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Healing - the worst imbalance in PVP history, in it's current form


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I get what the op is trying to say. I have always felt that healing in pvp is wrong because pvp is a whole other ball game from the pve playing field.


I can agree with consumable healing which would actually help the trade network.


I play various classes and I just got one to 50 recently and as much as I like pvp with all my classes, I feel pegion holed into playing a hybrid healer class scoundrel right now because I like blaster guns. I feel op when playing a hybrid mix of damage and healing plus a shield and a quick stun and the oh so awsome pistol whip that hits harder then a saber attack lol.


Some of you guys bashing the op I just dont get what your thinking maybe you secretly like playing a op class because I know I do to and I am good at it to. I can stun cc and the whole 9 yards of damage healing to. Not hard.


I enjoy pretty much all classes and I do get highest damage first or second place in damage in the 1-49 wzs. With my fresh 50 with like three pieces of the cent pvp gear I can still hang with the big boys and even cause hate enough to where I get ganked down a lot, I do avoid that sometimes. Cant wait till I get that bm gear yall really wont like me then.


Yall talk about healers die pretty fast when focus fired on. Well from my point of experience any class I played died fast to when focus fired on. Even tank class if I had no pocket healer.


Been playing mmos since UO to and my thoughts have always been and always will be no matter what, "healing does not belong in a pvp battle".


I will continue to play my OP hybrid healer though because they been around for a long time even worse in rift though wow that was terrible boring pvp too with the two button I win macros I did use them to so whatever.


Do not worry though guys the healing has been a part of pvp in these types for a long time and will continue to do so. So then that makes them a tool and I will use them even if I dont like that as much as a pure dps.

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Thinking a healer should not be capable of out healing a single dps class is to not understand a healers role in team pvp.


False. Completely false. Again, survivability is Mitigation + Healing. Healing alone should not be enough to counter DPS.


Guards, Taunts: These exist in SWTOR PVP. They exist so that healers can be protected by other people.

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The biggest roadblock is that healers think they should be able to outheal a dps attacking them. I have encountered this attitude (mostly in MMOs) a lot recently.


Healers are a support class, they aren't tanks. They are the one the team is supposed to protect. At the moment, a full team of healers would beat anything (I have nightmares about a full team of Sorc healers *shudder*). I mean there are PvP videos of people outhealing 2 or more dps attacking them whilst they dps AS WELL and end up killing them.


Healers should fear DPS, not just brush them off/ignore them. They should have to use utility to escape them, not lol while spamming 1 or 2 heals.


^^ this


Healers should not be able to heal through being dpsed. They should cc, or require guard, or require taunts, or require other people to cc crap off them. Standing still while somebody blows all the dps abilities in the box, including interrupts, and just spamming self-heal is not the role of a healer.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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^^ this


Healers should not be able to heal through being dpsed. That's retarded.


There would not be any point in bringing a healer to pvp if a healer could not heal when being attacked by 1 person.




People who dislike how healing works at the moment are (in my opinion) bad players. There are many ways to counter a healer, I have been on the recieving end of most of them. I've also stood in the middle of a bunch of enemies healing away with nobody doing anything to stop me.


Yesterday I was solo defending a node in civil war, 2 imps came, I called for help, was dead less than 10s from the time they got to me. Other times I've survived for 30-40s against 3 people hitting me, plenty of time for people to come and help. Guess in the first case the imps thought I was a bad player, in the second case they prob thought I was overpowered.


Interupts + stuns, amazing how effective that is on stopping a healer.

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False. Completely false. Again, survivability is Mitigation + Healing. Healing alone should not be enough to counter DPS.


Guards, Taunts: These exist in SWTOR PVP. They exist so that healers can be protected by other people.


Let me get this right, your saying the only way to beat 1 dps player, should be with 2 other players ?


Also, in a game with no collision detection and pugs vs premade matches, expecting someone to want to roll a class that relies on a team to beat 1 guy, may be hard.

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Healing is mainly OP when it is unbalanced for each team. For instance, I constantly get into WZ where we have 1 or no healers and they imps will have 3 or 4, you get 2 or 3 healers in the same area you're pretty much not killing any of them assuming your gear/skill level are roughly comparable.


It also gives them advantages in certain WZ, like Ald. I have a 43 healer, I just harass against 3 people solo to keep them from getting a cap until my team cleans up the other nodes.


Personally I just think they need to give a couple more classes an attack that reduces healing received as groups are rarely ever balanced and the spread of heals generally will determine how well you do. In WZ like Voidstar that can basically make or break you if you're going up against a comparable team.

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To the Original Poster, yes, you are right, healers are out healing everyone to the point that 6 lvl 50 characters, (yes, six..) pounding on 1 healer still may not grant a simple kill. The numbers need to be looked at more carefully by the dev team.


I am not sure if the Surge nerf was the answer or if it made things worst, only time will tell.


Seriously the 6 DPS would have to be absolutly terrible, unless the healer was being guarded/taunts/interceded in which case l2 seperate the healer and their tank bad players don't count imo 1-2 good dps using interrupts can kill me, it may take a few seconds, but i am also unable to heal anyone else during this time.


and please dont compare 6 fresh 50s to BMs that just doesn't count. the BM has 15% damage reduction, and 15% increased healing...and 6 DPS that were average would still kill them.

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Let me get this right, your saying the only way to beat 1 dps player, should be with 2 other players ?


As opposed to everybody else saying that it should take two (or more) DPSers to take down a single healer?


I'm saying for a healer to beat a DPS player the healer should need assistance. As I said before, DPS should do 50% damage to tanks, 100% to other DPS and 150% to healers. Healers should require tanks to be brought up to 100%.


Healers can't be able to tank even a single DPS. It upsets balance. When they can it literally means that a full team of healers will always win.


This is a team game, so you can't balance 1v1. When you balance healer's survivability 1v1 in a team game that has PVP Guards and Taunts you end up with god-mode healers.


Healing needs to be balanced around healing a mitigated target. An un-guarded healer is not a mitigated target, so they should self-heal for crap. Once a tank guards them and they are mitigated it becomes just like healing any other person.

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*** is this story about a foot race and being able to change your own time...if this story was to make any actual sense youd have to say that while the healer can take time away the dps can add time thus balancing out. If any dps class could spam aoe damage wed get the same numbers we get for healing mostly. Only sorcs go past thbe 600-700k legit healing and its by spamming aoe heals no other healing class can do anywhere near that much. In full battle master healing commando I can say 500k healing is a good game. Ive seen people do way more dps than that thus compensating the time is right back where it should.
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I've only had problems with healers who are either a) guarded b) being healed by someone else or c) outgear me.


For instance, I went 1v1 yesterday with a BM sage (I'm a champ geared mara) on Huttball last night. I've never felt so ineffectual. To make matters worse this healer hid in a weird crevice in our base where he couldn't be seen, but I saw him enter it and I followed him in, but the deserter countdown started and since I could not outdamage him I eventually got kicked out of the warzone lol.


I used to be bitter about not having any effect on good healers, but eventually I got over it and found that too many people (sometimes myself included) don't participate in "team" actions. In alot of the games I lose, it is because everyone is fighting their own battles, instead of everyone working together in a coherent form to heal each other, guard each other, and focus single opponents into oblivion. Without team coordination healers that have it will continually frustrate you.


As to the OP. I get what he is saying, but it just will never work that way. There will never be a "Hard Limit" to how much a person can be healed. The only way to institute a "speed limit" on healing is to nerf the cooldown on all healing abilities. But even as a dps that sometimes gets frustrated by skilled/geared healers I don't support that at all.

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Ok, my biggest arguments against this: 1) It's luck of the draw, the teams are random. Healers are a tough class to beat, but most healers need help to beat a DPS class. I'm usually only 4th-6th in DPS when I do PVP, but even then, the healers need to gang up, or have a DPS/Tank do the damage while they keep them alive. 2) People really need to stop QQing about PVP, all that does is get abilities nerfed that makes the PVE game more difficult. Edited by BinxDarkstar
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PvP Trauma debuff reduces healing received by 30%.


Also, OP claims that healing is infinite when it is not. Healers have resource pools just like everyone else. When we're out, we're out.


IF you play dps at all, when ur dps'ing a geared healer at 50, you keep an eye on their resource and tell me if you think you will ever out burn that. There's an operative that PvP's I see him a lot, 1v1 we often square off in Ald at a node. He barely uses up the first hash bar of his energy no matter what I put on him. I can get his health pretty low but his energy always stays almost full. You'd need multiple dps to ever really effect a healers resource if they know what they're doing. That's actually one of my gripes about heals in this game, in WoW it was pretty similar that heals could just heal through most anything but in WoW they did eventually go OoM. I've never been dps'ing a heals and have them run out of resource, which is a problem in itself.

Edited by DiabloMuerto
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IF you play dps at all, when ur dps'ing a geared healer at 50, you keep an eye on their resource and tell me if you think you will ever out burn that. There's an operative that PvP's I see him a lot, 1v1 we often square off in Ald at a node. He barely uses up the first hash bar of his energy no matter what I put on him. I can get his health pretty low but his energy always stays almost full. You'd need multiple dps to ever really effect a healers resource if they know what they're doing. That's actually one of my gripes about heals in this game, in WoW it was pretty similar that heals could just heal through most anything but in WoW they did eventually go OoM. I've never been dps'ing a heals and have them run out of resource, which is a problem in itself.



Really? That is your argument? You understand that healers in this game cannot even come close to "healing through anything" like WoWs healers right?


My Disc priest in WoW laughs at my Scoundrel's survivability.

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^^ this


Healers should not be able to heal through being dpsed. They should cc, or require guard, or require taunts, or require other people to cc crap off them. Standing still while somebody blows all the dps abilities in the box, including interrupts, and just spamming self-heal is not the role of a healer.


No healer in this game can just sit in one spot and only spam healing (no fake casting, no CC, no CDs, nothing) on themselves and survive for a long period of time against an equally geared dps opponent who is utilizing all of their abilities. The only time you see that is against bad or poorly geared dps players.


But, the fact remains that if one healer cannot survive against one dps with both utilizing all of their abilities then it is better to just bring another dps than a healer.

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As opposed to everybody else saying that it should take two (or more) DPSers to take down a single healer?


I'm saying for a healer to beat a DPS player the healer should need assistance. As I said before, DPS should do 50% damage to tanks, 100% to other DPS and 150% to healers. Healers should require tanks to be brought up to 100%.


Healers can't be able to tank even a single DPS. It upsets balance. When they can it literally means that a full team of healers will always win.


This is a team game, so you can't balance 1v1. When you balance healer's survivability 1v1 in a team game that has PVP Guards and Taunts you end up with god-mode healers.


Healing needs to be balanced around healing a mitigated target. An un-guarded healer is not a mitigated target, so they should self-heal for crap. Once a tank guards them and they are mitigated it becomes just like healing any other person.


So you want healers to be useless without tanks. But dps can be fine without tanks/healers.


I am glad you guys aren't developing any games. You will probably be happy with GW2, no healers, then all the bads can rejoice and just dps each other down. But then they will find something to complain about besides improving their play.

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IF you play dps at all, when ur dps'ing a geared healer at 50, you keep an eye on their resource and tell me if you think you will ever out burn that. There's an operative that PvP's I see him a lot, 1v1 we often square off in Ald at a node. He barely uses up the first hash bar of his energy no matter what I put on him. I can get his health pretty low but his energy always stays almost full. You'd need multiple dps to ever really effect a healers resource if they know what they're doing. That's actually one of my gripes about heals in this game, in WoW it was pretty similar that heals could just heal through most anything but in WoW they did eventually go OoM. I've never been dps'ing a heals and have them run out of resource, which is a problem in itself.


Wait, you can get his health pretty low, but are complaining about his resources being high. If you kill him, it doesn't matter if he has a full energy bar or not. The thing is, no class runs out of resources if played correctly. Except that if you actually output any decent pressure with dps/cc/interrupts a healer must utilize their resources.

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So you want healers to be useless without tanks. But dps can be fine without tanks/healers.


I am glad you guys aren't developing any games. You will probably be happy with GW2, no healers, then all the bads can rejoice and just dps each other down. But then they will find something to complain about besides improving their play.


DPS would be "fine" in that they still have mediocre mitigation and little to no self-healing.

You all seem to be trying to balance healers vs DPS on a 1v1 scale and not taking into count that it's a three variable function with PVP tanks.


I will indeed be happy with GW2, as they seem to actually know what balance is. And you seem to be misinformed, as GW2 has healing. Just not healers.

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