thanks for your time.

Edited by Phlar
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/roll command:

Can be added like many other games added after release.



Combat Log:

Can be added.



Guild Mail:

Is being added in 1.2 and also much more in future content patches.



Custom Guild Rank Bug:

When you make custom ranks (Nice addition to game though) in the guild. All new people invited will get the last rank by default.. I my case i made custom Officer Ranks with permissions... and all new people invited had Officer rights from the start. Please fix this!



Target of Target:

Is being added in 1.2.



Raid Assist Target:

Changes in 1.2 and likely more to come.



Crafting in General is not needed:

Massive crafting changes stated to be coming. Already several in 1.2. It is an evolving and living system. They simply haven't forgotten it.



Guild Housing:

Coming. No eta yet but is being worked on. Stated in last major dev update.



Respec Costs:

No idea but always some thing that can be changed.



Possible to queue with 8 man for Warzone:

Rated warzones coming. Pre-mades allowed. Cross server queuing with same server priority but allows for specific warzone choice. All already stated and coming soon.


I'm curious if I'm the only one seeing it this way?



I'm curious how you see this all as "missed opportunities" when Bioware is being very vocal as to what is to come and what is shaping due to player feedback. Obviously we can't all hear what we want but none of what you said is hard coded out of the game and most is coming in 1.2 or soon after.

Edited by Tamanous
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[*]/roll command:


Definitely agree here.


[*]Combat Log:

Eh, this one isnt absolutely NEEDED, but there needs to be SOME way to find out what you did right/wrong on a fight (specifically if it caused a wipe)...that being said, a combat log, death log, or better emotes/warnings during combat would go a long way.


[*]Guild Mail:

I'll agree that this would be nice, but at the same time, they GAVE you a guild a website to use for things like this. It may not be 'in game', but it IS there.


[*]Custom Guild Rank Bug:

Couldnt you just make a new custom rank, and then everyone would go to that rank instead of to the officer rank? I havent gotten to used the guild UI very much (not being an officer), but if there's no way to work around it, i could see it being annoying.


[*]Target of Target:

They've already said they're working on it (and i believe they said it would be included in 1.2)


[*]Raid Assist Target:

Same as above, slated for 1.2 (if i remember correctly)


[*]Crafting in General is not needed:

Contrary to popular belief, crafting doesnt have to be NEEDED. It can be a completely personal choice which profession you take, or you can take it for the bonuses while levelling (ease of making armor, etc)...I will admit that this path makes crafting a bit boring at max level, but that is one option.


That being said, i've seen dozens of armormech recipes drop in operations (normal and hard modes), and they look to be pretty damn good, actually, perhaps with the notable exception that you may have to break up your set bonuses.


[*]Guild Housing:

This is something i've never gotten. I mean, sure, if you've got a guild that's extremely social and extremely active, i could see it being interesting every now and then...but in every game i've played that had some kind of guild housing, it got used for the first few days/weeks after it was acquired, and then it collected dust. As far as 'showing off your trohpies", MMO's have shifted towards using achievements (which can usually be tracked both in game and online) to do that. I could see some use if it had easily accessible vendors, or maybe vendors that sold things cheaper, but if you do that, you run the risk of the rest of the game (the fleet and the levelling areas) being even more desolate than they already are.


Guild housing isnt needed. 90% of the people i've talked to that want this just want some kind of way to play "interior decorator"...there are web based games and phone aps for that kinda thing, it's not needed in an MMO.


[*]Respec Costs:

There's actually a current bug which shows one price (usually the capped price for people that respec often) but actually takes a smaller amount from you (because the prices reset/decay each week). The only downside to this is that you have to be able to afford the 'bugged' listed price (meaning you have to have over 98ish-k)...but that isnt really that difficult to do, and one set of dailies at max level will get you 200+k, as well as multiple epic mod items and blues/epics to sell...you can do one set of dailies and respec 3-4 times off it, as long as you're not already at the max price.


If they fix the bug, i think most of this will be fine. They've also said that they will very likely be including dual spec in the (relatively) near future, so that will also help.


[*]Possible to queue with 8 man for Warzone:

The pre-season to their rated pvp will be in the next major content patch (1.2). I can't imagine they would start rating people without letting groups queue up as a full 8 man group. I expect this will also be included in 1.2.




I agree with most of yours (with the exception of guild housing)


I think my top 10 would be:


1. No macro system.

2. No dual spec system.

3. No Combat log

4. No proc tracking system

5. No target of target

6. No mouseover functions

7. No /roll function

8. Smuggler/Operative weakness in pve (not experienced enough to comment on pvp)

9. No Guild bank (which they are working on)

10. Respec cost/bug

Edited by invispoet
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Good idea for a thread.


Except all it does is elicit tons of people complaining about things not being in the game even though BW is working on putting them in the game and has told the community about it...and yet these people still complain as if the content isn't coming.

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the correct answer for some of those is not "can be added", it's "should have been in launch build" :(


I'm happy they are working on it, but disappointed they weren't there to begin with.


Translation: I wasnted it yesterday, so if you give it to me today, I'm going to spit on it and tell you "not good enough."

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I'm curious how you see this all as "missed opportunities" when Bioware is being very vocal as to what is to come and what is shaping due to player feedback. Obviously we can't all hear what we want but none of what you said is hard coded out of the game and most is coming in 1.2 or soon after.


So, you are saying that we paid 60$ for a half finished game and are paying $30 more over 2 months so that they can come out with features that most new MMOs release with in the first place??


Most of the stuff he linked are standard MMO features that even the most crappy MMOs like Rift and Aion released with in the first place. Heck!! SWTOR doesnt even have UI scaling.


SWTOR needed to be released for $39.99 and not $59.99. We literally got cheated out of $20 for the EA/SW/BW brand names. I can already visualize the EA sales department laughing at the suckers who bought the CE for $149.99.

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PC gaming is no longer in it's infancy, a lot of pretty standard stuff is missing.


I've no idea why there isn't a combat log, other than it prevents you from varifying bugs or hackers.


Just right it off to lag and move on. Everything is working as intended.

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My top ten list;


1. Space on rails (worst decision made by Bioware to date imo)

2. Gameplay too linear. Every character you roll on any faction will do the planets in the same order.

3. Only two factions.

4. Dialog choices (VO is awesome, but having on of three things to say in return is LESS immersive. Not me playing, would be better with NPC talking and me just clicking accept/decline or kill/allow to live)

5. Companions. Hate almost everything about them. They direct your dialog choices for the silly quest to max out affection. Most people playing the game are male yet everyone gets one female companion and four males. The companions I think I could tolerate (Vette or Mako) are on classes I have no interest in playing.

6. Mods. Let us help you improve your game Bioware. We do it for free, no brainer.

7. Forum integration. You avatar should match your character in game. Armory would be nice.

8. Alignment requirements. Hate em. Gear choices, mount choices, romance choices. They are restrictive for the sake of being restrictive, like the Federal Government. Rules for the sake of rules that just serve to annoy people. When you are not worried about what your companion is going to think about what you are about to do, you gotta worry about what alignment you are grinding. Neutral gear will not fix this either, because then you gotta balance your light and dark side choices. How about just encouraging us to do what we want to do? The whole alignment idea should of been scrapped and left for KOTOR.

9. No arena or competitive ranked warzones. I personally hate arena but always respected top ranked players. So many like this optional feature I find it rather dumb to not include it.

10. Space combat, because it is worth mentioning twice.

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My top ten list;


1. Space on rails (worst decision made by Bioware to date imo)

2. Gameplay too linear. Every character you roll on any faction will do the planets in the same order.

3. Only two factions.

4. Dialog choices (VO is awesome, but having on of three things to say in return is LESS immersive. Not me playing, would be better with NPC talking and me just clicking accept/decline or kill/allow to live)

5. Companions. Hate almost everything about them. They direct your dialog choices for the silly quest to max out affection. Most people playing the game are male yet everyone gets one female companion and four males. The companions I think I could tolerate (Vette or Mako) are on classes I have no interest in playing.

6. Mods. Let us help you improve your game Bioware. We do it for free, no brainer.

7. Forum integration. You avatar should match your character in game. Armory would be nice.

8. Alignment requirements. Hate em. Gear choices, mount choices, romance choices. They are restrictive for the sake of being restrictive, like the Federal Government. Rules for the sake of rules that just serve to annoy people. When you are not worried about what your companion is going to think about what you are about to do, you gotta worry about what alignment you are grinding. Neutral gear will not fix this either, because then you gotta balance your light and dark side choices. How about just encouraging us to do what we want to do? The whole alignment idea should of been scrapped and left for KOTOR.

9. No arena or competitive ranked warzones. I personally hate arena but always respected top ranked players. So many like this optional feature I find it rather dumb to not include it.

10. Space combat, because it is worth mentioning twice.


1. This is not a space fighter game.


2. This is not a sandbox game.


3. I actually agree with this one. Having more than 2 factions opens up SO many possibilities, and help alleviate many population imbalance problems. That being said, i'm not sure what they'd do for a 3rd faction...mercenaries, maybe the Hutts?


4. You're basically saying you just want to exist in a simple yes/no mode. Why you would want to limit yourself like this is on one hand really interesting, and on the other hand, really silly.


5. Unless you bought the game without doing any research in the past 2 years, I dont see what your problem is. We all knew what companions would be, what they could and couldnt do, and so on. (That damn ship droid has GOT to **** though). Only thing I dont like about companions really is that the tank ones are too squishy. Yeah there are some i dont like very much (skadge on my LS bounty hunter, Corso on my DS Smuggler, Lord Scourge on my LS JK), but as they say, in order for some to be liked, some have to be disliked.


*side note* it would have been VERY interesting, in my mind, if they would have slotted maybe 8 companions for each class, and then make you choose which 6 joined you...but then people would complain about not being able to 'catch 'em all'.


6. I agree with this in theory, but i can understand a new MMO not allowing them...most MMO's dont allow them when they first come out. On the other hand, if we had a macro system, target of target, mouseover capability, and a buff/debuff/proc watching system, i wouldnt really care about addons/mods.


7. Eh, this is a personal choice thing, I dont really mind either way. You can use your signature to designate your characters if you want (notice the plural...yeah you could choose which character, but it's really not necessary in the grand scheme of things, because it's your forum name, not your in-game name).


8. This is a 50/50 thing. They wanted choices to matter. If you dont have requirements in some way or another, then choices (meaning light/dark dialogue choices) dont matter.


*side note* Try levelling a new character with diplomacy, slicing, and one gathering profession (you can use this to hoard mats), and then change them when you're max level. Having access to diplomacy means you can take whatever dialogue options you want, and still be max light/dark side. Slicing is a good moneymaker, and you can hoard mats for your end-game professions (take bioanalysis if you plan on going boichem, for example). Then when you get 50, and max light/dark side, drop slicing (and diplomacy if you're not taking biochem) and get the professions that you want. It's extremely easy to level them once you have all your companions.


9. They're working on it.


*side note* I hope they keep straight deathmatches out of the rated section. Deathmatch style play (aka arena) is what usually throws game balance to the wind. Rated team play for objective based games (nodes, flags, captures, etc) is amazingly fun, and less dependant on individual class balance than it is on teamwork.


10. This is not a space flight simulator.

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Custom Guild Rank Bug:

When you make custom ranks (Nice addition to game though) in the guild. All new people invited will get the last rank by default.. I my case i made custom Officer Ranks with permissions... and all new people invited had Officer rights from the start. Please fix this!



There are up / down buttons in the guild rank UI to move ranks up or down the list, I've got an officer alt rank that sits right below the officer one in my guild.

Edited by Sparckus
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My top 10:

1) XP on/off switch. I'm tired of skipping half the content of each zone and missing out on half the quests because I'm leveling waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to fast. I go nights without playing at all because otherwise I would have hit 50 inside a month, playing only 3 hours a day. Completely unacceptable. I want the option to take my time and enjoy the scenery. As it is, this game is nothing but a bunch of level 50's running around ************ about lack of endgame content -which they should NOT be doing because they should NOT be 50 yet. I don't repeat content, so basically that means one Republic and one Empire toon. When I run out of content for them, I'm gone. If you want my money every month for the foreseeable future, this is my number one gripe...and I'm not even REMOTELY the only one who feels this way. Not everyone is interested in rushing to the endgame. This game is even easier to level than WoW and AoC...pretty sad.


2) Shoulder-pad hide, glove hide: What? Did Rob Liefeld design this game 15 years ago? They look ridiculous. Obviously appearance-gear is required, as well....and not just old gear you liked the look of... a ton of appearance-only gear should be available, with the ability to change between looks with one click. There should be a design team that does nothing but create new looks all day, every day.


3) Option to see or not see my companion with me on my mount. I'd like Vette to ride with me, not disappear when I mount up.


4) Full Graphics Optimization Tools: Every possible tweak that Nvidia & ATI offer should be available for custom settings. AA bar and all other sliders should show if it is 2x, 4x, 8x, 12x etc.


5) Better toon creation: More toon sizes to choose from, control of individual facial features (brow size, Nose size, angle etc.


6) UI clarifications, since your video doesn't cover everything: I want Tooltips for gear stats and mods that can be opened as windows and stay open instead of just being able to mouse-over them. I'm tired of either writing down my mod stats or having to ctrl/r-click the modification dialogue to see them. As far as the UI goes, I want the ability to have as many UI items open as I want at any time, as well as the ability to re-size and move them anywhere I want etc. that has been demonstrated in the future updates video


7) Player housing: See EQ2 for how it's done. Ships should also be customizable and I should be able to re-arrange a huge array of available furniture in them, decorate them and have a bunch of droids/pets running around.


8) True flying mounts, not just ones that hover...and available to everyone. Also many more mounts to choose from.


9) A third faction that truly plays on the margins: Bounty Hunters and Smugglers need their own home. This means a third starting area and attendant zones. Then I'll have 3 toons :)


10) Market Search refinement. A world Market Search UI that keeps the search criteria I've last designated. For example: Let's say I just bought a bunch of gear and am now looking at Lightsabres. An email with money from a sale arrives and I decide to go get it and the gear I just bought, but I'm not done looking at Lightsabres yet. I have to go back and start the Lightsabre search all over again. Also, gear needs to be able to be sub-searched by slot. If I'm looking for gloves, I don't want to sort through boots.


There should be a search utility within the sale utility to find out what the current lowest price for any given item I'm posting is, so I don't have to look it up under "Buy" and click back and forth between Sell and Buy.


When I try to set a price and clear out the unexplained auto-amount the Sales Dialogue displays for non-tooltipped reasons, it defaults to a "1". I don't want a friggin' "1", or any other number for that matter. I want it blank. Currently only high-lighting it will allow one to properly clear it out.

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My top 10:

1) XP on/off switch. I'm tired of skipping half the content of each zone and missing out on half the quests because I'm leveling waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to fast. I go nights without playing at all because otherwise I would have hit 50 inside a month, playing only 3 hours a day. Completely unacceptable. I want the option to take my time and enjoy the scenery. As it is, this game is nothing but a bunch of level 50's running around ************ about lack of endgame content -which they should NOT be doing because they should NOT be 50 yet. I don't repeat content, so basically that means one Republic and one Empire toon. When I run out of content for them, I'm gone. If you want my money every month for the foreseeable future, this is my number one gripe...and I'm not even REMOTELY the only one who feels this way. Not everyone is interested in rushing to the endgame. This game is even easier to level than WoW and AoC...pretty sad.



Nothing is stopping you from staying at a planet. Stop doing space missions and PvP if it's really bugging you that much. If it's still bugging you, don't upgrade your gear. The only thing a XP on/off switch would really do in the end is make people crate tweeked level 49's with all the best crafted gear they can get and ruin lower level PvP. Sure they can just separate the Q's. But then you're asking them to do a lot of work for something extremely minor.


Yes I found leveling easy. Harder parts are generally group quests. Sometimes I would go solo the 2+ ones for a challenge if I really felt I was lacking one. Sometimes I would jump into a bigger group just to do it. I found my fun in the game.


You're also stating you're gone after you're out of content. Does this mean you leveled up each faction, did an easy mode Ops, cleared it and will now quit? Do you even know how MMO's work? While they can always put more content out, it has to have it's breaks. What you're saying by stating this is that you expect them release a full game inside of it for 15$ a month probably every two months. They're having enough trouble with the bugs. This is not a single player game. It has a very high single player feel to it. But it is not a single player game.


2) Shoulder-pad hide, glove hide: What? Did Rob Liefeld design this game 15 years ago? They look ridiculous. Obviously appearance-gear is required, as well....and not just old gear you liked the look of... a ton of appearance-only gear should be available, with the ability to change between looks with one click. There should be a design team that does nothing but create new looks all day, every day.


Can't say I've ever seen anyone complain about glove graphics. But some shoulder styes are quite bad. Problem being they're attached to the chest piece. Personally would like to see them added an item to slow down the speed at which people gear up.


3) Option to see or not see my companion with me on my mount. I'd like Vette to ride with me, not disappear when I mount up.


Do you really want Boonmark holding you around your waste as you speed-ish down the Imperial Fleet?


4) Full Graphics Optimization Tools: Every possible tweak that Nvidia & ATI offer should be available for custom settings. AA bar and all other sliders should show if it is 2x, 4x, 8x, 12x etc.


Not a programer but I can already see how that would be a programing nightmare. They allow what they can. More will come. But don't expect to see every option you see in your Nvidia display settings.


5) Better toon creation: More toon sizes to choose from, control of individual facial features (brow size, Nose size, angle etc.


Fully agree here. It is very lackluster. They'll have to add a "barbershop" as well otherwise people will QQ about having to reroll to get the look they want. And there are some people who will.


6) UI clarifications, since your video doesn't cover everything: I want Tooltips for gear stats and mods that can be opened as windows and stay open instead of just being able to mouse-over them. I'm tired of either writing down my mod stats or having to ctrl/r-click the modification dialogue to see them. As far as the UI goes, I want the ability to have as many UI items open as I want at any time, as well as the ability to re-size and move them anywhere I want etc. that has been demonstrated in the future updates video


I think most of that is coming, but I don't understand the tooltip one. You can't remember a couple numbers? And what are you comparing? There is an option to show mod stats when you hover over an item if you're talking about the mod window itself.


7) Player housing: See EQ2 for how it's done. Ships should also be customizable and I should be able to re-arrange a huge array of available furniture in them, decorate them and have a bunch of droids/pets running around.


It's on their "do it when we have time" list I believe. It's not on a priority list. I assume guild ships will come first.


8) True flying mounts, not just ones that hover...and available to everyone. Also many more mounts to choose from.


This KILLS exploration. No. They were fun in WoW for a while, but No. How often do you see fighting craft in the movies just flying around? Most of them are drop ships that don't stay long or in the battle long. The city ones do have traffic ways, but that could be more about how the city works than actual flying vehicles.


9) A third faction that truly plays on the margins: Bounty Hunters and Smugglers need their own home. This means a third starting area and attendant zones. Then I'll have 3 toons :)


Again you're asking for overall a whole new game. For 15$ a month. Hutts are the only ones who can fill the faction, but they are part of the current storyline. Adding them in as a faction would complicate things.


10) Market Search refinement. A world Market Search UI that keeps the search criteria I've last designated. For example: Let's say I just bought a bunch of gear and am now looking at Lightsabres. An email with money from a sale arrives and I decide to go get it and the gear I just bought, but I'm not done looking at Lightsabres yet. I have to go back and start the Lightsabre search all over again. Also, gear needs to be able to be sub-searched by slot. If I'm looking for gloves, I don't want to sort through boots.



They're working on remaking the GTN. I have not seen an ETA or what they will do yet.


There should be a search utility within the sale utility to find out what the current lowest price for any given item I'm posting is, so I don't have to look it up under "Buy" and click back and forth between Sell and Buy.


Part of playing the market is doing your homework. No reason they should give you the numbers. And those numbers are always changing. It's not needed.


When I try to set a price and clear out the unexplained auto-amount the Sales Dialogue displays for non-tooltipped reasons, it defaults to a "1". I don't want a friggin' "1", or any other number for that matter. I want it blank. Currently only high-lighting it will allow one to properly clear it out.


There is probably a bug(I know surprising) that happens when you try to put an item up with no price. I bet they'll fix it in the GTN revamp.




So out of all the standard market things this game lacks you want to see your companion on your mount(because you like wooly creatures holding on to you from behind). A whole new game within another faction. Them to make content as fast as you can complete it(because if they don't you're 15$ a month is gone, which I doubt pays for one hour of work). And overall a few more cosmetic things.

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[*]Guild Housing:

Capital Ship or not, we still need a place to call home and hold meetings in.. show your non-existing boss trophies and guild achievements.


My guild uses a very specific Moisture Farm on Tattooine from one of the bonus quests to hold meetings in. It's our Hall of Justice if you will. No one's ever there but us so it works out well. Trophies are for suckers though so we don't need em.

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Most of these things are already being looked at. I dont see how any of it is a missed opportunity. Lists like this really dont do much. Making a 100+ thread with a single complaint grabs the attention. A popular thread in the suggestion box will do so as well. This list is just random.
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I wouldn't be surprised if this thread was locked as it casts SWTOR in a negative light. Did Bioware work in an environment where they had no windows/doors/working internet/TV to see what their competitors were adding with great success?


Also they spent so much time on voice overs. Now for at least a year I see them adding things which have NOTHING to do with voice overs. Sad really.


It's unfortunate but I'm believing for SWTOR it will be 'to little to late'.

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I wouldn't be surprised if this thread was locked as it casts SWTOR in a negative light. Did Bioware work in an environment where they had no windows/doors/working internet/TV to see what their competitors were adding with great success?


Also they spent so much time on voice overs. Now for at least a year I see them adding things which have NOTHING to do with voice overs. Sad really.


It's unfortunate but I'm believing for SWTOR it will be 'to little to late'.


If the thread is locked, it will probably be due to useless posts like yours that criticize everything, offer no suggestions, AND bad mouth the game developers for no other reason than 'you felt like it'.


If you're not going to talk on topic, ****.

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The whole point of this thread is just to put up wish lists for things that we wish were in game. These lists don't require others to criticize or complain about them. If the game is perfect for you then don't bother replying at all.

Matter of fact if the game is perfect for you or you believe in Bioware's ability to deliver all your wishes within a reasonable timeframe why are you reading this thread at all?

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