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Stop adding content with with no system to give us access...


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Your internet search isn't quite accurate.


I'll help: Patch 3.3.0 released: 14 December 2009


So WoW, the biggest MMO out there, released this only 2 years ago.


Not that long ago (unless you're a toddler)




BW will have one in game probably patch 1.2

I saw the date mine was listed as Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): Looking for Group has been renamed to Dungeon Finder


In wowpedia http://www.wowpedia.org/Dungeon_Finder but wasnt sure if the date was written US or EU?

But we'll say 2 years, here we disagree....thats actually a long time in MMO world thats an entire expansion.

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I saw the date mine was listed as Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): Looking for Group has been renamed to Dungeon Finder


In wowpedia http://www.wowpedia.org/Dungeon_Finder but wasnt sure if the date was written US or EU?

But we'll say 2 years, here we disagree....thats actually a long time in MMO world thats an entire expansion.


Well in WoW terms, an entire xpac is only three tiers/raids (and 2 will be rehashed).


But that's off topic.

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You're right, which is why I never said this.


Would you like to talk to me, or the imaginary people in your head?


It was included in the Q & A questions answered on the 10th of Feb, because the big patch in March will include new FP's, OP, and class quests (to placate solo players.)


Which in my opinion is a waste of time at level cap because it will be burned through way to fast. Using less resources to create a solo version of FP's is a much better idea than scripting new class quests at level cap.


So before you insult someone you need to be aware of your facts.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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There is a system that gives you access to content... It's called chat. You know, talking to people? You might have heard of it.


Just because it doesn't set up the group for you, teleport you inside the instance and gives you perks for using it doesn't mean there isn't a system there. It just takes a few whispers and you have a group.


Which in my opinion is a waste of time at level cap because it will be burned through way to fast. Using less resources to create a solo version of FP's is a much better idea than scripting new class quests at level cap.


I actually love that idea.

Edited by Senatsu
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I might not take a covered wagon, but I'd surely take a train. Lots of people would, just for the scenery. Faster/more convenient does not always equal better.


Features like, as an example, "instant travel" in an MMO surely get me where I'm going faster, no doubt about it. But it also reduces the feel of size and scope in a game, and effectively reduces the game world to a series of hubs that the player has only to teleport between.


I'm not for dialing the clock back as far as whatever the equivalent of "covered wagons" would be in MMOs, but I definitely can do without some of the devices used to cater to the "instant gratification" crowd.


Fair enough!


But do you support tools to give everyone an opportunity to enjoy as much of the content as they would like to?

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Every big patch I see more and more content but many of us have no means to access the it.


Oh, give me a break. "no means to access the it?" Not only does that sound funny, it's just not true.


Sure, I'll give you that maybe, for some people, it can be difficult finding a group. It's not impossible, though... and if you're suggesting that the content they are adding, which I'm sure thousands and thousands of people are accessing, should be ripped out because *you* have some kind of grouping impairment...

Edited by Wekeltes
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How about this:


Personal accountability? You rolled a low pop server where you don't know anyone when you play off-times and complain that there is noone to play with. You don't want to join a guild.


BioWare can't idiot-proof the game around every person's poor choices.


Except most server's weren't as empty at release, and everyone flocking to the two high pop servers would definitely solve the problem and in no way create more.


Did you think that post through or just stick your head in the sand half way through?

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It was included in the Q & A questions answered on the 10th of Feb, because the big patch in March will include new FP's, OP, and class quests (to placate solo players.)


Which in my opinion is a waste of time at level cap because it will be burned through way to fast. Using less resources to create a solo version of FP's is a much better idea than scripting new class quests at level cap.


So before you insult someone you need to be aware of your facts.


In terms of resource-usage, making FP's soloable (with a team of your companions) does probably give more bang for your buck initially. I also like how it may give some players a chance to see more story when they never would otherwise. Balancing and maintaining two sets of FPs might be a lot of work though.


I will say that running things with your entire team gives a whole new dynamic and is really fun. One of the Trooper class missions has a bit of this element where you have all your companions active at once (not under your control though) and engaged in a firefight. Forgive the pun, but it was a blast!

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Fair enough!


But do you support tools to give everyone an opportunity to enjoy as much of the content as they would like to?


I dont think many people have issues with certain tools being added. I think the problem that you see is that people (myself included) do not like the "WE NEED X FEATURE NOW" or the "THE LACK OF X FEATURE SHOWS YOU THIS GAME SUCKS AND SO DOES ANYONE WHO DISAGREES" attitude.


The OP and many others on the forums come across with a "stop appeasing the most people possible and putting in new content when I am unhappy so address MY concerns now!" approach and that rubs many people the wrong way.


New game, initial stages, takes time, be patient, blah blah.


Endless vicious circle.

Edited by Saurakk
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I dont think many people have issues with certain tools being added. I think the problem that you see is that people (myself included) do not like the "WE NEED X FEATURE NOW" or the "THE LACK OF X FEATURE SHOWS YOU THIS GAME SUCKS AND SO DOES ANYONE WHO DISAGREES" attitude.


The OP and many others on the forums come across with a "stop appeasing the most people possible and putting in new content when I am unhappy so address MY concerns now!" approach and that rubs many people the wrong way.


New game, initial stages, takes time, be patient, blah blah.


Endless vicious circle.


Yeah, it can rub folks the wrong way and it does make it challenging to get passed the delivery to the actual content for sure. Kinda like eating a well prepared steak dinner off a garbage can lid (quoting Bill Cosby).

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Every big patch I see more and more content but many of us have no means to access the it.


Get a guild: Thats fine if you can find one, my server is pretty sparse


Make friends: Hard to make friends when you play off times and on top of that most people alt because spamming at the station for hours on end is not fun


You are lazy: Server pop is terrible, its not an issue of being lazy.


I get groups so easy: Congratulation?


It kills the community: Yes, I am sure the other 12 people on the station would go insane with rage.


At 50 you are lucky to get a single run each week. I would like to be able to play the game on my schedule, as would many others.


So you rolled on a low pop server, and you're playing off-peak hours... and complaining that you can't find groups..?! Classic.


There are high pop servers, and many of them have players from other countries that fill in the void for off-peak times. You made the decision to play where you would have the least contact with other players, and now Bioware should cater to you, why...?

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So you rolled on a low pop server, and you're playing off-peak hours... and complaining that you can't find groups..?! Classic.


There are high pop servers, and many of them have players from other countries that fill in the void for off-peak times. You made the decision to play where you would have the least contact with other players, and now Bioware should cater to you, why...?


Here's a thought... What if he chose a server during the release/holiday time frame, most servers had queues of varying lengths, right? Well, if I wasn't placed on one through my guild, which server would I have chosen at that point?


Not thinking about 2 months down the road, probably a Medium to Heavy, but not a queued one. So, now... guess what? The queued servers have a decent population, not huge and never a queue any more (save maybe 1 or 2), but the medium to Heavy's are all Light now all the time.


That spells trouble for those that need others to experience the second M in MMO.


Just a thought...

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Here's a thought... What if he chose a server during the release/holiday time frame, most servers had queues of varying lengths, right? Well, if I wasn't placed on one through my guild, which server would I have chosen at that point?


Not thinking about 2 months down the road, probably a Medium to Heavy, but not a queued one. So, now... guess what? The queued servers have a decent population, not huge and never a queue any more (save maybe 1 or 2), but the medium to Heavy's are all Light now all the time.


That spells trouble for those that need others to experience the second M in MMO.


Just a thought...


Which would be why I purposely made sure I was playing on one of the servers with queues. Having a queue over a holiday is a small price to pay for making sure you're not going to be on an empty server. I also play a lot of off-peak times, so I made sure that I was going to be on one of the "unofficial" oceanic servers.


He made poor choices. I can relate, because I've been "stuck" on a low pop server before, but that is no reason to saddle the game with an random cross-server instant group finder.


The current LFG system needs HUGE improvements. But taking it to that extreme would be worse.

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Which would be why I purposely made sure I was playing on one of the servers with queues. Having a queue over a holiday is a small price to pay for making sure you're not going to be on an empty server. I also play a lot of off-peak times, so I made sure that I was going to be on one of the "unofficial" oceanic servers.


He made poor choices. I can relate, because I've been "stuck" on a low pop server before, but that is no reason to saddle the game with an random cross-server instant group finder.


The current LFG system needs HUGE improvements. But taking it to that extreme would be worse.


You may be right. Chalk this one up to HIS lesson in server choices and their long term consequences! :)

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Yes flush all the work you've done on your current toon because Bioware can't provide character transfers. Or a LFD tool.


So what happens if the server he transfers to also turns into a ghost town? What happens to all the other suckers stuck on light servers? There sure are ALOT of them.


Bioware has already mentioned they are adding cross server ques and a new LFD tool. It's been posted all over these forums, l2r?

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