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Use North/South/East/West Please


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Ain't that hard folks. Look at your minimap (which doesn't have a rotate option). Cardinal directions were invented so that ya newbs could orient yourself toward an accepted standard of direction.


For those of you with directional handicaps:

  • North is up,
  • West is left,
  • East is right,
  • South is down.

Learn it and use it instead of calling left/right. Spread the method in PvP til it catches (or until the TORtanic hits its iceberg). GGHF

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The majority of wz's I join use left/right over cardinal directions, I have seen more snafus caused by cardinal use than by left/right. It's my suggestion you adapt to the instance instead of trying to convince "noobs", who likely don't read this forum, to fall in line.
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Ain't that hard folks. Look at your minimap (which doesn't have a rotate option). Cardinal directions were invented so that ya newbs could orient yourself toward an accepted standard of direction.


For those of you with directional handicaps:

  • North is up,
  • West is left,
  • East is right,
  • South is down.

Learn it and use it instead of calling left/right. Spread the method in PvP til it catches (or until the TORtanic hits its iceberg). GGHF


If north is up, west is left, east is right and south is down... why not just say up, down, left and right?

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If north is up, west is left, east is right and south is down... why not just say up, down, left and right?


thats just as confusing as the left/ right debocle because its literaly the same thing.


if ur defending or ofending in voidstar for instance from ur respected starting area up down left right is relative to where u spawn from,


while cardinal directions inherently are relative to a map( a concrete relation) which makes it clearer and should cause less errors if used

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thats just as confusing as the left/ right debocle because its literaly the same thing.


if ur defending or ofending in voidstar for instance from ur respected starting area up down left right is relative to where u spawn from,


while cardinal directions inherently are relative to a map( a concrete relation) which makes it clearer and should cause less errors if used


So, the real problem is what people are using as reference, not what names they are using.

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There are people who use their map to know where they are in relation to others, and there are people who use their memory to do so. Left/right people know they went left on voidstar so when right is called they know where to go instantly, East/West requires people to look at their map before moving, or calling out what side they need help with. Left/Right is faster. Everyone knows what is meant when Left/Right/East/West is called, it means Help at the "other point"...so why don't we just change it to "Help" and that way you know if you are not being over run where you are, its the other point that needs help.
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I still don't see how that possibly could be easier than left and right. Not everyone is aware of which side they're spawning, north or south, so when someone says east they have to take into consideration that they might be looking down from the north which makes east left. Hence, it's easier to just say left or right since pretty much everyone understands that it's a reference to the spawn point and regardless of if the spawn point is located north or south.


More importantly, does it even matter? If someone says left and you can't grasp that the person is refering to left of the spawn....well...does that put you in a position to educate people on directions?

Edited by MidichIorian
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I havent gotten to Illum yet, is that where North and South would come in? On Alderaan, the little cap icon is left , right and middle, so in the groups we use that. When someone says east or west, there is a momentary pause to translate in teh mind ( I think NY/LA), but people still pretty much get it.


The only time I run into a problem is Voidstar. When Attacking and the door is in front of the spawn point,the way you are facing is thw direction called(left /right). When you are defending, the way you are facing when you exit the spawn point, and the direction the door is when its to your back is left right (reversed from attacking position). However here, people get confused between map direction and player facing the enemy direction. So if we use left, east, west or right, there is still confusion.


We need Ender Wiggin to come in and clear the whole thing up for everyone.

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If north is up, west is left, east is right and south is down... why not just say up, down, left and right?



Exactly. I don't really care what you call the doors, cap points, whatever but I gotta say that ppl who tell me "It's east and west. We're all grown-ups here" are just elitist.


Who cares if it's left, east, or pudding. It's just a directional label.


Also the reason you WOULD use NSEW is because some games the map rotates as our characters view does and left becomes right. In SWTOR the map(mini or main) doesn't actually rotate as you move. Makes it pretty easy to know the left and right sides of the map when the map directions are constant.

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So, the real problem is what people are using as reference, not what names they are using.


yes thats a very good way of puting it


the key is that NSEW isnt up for interpretation its always refering to the map


while left right up down is up to the interpretation of the listener


edit. it would be easy if everyone read the same pst and followed the rules that someone made but the fact is


you say in voidstar "left" is that the left door or left from the spawning point, i see people use both all the time

Edited by Cubertt
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So, the real problem is what people are using as reference, not what names they are using.


yes, the problem isthe names they are using. there has been a global standard for centuries.

if you cant use n/s/e/w. go get checked for downs, you may have it.


left/right is dependent on your n/s/e/w relation. so either give left/right based on only north.

or use the standard that has worked since before computers.

Edited by Padgemoe
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If north is up, west is left, east is right and south is down... why not just say up, down, left and right?


because if you are currently facing south left = east and right = west. That is if the player keys the direction not from the map but from their perceived charachter orientation at the moment or say from the drop into civil war that round (assuming they remember).


Therefore if you are the team heading south in civil war it can get confuzzling to noobs.


North is always north, south is always south, east is always east, west is always west. They do require player translation from their current orientation.


I always figured whichever is used those that didn't make it wouldn't have helped.

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I still don't think some even recognize what the issue is. Depending whether your Empire or Republic, the -mini map- will face different directions. One being different than the -full map-.


The problem arises when some people use the mini-map as reference, and others the full map. This can reverse the entire compass layout, and I believe in hutball even the full map is flipped, not sure though.


IMHO the callout should be from the full page map. Not from spawn, where if people are in the field and turned around have to stop and think about it. Not from the compass because of the flipping, and those of us who play both factions again have to analyze what they are talking about.


With the full page map you can appraise the situation quickly and see where everyone is at as you wait/run out of the spawn, no reason not to use that function.

Edited by Maxil
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