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Why not a SWG 2 instead of a similar Kotor 3?


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Forgetting the bugs and how SOE handled SW:G the game didn't appeal to the average Star Wars Fan. Which was what they were hoping for. They wanted you to live a life in the Star Wars Universe. Which at first sounded appealing and drew in quite a few people. (Been looking for the numbers of the initial sales and how many active subscribers the game had since then but can't find it). To my recollection they lost over 1/2 that number after the free month (as I said I'm still looking for actual numbers so my average can be off).


I look back at SW:G and think you can be a moisture farmer... ... ... yea? When they introduced Jedi I was like... So where did they appear from? You see when you stick a game in a timeline like they did with SW:G the fans get kinda picky. If they had somehow established it as some kind of AU Star Wars Universe then people would react differently also they'd have more freedom to do something more interesting.


Now the main reason why I stopped playing SW:G was that I was bored. People talk about nothing to do here but there REALLY was nothing to do there. I mean come on if a player don't step up and come up with something to do you had absolutely nothing to do. The average player don't come up with great concepts. Think Star Craft. With all the player made maps most were CRAP. Only a few gems. Most of the great maps were designed by Blizzard. When it came down to it SW:G had an interesting idea that would appeal to a small population and it wasn't implemented in the best of ways.

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You can like SWG, but from a commercial point of view, it was at least deceiving. And we have to remember that every MMO seeks to make money and anything else.


So make a seconds part of a game that was mostly a failure dont have much sense.

Edited by Shaligal
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Completely agree with OP, for the people who doesn't understand and say SWG failed (which it did after NGE/CU). The genre(sandbox) can be worked out so good that such a game will be the new standard for MMORPGS. SWG had a lot of good and fun stuff to do but the gameplay wasn't super. Op is very much right about this.


And for the people who say WoW had a lot more subscribers.

Sandbox or themepark doesn't ONLY decide if its a good game or not. SWG was a sandbox that had its limits in many departments but it was fun because of the sandbox and sociable feeling. Wow is so good because its just a fun and social game that is addictive gear, content and gameplay wise. But i still missed some of that sandbox feeling in WoW, but because of the goodness of the game it doesn't matter to much.


(My OPINION about SWTOR is that has its limits/bugs and shortcomings in all departments, is a liniar railtrack in a themepark, horrible gameplay, is not innovative and has no soul.)

Edited by Rigota
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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


Get over it. SWG was so effing broken in so many ways no one sane would try and repeat that insanity. Drop your nostalgia and come into the real world, half the crap you people have been polluting the forums about for over a year were just lame ploys to allow you to entertain yourselves while they invested the minimum possible to develop the game.


They call a sandbox a sandbox for a reason. It is a low cost way to let people do silly things all day long with the idea they are being "free" and "creative". I'd rather have a game with "content" and "development".

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Get over it. SWG was so effing broken in so many ways no one sane would try and repeat that insanity. Drop your nostalgia and come into the real world, half the crap you people have been polluting the forums about for over a year were just lame ploys to allow you to entertain yourselves while they invested the minimum possible to develop the game.


They call a sandbox a sandbox for a reason. It is a low cost way to let people do silly things all day long with the idea they are being "free" and "creative". I'd rather have a game with "content" and "development".


Can you understand I'm speaking bout IDEAS of Star wars galaxies? I don't mind if it was full of bugs!

And anyway this doesn't mean they couldn't do a BETTER second version.

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Can you understand I'm speaking bout IDEAS of Star wars galaxies? I don't mind if it was full of bugs!

And anyway this doesn't mean they couldn't do a BETTER second version.


Don't bother. He's one of those that freedom is wasted on. He just doesn't get IT.

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There are a few features from SWG which would do this game wonders.


The day someone manages to combine the freedom of a sandbox without the mindless grinding to keep the casuals happy it'll be a big success. I love the sandbox style and I loved SWG, but it did have its problems and it was lucky to have survived as long as it did.


And hey Shuno, we were from CBV North of Promethius on Lok ;)

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SWG really didn't fail. They made huge mistakes with all the Jedi stuffs etc. But anyway I'm not saying SWG is the perfect game..it's more about the genre of game.


It did fail, and it failed harder post CU/NGE. Even one of their senior devs admits it. The SWG fanboys live in a world of SWG tinted spectacles however.


That said, BioWare could have implemented more sandbox features.

Edited by Mandrax
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Well we will see how this game is doing once Guild Wars 2, Tera, Secret World and Archeage are out.


Exactly. I just don't see how SWTOR can sustain a high sub rate. Everything about the endgame has been beaten to death already by other games. I would imagine they will lose alot of people once more innovative games are released.

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It did fail, and it failed harder post CU/NGE. Even one of their senior devs admits it. The SWG fanboys live in a world of SWG tinted spectacles however.


It's not a question of whether it failed. It was obviously losing subs rapidly.


The question is "why?"


Some people maintain that it's because gamers don't like sanbox gameplay. Which doesn't explain the popularity of Minecraft, Elder Scrolls, etc.


Others think the game failed because of balance and technical glitches, along with not really providing what was expected of the "Star Wars" brand. I'm more inclined to this position, myself.

Edited by marshalleck
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while SWG let poepel do waht tehy wanted there really no direction or reason to do anyhting. in SWTOR you have a reason why you doing things, kill guy X, save X, you have a long term goal in mind.


i was in SWG when it came out and i roamed aorund fun a good place to vll and stared my grind to get a jedi. after that i likely been ok did it..now what? would been bored once i was done. really no reason long term to do anyhting beside just for kicks.


Yeah, SW:TOR is like getting in your car (assuming you can drive :cool:) driving down the road, going basically where the road leads you. Not having the freedom to turn off down a side street when it suits you. Only to get to a 'T' junction, and given a choice of left or right..... ummmm.. both turns bring me to the same place.... Feels like being on one of the tour buses, I was on once in Paris, after an hour I said to our lass 'Get up we're getting of to explore on our own', 'I hate being taken where the driver takes us....'


SWG was awesome for it's time.. pre Jedi village.. best commnity ever.... and good emmersion.


Hope Tera or GW2 delivers!

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Heh 60,000 subscribers were still paying before NGE "killed" SWG and that was what Sony would admit, let's not forget they have a history of exaggerating subscriber numbers for their awful products. The internet is a strange place, a terrible, broken game launches and everybody quits because it's a truly terrible effort at software. Yet if the company that is haemorrhaging money running the terrible product tries to change it and resuscitate it's fading form all those internet crazies who had already quit start screaming about the wonders of the old version of the game that so very few people could stomach.


I don't know what the Kool-Aid they handed out in the SWG fans line-up contained, but the people who drank it wound up with all kinds of crazy. There will never be a sequel, Lucas won't fund another catastrophe like that. They spent enough time being a laughing stock over the first SWG and most of their efforts at electronic entertainment since.

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Well we will see how this game is doing once Guild Wars 2, Tera, Secret World and Archeage are out.


I don't know how big a dent they'll put in TOR.


-GW2 doesn't have a subscription, I know I'll be playing both games

-Tera looks like a good game but does not appeal to me and many others because it's a very Korean fantasy game

-Secret World could be a contender, provided is devs deliver, but I don't think it will draw too many people away, again due to setting and it being kinda more obscure to the masses in general

-Archeage... don't remember this one, but I think it's another Asian style fantasy game? Same would go for what I said about Tera


This game has two big things going for it as far as profit is concerned:


-It's a Star Wars game, that alone is enough to retain a number of people whilst drawing in new ones solely due to the IP

-It's very casual and accessible, meaning it won't scare off people new to the genre


The only people I can see leaving in favor of those games are a big number of hardcore MMOers. And I do see casual players like myself coming and going - I don't think many people will have subs running for very long periods of time at a stretch but will be playing on and off.


Of course, this requires Bioware to be alert and work hard towards mending the games issues and releasing new content regularly.


Just my opinion on the matter, treat it as such :D


As for the original question: Does anyone know Bioware to be a sandbox game developer? The game is pretty much as expected, with whatever merits and faults this entails.

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Impossible to play a game for 8 years when it came out in 2003 and died in 2005. NGE is not and never will be SWG.


you probally wont see this since its so many pages away, but the stuff they added in the last years was a ton of fun. I played from the begining till the end.


Personally never cared to be a jedi when i first started and I think the NGE was implemented poorly but that game was still good.


Think about how a small a thing like traveling around at 360 degrees in any direction and multiple cities on planets impacts immersion. I knew alot of SWG stuff would not carry over to TOR but i did not realize that something like that was going to be gone. That is the kind of stuff that was taken for granted in SWG.


Sure they had an awesome system but TOR is like NGE x 10000 with even less options.

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The game as it was earlier last year was the best shape it had ever been in. It really couldnt be classed as NGE as you know it.


It basically had everything this game has (without the voice acting) plus tons of everything else.


What made SWG great was that it had no endgame and i mean that in the sense of there was no end of game it was limitless.


In SWTOR you can easily see the end of the tracks.




That is exactly what SWTOR should have been.


Sandbox/themepark.... it's all meaningless, the only relevant thing is good, functional, fun game design!

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Actually they had 750k till wow launched then it fell too 375k. The cu took it to 180k and the nge took it to 30k.


Swtor will be sitting around 300k in a few months. This game just has no depth and the nature of fully voice overing will make it hard to add content. I was stupid and got a 3 month sub not realizing how shallow and linear this game is past 30. At 40 i stopped logging in.. This game is garbage.


SWG was garbage. I tried it out, didn't even make it a week because the game was just pure trash.


Unless you were a hardcore role player, the game didn't even make sense. There's a reason it failed, and a reason why SWTOR will retain far more subs than SWG ever had.




I can't watch this without laughing LOL

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SWG was garbage. I tried it out, didn't even make it a week because the game was just pure trash.


Unless you were a hardcore role player, the game didn't even make sense. There's a reason it failed, and a reason why SWTOR will retain far more subs than SWG ever had.




I can't watch this without laughing LOL





When 800 years old YOU are, look so good you will not :csw_yoda:

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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


Because this isn't swg2.



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