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STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ Asia Pacific Launch


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Are you in elementary? People get busy. Games do not define our whole lives.


When something is new, people tend to do it more. Then it calms down.


But otherwise, everyone i know who is playing is still playing too.

Edited by Cxpher
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Are you in elementary? People get busy. Games do not define our whole lives.


When something is new, people tend to do it more. Then it calms down.


But otherwise, everyone i know who is playing is still playing too.


You only have to look at the forums when people are asking for server merges cause pvp isnt ever popping or having 10 50s total on at peak time is great


alot of people are leaving the game jekk jekk tar and harb look good cause its flooded with US and Australians take the US out of that you would sharply notice a decline in population


I dont have to explain myself to you i know my stuff and bioware aint listening anyone who is a true pvper has left and any hardcore pver has left


the game offers nothing to those 2 groups of people and they make up ALOT of the population in the next 2-3 months watch the population sharply drop again when even you might not be playing


Heres a test for you name a few things that are good about the game that Don't involve saying the story is great or its a future mmo, cause all i saw after i finished the story was a game that was terrible at pvp and i finished the pve content in a few days when i still havnt done it all in wow

Edited by Shraptical
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I'd also like to know exactly where the servers are going to be!



I am player from Hong Kong. it's a good news to hear that. but if the server for Hong Kong at Aus. that is an bad idea. since the internet speed to U.S is faster than to Aus at Hong kong... it will no different for me... ( Taiwan or Hong Kong will be good !)


So where is the Server for Hong Kong players?

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Sorry to burst your bubbles.


But this isnt going to work, swtor population is on a massive decline everyones leaving

if you had any sense at all you wouldnt move to an australian server your not going to benefit from it ping means nothing in swtor when the response time of the game is the worst of any mmo ever released.


The australian servers are gonna be empty trust me having played every mmo since the first ever mmos id hate for this game to die any quicker than it already is.


calling this a wow killer is the biggest joke ive seen in a long time everyone i know who played swtor is gone all back to wow waiting on tera or gw2


im happy you found a bubble enjoy it .now go back to your god allmighty game you came here to tell us about lol.

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Hi there Joaby! Just wanted to let you know that the servers will be located in Australia.


That's really great news! I assumed this was the cas when it was said "...regional servers...", however it is good to know this is true.


Where exactly is the servers in Australia? Considering it is not just for Australia, however lower asia, and New zealand, i would assume it would be in a relatively central location, or a major hub, leaving me with 3 likely places. Sydney, Adelaide, or Darwin. Is it any of these?

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Don't get excited guys, by the sounds of that the severs are NOT going to be located in Aussie or NZ. This is going to be a bigger concern for us, as latency will be worse then playing on euro or US servers.


The other concern i have is there won't be an english speaking server, I'm not a racsist but I can't see me enjoying a game where the bulk of the players are speaking in a language i don't understand.


Lets face it , its going to be cheaper for EA and Bioware to house the ASIA/PACIFIC servers in an asian country. Singapore i'd say. If there is not aussie based server for us the chances i'd move from the Euro server i'm now are slim.




Dune Bantha

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Going back to the blizzard pool is suggesting wow dont kid yourself you didnt mean anything but that.


blizzard games are always top notch always top of the charts no game they have ever released has been anything but that.


I'm doing this because i see swtor as having a future if they dont screw it up.

if the game was some how increasing in population needing more servers all the time (like wow) then sure australian servers make sense. But when was the last time you had to queue on any server? not for a long time ive never seen them with a queue since the free sub ended


i enjoy chatting on forums or reading topics, today ive seen 3 topics begging for server merges alot of quiting ones and loads of topics on ok im 50 what now? im totally bored


They arnt listening to what the community wants so again making more servers when the ones they have are on the decline is a bad idea


ive seen your type with every new mmo you sit there saying nothing is wrong game is on the rise its a big fat wow killer go back to wow we dont need you. 6 months later the game has 3-4 servers 12 months later free to play


Almost 100% of the posts you have posted on this forum so far are negative towards the game and it's community.


I've seen your type as well. ALL OVER THE INTERNET.


You're called a troll.


Blizzard btw, has a Starcraft community as well as a Diablo community, both of which happen to be bigger pieces of IP with more to mine than WoW. Just because you're 16 and your view on the gaming world is limited does not mean mine is.


Back to what you've been doing at this forum. You've been basically ************ that this place is going to shut down.




Edit : Added troll to ignore.

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Hi all,


I would like some clarification on the FAQ for Free Transfer to Asia pacific Servers.


I am in an Oceanic Guild. I live in Perth, Western Australia. When I registered my account I lived in North Carolina USA, as it was a few years ago.


According to the FAQ I cannot transfer my toons?


To qualify for free character transfers, players must meet the following requirements by Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 5:01PM EDT, 7:01PM NZDT, 2:01PM HKT, 2:01PM SGT:

You specified that your country is Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, or Singapore during your account registration process.

Redeemed an Official Game Production Registration Code on http://www.StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com Code Redemption Center.

Have had or currently have entered a valid recurring payment method or redeemed a Pre-Paid Game Time Code.

Only characters created on The Old Republic servers by February 28, 2012, 5:01PM EDT, 7:01PM NZDT, 2:01PM HKT, 2:01PM SGT qualify for transfers.

My payments have been made from Australia via my Credit Card through Australian bank. I was unable to buy through Origin etc. My account has said North Carolina USA as per when I set it up years ago.


So am I eligible to move with my guild. I realise I can re-roll but being raid progression guild and Full Rakata it would kick me to the curb.

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Will definately be interesting to see how oceanic servers go.


Now as for the australian gaming population, according to aussie stores that imported the US boxes to sell. They can't currently keep up with the supply and demand.


It may be a good sign for aussie success but I have my doubts only due to other failings in the past.

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Don't get excited guys, by the sounds of that the severs are NOT going to be located in Aussie or NZ. This is going to be a bigger concern for us, as latency will be worse then playing on euro or US servers.


The other concern i have is there won't be an english speaking server, I'm not a racsist but I can't see me enjoying a game where the bulk of the players are speaking in a language i don't understand.


Lets face it , its going to be cheaper for EA and Bioware to house the ASIA/PACIFIC servers in an asian country. Singapore i'd say. If there is not aussie based server for us the chances i'd move from the Euro server i'm now are slim.




Dune Bantha


It would most likely if in an asian country be somewhere like singapore they are english speaking and their internet can actually handle a server where as australian internet is 3rd world

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Almost 100% of the posts you have posted on this forum so far are negative towards the game and it's community.


I've seen your type as well. ALL OVER THE INTERNET.


You're called a troll.


Blizzard btw, has a Starcraft community as well as a Diablo community, both of which happen to be bigger pieces of IP with more to mine than WoW. Just because you're 16 and your view on the gaming world is limited does not mean mine is.


Back to what you've been doing at this forum. You've been basically ************ that this place is going to shut down.




i said because i enjoy talking to people like you, you give me a laugh thinking the way you do

my negative thoughts towards the game are all true im not hating on a game that is good it was released in a terrible state and has serious design flaws things promised (reason i bought the game) were never delivered.


so why not stick around and watch u guys struggle for subs

Edited by Shraptical
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For the last time...


Majority of Singaporeans are bilingual and speak English. We are not white, but have no problems communicating in English. Even though it may not be our native language.


Hong Kong is quite similar to Singapore. The level of proficiency may be slightly lower but Hong Kong people will have no problems communicating in English. Remember, Hong Kong was a British colony for a very long time.


You'd think in this day and age, that people will know these things...:rolleyes:

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For the last time...


Majority of Singaporeans are bilingual and speak English. We are not white, but have no problems communicating in English. Even though it may not be our native language.


Hong Kong is quite similar to Singapore. The level of proficiency may be slightly lower but Hong Kong people will have no problems communicating in English. Remember, Hong Kong was a British colony for a very long time.


You'd think in this day and age, that people will know these things...:rolleyes:


Americans only know Subway and Waffles. Outside of their country, for the most part, they tend to be very ignorant. Sadly, this statement can safely be generalized as the minority are indeed intelligent. But that's just the minority.


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If you are from Singapore or Hongkong, dont bother transferring your character to the new oceanic clusters unless they deploy the servers to the West Part of Australia specifically Perth. I still couldnt figure out why they didnt make Singapore a regional datacenter, it would serve the rest of South East Asia when it comes to future releases.


Take a hint, theres a reason why starcraft servers are in Singapore instead of Australia.


Ping to Western Australia from Singapore: 180-200ms. Ping to any other parts of Oz >300ms.

Edited by toastmuffin
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If you are from Singapore or Hongkong, dont bother transferring your character to the new oceanic clusters unless they deploy the servers to the West Part of Australia specifically Perth. I still couldnt figure out why they didnt make Singapore a regional datacenter, it would serve the rest of South East Asia when it comes to future releases.


Take a hint, theres a reason why starcraft servers are in Singapore instead of Australia.


Ping to Western Australia from Singapore: 180-200ms. Ping to any other parts of Oz >300ms.


So for players from singapore its no worse than currently playing on US servers

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To be fair, the Aussies should get their own Oceanic launch and the Asians should get their Asia Pac server in Singapore.


That's how it should be.


Australia is not part of Asia. It's Oceanic.


BW need to understand that when they claim to launch for Asia Pac and with lesser latencies for the players there, the servers should be in Asia Pac! And not Oceania.

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Don't get excited guys, by the sounds of that the severs are NOT going to be located in Aussie or NZ. This is going to be a bigger concern for us, as latency will be worse then playing on euro or US servers.


The other concern i have is there won't be an english speaking server, I'm not a racsist but I can't see me enjoying a game where the bulk of the players are speaking in a language i don't understand.


Lets face it , its going to be cheaper for EA and Bioware to house the ASIA/PACIFIC servers in an asian country. Singapore i'd say. If there is not aussie based server for us the chances i'd move from the Euro server i'm now are slim.




Dune Bantha



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Hi all,


My account has said North Carolina USA as per when I set it up years ago.


So am I eligible to move with my guild. I realise I can re-roll but being raid progression guild and Full Rakata it would kick me to the curb.


many others tried to say they lived in usa to get in the beta ,,looks like its going to bite them on the behind now dont it.


cheaters never win im cracking up how smart they thought they where ,i will say i live in usa to get in the beta but hold on what if i want to tranfere later on oops hahaha

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To be fair, the Aussies should get their own Oceanic launch and the Asians should get their Asia Pac server in Singapore.


That's how it should be.


Australia is not part of Asia. It's Oceanic.


BW need to understand that when they claim to launch for Asia Pac and with lesser latencies for the players there, the servers should be in Asia Pac! And not Oceania.


Most asian countries are too poor to even get on these games so having servers for asian countries alone is not viable. You need large population of players in these areas which alone they would not get. Only place it may do just ok alone is singapore, korea, china and japan.


As for malaysia, philippines, indonesia most families cannot even afford to buy a good computer. Just trying to live is a struggle for most in these areas.

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Most asian countries are too poor to even get on these games so having servers for asian countries alone is not viable. You need large population of players in these areas which alone they would not get. Only place it may do just ok alone is singapore, korea, china and japan.


As for malaysia, philippines, indonesia most families cannot even afford to buy a good computer. Just trying to live is a struggle for most in these areas.


This is the most stupid thing ive ever read, ASIAN countries poor? Japanese people are ALOT richer than western people and can afford alot more things than you can.


Singapore also isnt poor its a very rich country very clean to not that i can say the same about your mind being in the gutter.


both japanese and korean internet is the best in the world with the highest level of tech oh yeah they are poor right? yet they are more advanced than us


malay is also a really good country not poor no different from australia or america infact they tend to have better computers than us.

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This is the most stupid thing ive ever read, ASIAN countries poor? Japanese people are ALOT richer than western people and can afford alot more things than you can.


Singapore also isnt poor its a very rich country very clean to not that i can say the same about your mind being in the gutter.


both japanese and korean internet is the best in the world with the highest level of tech oh yeah they are poor right? yet they are more advanced than us


malay is also a really good country not poor no different from australia or america infact they tend to have better computers than us.


you never fully read everything I said here, as for malaysia these are alot of poor places in that country as I have actually lived there in parts. It is still one of the better performing countries in asia but no where near australia or america.


Quick to jump but slow to read :)


I said singapore, japan and korea would do ok didn't I??

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