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Hmm, i get resists when dots thick, or sometimes a spell. If i have 3 dots on a player, and they all thick, sometimes a thick is resisted.


Well, first of all i had to put points on skills that boost weaken mind because i had to get to the next tier, and there were no other skills that could help me.

Second of all, i use weaken mind on melee only if there is just one on me.

Third, i use weaken mind on all ranged classes so i can get the medal for 10/25 kills.




Now, a new question for you.


In a few days i will be to able to buy/change the gear and mods that i need for end game. (i focus only on pvp)


The questions is how should my stats look ? for seer and full balance spec.

How much crit, how much surge, how much power should i have ?


I have about 570 power, 73.5% surge and 35% crit selfbuffed. Alacrity sits at 6.5%, Hp I think around 16500?, 10.5% expertise. I think these are pretty good ratios for pvp. I'd go for crit/surge mods until you reach anywhere between 250-350 rating, then go for power alacrity or crit alacrity, depending on what's your preference.


Personally i really enjoy my high crit values, allthough I can understand others favor higher power values.

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What will be your rated WZ spec? 31 Balance?


Tbh we don't have ALOT of details on rated WZ yet. However I would think that this implies you'll be premade versus premade.


In this scenario:


* You either wanna be a really good heal spec, or a dps spec that doesn't go oom.


Imagine a voidstar where you get permahealed. IF you DONT have the regen on crit talent, you'll run out of force like a wet noodle. Sure I hear people say force management bla bla. Force management means lowering your dps output too. I really suggest going at least 1/2 or 2/2 [16-17 points into TK] to make sure you can dps NON-STOP.


Personally, I feel like these specs might be really good:


  1. 7-17-17
  2. 27-0-14
  3. 2-21-18
  4. 0-25-16
  5. full Seer


7-17-17 is going to be good, because it offers really good aoe damage, you don't dry out on force, and 1/2 forcelift is enough in group fights.


27-0-14: I really enjoy this build because it does alot of things: You don't run out force because of noble sacrifise [i have 2 rakata pieces for -1.5s cd on healing trance, and I hardly feel I can't heal anyone up without salvation, nor do I run out of force], you can put out reasonabe damage which is important if you need to solo someone or solocap a node. Since dots are going to be nerfed so they can't stop capping, it's really nice to have FiB and unlimited casts on your telek throw.


2-21-18: well.. This is the utility belt spec. Mental alacrity, stunning bubble, instant force lift, good damage. I really like this build for when you have to solo queue. In group queue it has its merrits too, for tight situations [popping mental alacrity makes you for 20s a bonafide healer with 1.8s cast time deliverance]


0-25-18: It's a good alternative to the psychic suffision build. It offers more utility at the expense of some damage.


Full healer: DUH


Builds I didn't include and which I won't use frequently: full balance, 0-13-28, full TK. Reasons being that I feel all of these builds leave you out of force in long fights, and since we're talking rated warzones, it's not uncommon to litterary have fights take minutes. You don't wanna sit there just spamming telek throw with no force for anything else,...


Hope this helps

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27-0-14: I really enjoy this build because it does alot of things: You don't run out force because of noble sacrifise [i have 2 rakata pieces for -1.5s cd on healing trance, and I hardly feel I can't heal anyone up without salvation, nor do I run out of force], you can put out reasonabe damage which is important if you need to solo someone or solocap a node. Since dots are going to be nerfed so they can't stop capping, it's really nice to have FiB and unlimited casts on your telek throw.


Any chance you happen to have a link to this spec on Torhead? This was actually what I have been trying to play around with for my sage. So would love to see where I should be looking as a starter. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Now that we know Rated WZ will only allow for 4 pre made, what are best DPS specs for PuG players and pre made players?


For a premade, i think the selection is rather narrow. You`ll want a spec that puts out either ALOT of dps or ALOT of healing.


Personally Im heavily leaning trowards 7-16-18 OR 0-24-17 OR 2-21-18 OR Seer full. All these builds have high force regen and great damage output in common. Only difference is that the latter two offer a bit more utility and lose a bit damage output.


I don`t really like the heavy balance builds with TK wave for the simple reason that I dont ever wanna stop in pvp. I like perament good force pool. Also your role is utility + dps. There are many classes that can put out beter efficient dps then us, but none rival our total package when played correctly.


For solo pug queue Id never go full healing, for the simple reason that even if you heal noobs, they still wont kill anything. As a dps you can at least take matters into own hands and focus the right targets, or often solo an objective -.-


If you do want healing, I really like the seer hybrids such as 27-0-14 OR 21-2-18.


For dps specs, refer to above, All of these are really good for solo queue. Balance could be a great option for solo queue too, since its the best 1v1 spec out there.

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For a premade, i think the selection is rather narrow. You`ll want a spec that puts out either ALOT of dps or ALOT of healing.


Personally Im heavily leaning trowards 7-16-18 OR 0-24-17 OR 2-21-18 OR Seer full. All these builds have high force regen and great damage output in common. Only difference is that the latter two offer a bit more utility and lose a bit damage output.


I don`t really like the heavy balance builds with TK wave for the simple reason that I dont ever wanna stop in pvp. I like perament good force pool. Also your role is utility + dps. There are many classes that can put out beter efficient dps then us, but none rival our total package when played correctly.


For solo pug queue Id never go full healing, for the simple reason that even if you heal noobs, they still wont kill anything. As a dps you can at least take matters into own hands and focus the right targets, or often solo an objective -.-


If you do want healing, I really like the seer hybrids such as 27-0-14 OR 21-2-18.


For dps specs, refer to above, All of these are really good for solo queue. Balance could be a great option for solo queue too, since its the best 1v1 spec out there.


A few questions, what exactly is your 7-16-18? Would you mind putting what your page looks like? I imagine you are going 1/2 in effusion in lieu of insta cyclone? I mean I switched to 7-17-17 yesterday and I am greatly saddened by not having that insta-cyclone but I'm not sure if this is a playstyle thing or not.

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A few questions, what exactly is your 7-16-18? Would you mind putting what your page looks like? I imagine you are going 1/2 in effusion in lieu of insta cyclone? I mean I switched to 7-17-17 yesterday and I am greatly saddened by not having that insta-cyclone but I'm not sure if this is a playstyle thing or not.




A case could be made for 1/3 upheaval and 2/2 pinning resolve. I`m sure the extra -10s on your stun could potentially be pivotal. However I use project ALOT in warzones, and often the two rocks are just enough to finish a runner. So I guess I`d miss it.


You don`t ever need 2/2 effusion. With 1/2 you are never out of force. The only bummer is that you lose a -5s cd on your force sprint, which would be the only reason I`d pick it up in a more heavy TK build.


I personally concur with what you say about 7-17-17. I have tried this build. However you are essentially exchanging a 5s cd reduction on force sprint for a -1s stun timer on lift + a 1s cast time. It`s not like 1s CAST time LOOKS like alot, but trust me it is. The whole point is that it FORCES you to STAND STILL and cast.


Whenever I dropped to -1s cast time on forcelift, I felt as if I might have aswell take 0 points in it. After all kenetic colapse 3s mezz in lieu alows for a free cast on your target and enough escape time. But again, you`re standing still. You can also get interrupted. One might argue thats a good thing cse then you can heal or do other stuff, but if you have a jugg pounding on your face and your low, you really dont want anything to block your escape, trust me -.-


Another scenario: someone crosses fire in Hutball: bam, auto 3 ticks of fire. Another one: heal interrupt. Another one: 1v2 situation. Are these times you really want to stand still and CAST that lift, even if it`s activation time is <1s?

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Good insights Elrath.


I was personally leaning towards the 7-17-17 as well, choosing the 2/2 in Effusion because of the force regen.


But if you really never go OOF with 1/2 effusion, then the choice for insta-CC is clear.

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Another thing: how much more useful is 2/2 Telekinetic Defense over 2/2 Disturb Mind?


I know Telekinetc Def is great, obviously. Force Armor absorbs a lot and this makes it absorb even more.


With longer uptime for Weaken Mind from Disturb Mind tho, don't you get more chance to proc Psychic Projection? The dual-dipping or even a single short duration Tele Throw is quite powerful and might also give more chances for PoM procs.


But this is just speculation. Since the Psychic Project proc can only occur every 10 seconds, I don't know how useful the prolonged duration of Weaken Mind really is.

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Another thing: how much more useful is 2/2 Telekinetic Defense over 2/2 Disturb Mind?


I know Telekinetc Def is great, obviously. Force Armor absorbs a lot and this makes it absorb even more.


With longer uptime for Weaken Mind from Disturb Mind tho, don't you get more chance to proc Psychic Projection? The dual-dipping or even a single short duration Tele Throw is quite powerful and might also give more chances for PoM procs.


But this is just speculation. Since the Psychic Project proc can only occur every 10 seconds, I don't know how useful the prolonged duration of Weaken Mind really is.


I would never make that trade-off to begin with. If you`re contemplating picking disturb mind, then just ditch 2 points into reduced forced cost. You`ll still never oom because of your insane high regen as TK hybrid. However, the extra duration also has it`s downsides, such as being a mezz breaker. I personally feel like weaken mind has allready a long enough duration enough to begin with, and since dots no longer interrupt capping I feel this becomes more and more a lackluster talent.

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How can a long time pve player learn to pvp from scratch? How do I learn pvp type movement, control, etc, and which is most important to focus on first? (Currently I use keybindings but mostly move with the mouse and auto run.)


Start an alt same AC and PvP! Sorcerer/Sage get most of the key talents early -especially if you spec hybrid which is the best PvP build now and after 1.2.

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Over the course of the next weeks I`ll be trying some specs solo queue and premade to test its effectiveness POST 1.2. I dont account for the small loss in damage with the balance tree small nerfs. The rule is not to abuse your project to cast wave.\


This is the first spec I`m trying:




After testing:


In PUG`s averaging about 400-500k damage with a little heal. In Premades the effective kills and damage really drops because everyone targets me and my dots get perma dispelled.

Edited by Elrathion
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How can a long time pve player learn to pvp from scratch? How do I learn pvp type movement, control, etc, and which is most important to focus on first? (Currently I use keybindings but mostly move with the mouse and auto run.)


Learn by getting out there. Don`t be afraid to get embarassed. I remember running in the same sith 10x and losing when I just started, only to finally nail what I did wrong and wreck him over and over.


Read the forums alot, get the right spec, the right rotations, the right mods, enhancements, ... Experiment, try builds out, learn the cooldowns of yourself and others, learn what to interrupt, ...

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This build turns out to be amazingly good even post patch. Great CC great interrupt, nice healing potential and damage.


Game of testing:


Voidstar, PUG: damage 420k, healing done: 130k, 1 minute left on the clock win. Overal, seems very viable to play post 1.2


I do see that you're taking TK Wave and Tidal force still. This was something I considered after seeing the 1.2 patch notes, simply inserting disturbance into the rotation whenever I had a PoM proc and MC was on CD (when I normally would have inserted TK Wave), and then using TK Wave whenever TF procced. Is this what you do with that particular spec, or does it use a different play style altogether?


Have really loved reading through this thread BTW.

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