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I always laugh when people reminisce about EQ1. Had horrible death penalty, vague quests, no add ons, no maps, crappy travel, no LFG tools per say other than /shout...


People did not whine in that game for subjective game improving features because we did not know any better and amazingly still made due and enjoyed ourselves.


I long for those times where people just played the game that was in front of them as provided.


You either enjoyed yourself or you moved on.


Oh the simpler times of the past without the entitlement mentality.


Right, but the player base of these types of games really took off once some features and content were added.


Also, I bet you wouldn't take a covered wagon trip from NY to LA even though back in the 1800's folks did that very thing (because, as you said, they didn't know any better - or there was no choice). I am guessing if you had a choice today, you would take the fastest, most direct route possible (most likely by air).

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Right, but the player base of these types of games really took off once some features and content were added.


Also, I bet you wouldn't take a covered wagon trip from NY to LA even though back in the 1800's folks did that very thing (because, as you said, they didn't know any better - or there was no choice). I am guessing if you had a choice today, you would take the fastest, most direct route possible (most likely by air).


Your missing the point. The game is still playable and many things that players DEMAND are not necessary and can be worked around until they are possibly put in at a later date.


And no, you are wrong with your analogy. If a covered wagon was my only choice of travel offered by a company...I would either look for a different company or find a different route.


I would not demand the covered wagon business to facilitate my desired mode of travel if it was not offered.


See the commonality here?

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Make friends: Hard to make friends when you play off times and on top of that most people alt because spamming at the station for hours on end is not fun


If you're playing during off times try rolling on a regional server where their peak times are in line with your playtimes. I used to be in the same boat back when I played FFXI but thankfully there was a large JP population that played during the hour bracket that I was able to play.


Just check the server list during the hours that you normally play and roll on one that is heavy. If there aren't any you could wait til March if we have access to the new servers.

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Wow, so much hate. As far as the OP's post about wanting to do a group when he could, I feel he, like many other players would like to get on the game and join a group with relative ease rather than have to wait till the weekend when more players are on, or later in the night because they just can't find anyone. This game does need a LFG tool whether you all agree it does or not. The game just doesn't support the amount of people required to just post in a LFG channel and get a group. Unfortunately that's just how it is at this point. You can argue all you want as to why its a bad idea or by saying hey I get groups just fine screw you, etc. You are really making yourselves look worse than the people who are complaining they can't get groups when they might actually have only a couple hours to play each day.


And also I love this game, and will probably be playing a very long time. But I have to say you guys act like you're trying to defend this game against everyone who says anything remotely negative but you're really not helping it at all. You are giving the impression to people who aren't 100 percent happy that you don't want to see things get better, or even giving the impression that the vast majority of players think things are ok. And when the player base starts dropping more, there won't be many people to group up with at all.


I'm fine with waiting for this game to implement those features, and I'm not one of the people threatening to leave this game because I don't get my way. But I feel like the community should be able to vent and responded to constructively. I fear there are way too many douche bags making the worries of many worse. Just calm down people and let other paying customers gripe about things that really do need to be fixed. If you truly love this game them that shouldn't bother you and I'm sure Bioware are just as well aware of the people who enjoy the game as the people who don't

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But an MMO WILL NEVER appeal to players who've chosen to treat it as a single player game. It WILL NEVER appeal to players unwilling to adapt in the slightest in order to conform to the community.




Because to be perfectly honest, actual MMO gameplay isn't all that interesting.


I agree that players unwilling to conform to group content will never conform. Community & group content are different things. The GTN is community based, players chat in general and start conversions at random. I had one today while on the ballonn waiting to get the datacron on Tatooine and he was playing solo. Everytime you enter a WZ and one player gives out a strategy and players follow it to the best of their ability....thats community.


I disagree that MMO gameplay isnt interesting, I would rather grind dungeons than daily quests any day of the week. I find gear progression very interesting, multiply that by 6 companions and i'll be interested for quite some time.

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If you're playing during off times try rolling on a regional server where their peak times are in line with your playtimes. I used to be in the same boat back when I played FFXI but thankfully there was a large JP population that played during the hour bracket that I was able to play.


That is appreciative constructive advice, but honestly why should anyone have to leave a server where they might have a couple friends, or hell they just leveled their character a bit high, just to find groups?


I am aware there really isn't any other option at this time so that might be a necessary result however its also very wrong that anyone should feel forced to do that.


Bioware needs to implement AT LEAST a world LFG chat, and at most a LFG tool of some kind. I am really tired of seeing content catered to people already at level 50, in large guilds doing raids and FPs when a large majority of players can't even find a group.

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Your missing the point. The game is still playable and many things that players DEMAND are not necessary and can be worked around until they are possibly put in at a later date.


And no, you are wrong with your analogy. If a covered wagon was my only choice of travel offered by a company...I would either look for a different company or find a different route.


I would not demand the covered wagon business to facilitate my desired mode of travel if it was not offered.


See the commonality here?


I am not referring to a comparison of covered wagon to planes, but rather the time and features (technology) that exists now that was not available in the past. Speaking of your comparison to EQ1 and the "glory days" <--- my words, not yours. :)


Airplane travel is pretty standard now, thus traveling over large distances by covered wagon would seem a little silly (while it was THE mode of travel at a particular point in the past).


Air travel has opened up the tourism and travel industry exponentially, thus more people are able to enjoy it, whereas, back in the 1800s travel was very limited and took forever, so less people did it. So, to get back to gaming and MMO's in particular... MMO's attracted a much larger player base once their technology/features and content appealed to more people.


That's the question now. Does SW have the content and features to attract and retain the most people in this genre?

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Again a terrible assumption, there is a great little Italian restaraunt that my wife I have been eating at for years. The head chef always comes out to greet us at the end of our meal, sometimes I order from the menu but other times I will come up with a dish and ask if he can prepare it for me. Guess what? he's more than happy to oblige...why? because he values loyal customers.


You wont know if you dont ask.




Terrible analogy.


1. The Restaraunt industry is not the gaming industry

2. Cooking a dish from pre-prepped materials to order takes ...15-20 minutes? Coding in new single player content takes how long?

3. A restaraunt needs to keep between hundreds and thousands of people happy, MMO's cater to hundreds OF thousands if not millions, you can't get your personal touch in that situation, sorry.

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Wow, so much hate. As far as the OP's post about wanting to do a group when he could, I feel he, like many other players would like to get on the game and join a group with relative ease rather than have to wait till the weekend when more players are on, or later in the night because they just can't find anyone. This game does need a LFG tool whether you all agree it does or not. The game just doesn't support the amount of people required to just post in a LFG channel and get a group. Unfortunately that's just how it is at this point. You can argue all you want as to why its a bad idea or by saying hey I get groups just fine screw you, etc. You are really making yourselves look worse than the people who are complaining they can't get groups when they might actually have only a couple hours to play each day.


And also I love this game, and will probably be playing a very long time. But I have to say you guys act like you're trying to defend this game against everyone who says anything remotely negative but you're really not helping it at all. You are giving the impression to people who aren't 100 percent happy that you don't want to see things get better, or even giving the impression that the vast majority of players think things are ok. And when the player base starts dropping more, there won't be many people to group up with at all.


I'm fine with waiting for this game to implement those features, and I'm not one of the people threatening to leave this game because I don't get my way. But I feel like the community should be able to vent and responded to constructively. I fear there are way too many douche bags making the worries of many worse. Just calm down people and let other paying customers gripe about things that really do need to be fixed. If you truly love this game them that shouldn't bother you and I'm sure Bioware are just as well aware of the people who enjoy the game as the people who don't


I task you with looking for when the first LFG tool was introduced to MMOs.

It is coming to SWTOR, but the tool is still relatively new to MMOs in general. (unless I'm missing something)

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Bioware needs to implement AT LEAST a world LFG chat, and at most a LFG tool of some kind. I am really tired of seeing content catered to people already at level 50, in large guilds doing raids and FPs when a large majority of players can't even find a group.

Sadly I see this situation getting worse with the advent of a guild summit

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Terrible analogy

2. Cooking a dish from pre-prepped materials to order takes ...15-20 minutes? Coding in new single player content takes how long?

Not as long as you think, the scripting already exists for the scenery. Only the boss mechanics and the loot needs to be changed. That will certainly take less time than it will for them to create half a dozen new class quests that will last a few hours and needs to be scripted from scratch.


Dont forget Blizz did it when they were desperate, we got SFK, Deadmines, ZA & ZG. Because it was faster and cheaper than creating from scratch.


Recreating current Flashpoints to allow solo play with 3 companions as well as group play would use very little resources.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Every big patch I see more and more content but many of us have no means to access the it.


Get a guild: Thats fine if you can find one, my server is pretty sparse


Make friends: Hard to make friends when you play off times and on top of that most people alt because spamming at the station for hours on end is not fun


You are lazy: Server pop is terrible, its not an issue of being lazy.


I get groups so easy: Congratulation?


It kills the community: Yes, I am sure the other 12 people on the station would go insane with rage.


At 50 you are lucky to get a single run each week. I would like to be able to play the game on my schedule, as would many others.


Another masked "make this a lobby game" request.


What server/faction do you play so I can come see how bad it is and why not just ask for open transfers? I think you likely wan't a CoD style lobby no matter how many people are on your server. Anyway, what server/faction so I can come see the horror and thanks in advance.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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I task you with looking for when the first LFG tool was introduced to MMOs.

It is coming to SWTOR, but the tool is still relatively new to MMOs in general. (unless I'm missing something)


The first tool that auto created groups was in patch 3.3.0 that was August 2009


Prior to that there had been a couple of designs but they didnt create groups for you.


So yeah its been around a while, not really new.

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Resources I don't want to spare on people in the wrong genre. It's absurd.


So instead you support them using an even greater amount of resources to script entire new content to continue class quests beyond level cap that will be consumed within hours of release.


Thats absurd.

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Right, but the player base of these types of games really took off once some features and content were added.


Also, I bet you wouldn't take a covered wagon trip from NY to LA even though back in the 1800's folks did that very thing (because, as you said, they didn't know any better - or there was no choice). I am guessing if you had a choice today, you would take the fastest, most direct route possible (most likely by air).


I might not take a covered wagon, but I'd surely take a train. Lots of people would, just for the scenery. Faster/more convenient does not always equal better.


Features like, as an example, "instant travel" in an MMO surely get me where I'm going faster, no doubt about it. But it also reduces the feel of size and scope in a game, and effectively reduces the game world to a series of hubs that the player has only to teleport between.


I'm not for dialing the clock back as far as whatever the equivalent of "covered wagons" would be in MMOs, but I definitely can do without some of the devices used to cater to the "instant gratification" crowd.

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I think you meant to say, "The world revolves around me, everyone. Act accordingly BioWare."


Customers have different needs. I bet there is a fair number of players who won't/don't raid or do flashpoints or maybe even pvp, and need more solo/questing content to keep them interested.


I don't raid or even do flashpoints because with my RL commitments I never know when I can get even 30 minutes of uninterrupted playtime (I tried to play through that in WoW, and it was ridiculously stressful so no more). I also refuse to PvP in this game after the Ilum Battlemaster fiasco and no rollback. Competitive environment with no integrity? Then no participation.

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The first tool that auto created groups was in patch 3.3.0 that was August 2009


Prior to that there had been a couple of designs but they didnt create groups for you.


So yeah its been around a while, not really new.


Your internet search isn't quite accurate.


I'll help: Patch 3.3.0 released: 14 December 2009


So WoW, the biggest MMO out there, released this only 2 years ago.


Not that long ago (unless you're a toddler)




BW will have one in game probably patch 1.2

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So instead you support them using an even greater amount of resources to script entire new content to continue class quests beyond level cap that will be consumed within hours of release.


Thats absurd.


You're right, which is why I never said this.


Would you like to talk to me, or the imaginary people in your head?

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Congrats on not reading dev posts. They are working on a looking for group mechanic. There will even be a cross server warzone mechanic.


I'll now let you go back to blindly raging about things you refuse to bother researching.

Edited by Tamanous
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