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Put colors on Voidstar doors


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While you're at it...


Remove the stupid starting video and speeder bike ride from the beginning and add a timer onto the spawn area door since it would just be nice to have an idea when they are going to open, instead of that circular second timer thing that tells you jack all.

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Remember that other game that did this? They did it for a reason.


No more calling left when you mean right. No more east when they mean west.


Do it, paint those doors. Inc "Red" "Blue" or "PInk" i dont care


Great idea please do it.

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While you're at it...


Remove the stupid starting video and speeder bike ride from the beginning and add a timer onto the spawn area door since it would just be nice to have an idea when they are going to open, instead of that circular second timer thing that tells you jack all.


Both are grand ideas. I can't count the number of times i've been stuck behind the screen thanks to talking to the vendor. Made me feel like the noob i am, and the noob i have become :cool:

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Remember that other game that did this? They did it for a reason.


No more calling left when you mean right. No more east when they mean west.


Do it, paint those doors. Inc "Red" "Blue" or "PInk" i dont care


Definitely agree with this. Far too many people calling left or right instead of East and West. Colours would make sence.


Simple fix to help teams coordinate. Would also be nice to get rid of the Intro sequence & Bike ride. Along with the -Press Space to Continue-

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Remember that other game that did this? They did it for a reason.


No more calling left when you mean right. No more east when they mean west.


Do it, paint those doors. Inc "Red" "Blue" or "PInk" i dont care


This should happen. One of them pink please.

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Great idea. Paint the turrets while you're at it. Nobody seems to be able to grasp east and west.


I am curious how many people realize that all three turrets in civil war are actually named, off the top of my head I can only remember that the one is the snow is the "Generator".


If you hover above the turrets at the top right corner it tells ya :D

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It depends on the server you're on.


On my server (Swiftsure) My team calls east and west. The pugs we have (some fail, some not) call left / right (the fails) and others call snow / grass (the not fails).


It just depends on how you understand. If someone calls left / right, i take it from how the minimap looks. If i'm wrong, then l2call out cardinal directions and make life easier. :cool:

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If you people want to live in ignorance and throw smart remarks like "look at ur map" "call it east west" feel free to.


The reality though is that a lot of people confuse these things. I dont know why, and I dont care why. What I do know is that fixing this "issue" is probably the simplest thing in videogame history thats why I am suggesting it.

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