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Why did they even bother with a beta for this game?


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Lately its been nothing but damage control for this game and nerf this, hotfix that. Wasnt that what a beta was for? Now i realize problems arise after beta and release can be a different build but it shouldnt be huge differences like we're seeing now.


Not to mention bioware took out a lot of armor sets and other options that it plans to throw into an expansion and make us pay, yet these things were already in the beta.

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Yeah, no other MMO has ever had bug fixes and nerfs after launch. What's up with that?


See, you trying to downplay this and make it seem the norm (it's not), only encourages more terribly developed games.



Edit:Clarification from page 3.

No one is arguing other games don't get patched.


We're complaining that these issues were pointed out in Beta and UNLIKE other AAA MMO's, the devs never addressed them, and here we are going into the third month and the same issues persist.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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Lately its been nothing but damage control for this game and nerf this, hotfix that. Wasnt that what a beta was for? Now i realize problems arise after beta and release can be a different build but it shouldnt be huge differences like we're seeing now.


Not to mention bioware took out a lot of armor sets and other options that it plans to throw into an expansion and make us pay, yet these things were already in the beta.


Dont know why so many things changed from the beta to live, and finding so many bugs its like it never went through any beta testing at all so much is broken and missing.

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Sarcasm aside its a valid point.

No, it isn't a valid point. Bugs are not all found during beta. Player abuses and exploits are certainly not all found during a beta as they evolve over time. Where have you read about what is in the expansion? Was there an official post I missed?

Edited by Calimwulf
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No, it isn't a valid point. Bugs are not all found during beta. Player abuses and exploits are certainly not all found during a beta as they evolve over time. Where have you read about what is in the expansion? Was there an official post I missed?


Ive talked to some beta tests that said bioware straight up ignored problems. The same problems that are happening now as a matter of fact.

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See, you trying to downplay this and make it seem the norm (it's not), only encourages more terribly developed games.


Right.........it is the norm. Your statement just shows that despite your protestations, you've obviously little actual experience with these things. These products are so complex there's literally no way to predict all the bugs and issues that will arise.


Microsoft has known this for years. It's why they perpetually release 'unfinished' products. They know they could spend years trying to uncover and squash the bugs in their software. But they know that millions of users will uncover them for them in no time. Welcome to the real world of software development.

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See, you trying to downplay this and make it seem the norm (it's not), only encourages more terribly developed games.


It's not the norm?

AC2, SWG, AoC, WoW, PotBS, DDO, STO, WAR, EQ2 ...

Plus several I didn't personally play at release and heard similar tales of bugs-n-crap that was there at launch to be fixed ..

Seems pretty much "the norm"


I'm not saying developers shouldn't try to raise the bar on that as time goes by. But some of you make this sound like it was the biggest craptastic launch in the history of MMOs. Reality is far far from that.

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Ive talked to some beta tests that said bioware straight up ignored problems. The same problems that are happening now as a matter of fact.

So you just made up the thing about the expansion, check.


Bugs are logged and prioritized. Just because a bug was found during Beta does not mean it is going to be fixed during beta.

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People who are criticizing the OP obviously didn't put in much effort to report bugs in beta. Otherwise, you would be pretty upset too. A lot of us participate in betas because we want to see the game be the best it can be when it's released. Yet, in this case especially, our efforts were largely ignored. While we reported important issues that would have been necessary for a clean experience at launch, even the most irritating bugs were put on the backburner in the interest of an on-time launch and immediate cash grab.


BW was so erroneously confident in its raw game code that it didn't place enough priority on addressing issues that the players found- players who represent part of a population who would theoretically be in it for the long haul if the issues were corrected. It's amusing that people who weren't involved in beta bug reporting come along and say that BW will suddenly change its ways. Indeed it is trying to, but only under threat of losing money/subscribers if the game doesn't stabilize. The process of efficiently squashing bugs should have been laid out during beta, but because they didn't involve themselves in the issues when they had the opportunity, the devs are failing over and over again at releasing stable patches. I'm sure that unless they're just a bunch of monkeys, they'll nail down the process soon. However, they've really screwed themselves over by not taking the time to learn how to do it right before launch, ultimately leaving a bad taste in many of our mouths.

Edited by Amote
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See, you trying to downplay this and make it seem the norm (it's not), only encourages more terribly developed games.


Trying to overstate it like there has been more of this going on than any other game (particularly a new one) doesn't help either.


I love how complainers think their point of view is the only one that matters, and unless you join them you're destroying the game.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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People who are criticizing the OP obviously didn't put in much effort to report bugs in beta. Otherwise, you would be pretty upset too. A lot of us participate in betas because we want to see the game be the best it can be when it's released. Yet, in this case especially, our efforts were largely ignored. While we reported important issues that would have been necessary for a clean experience at launch, even the most irritating bugs were put on the backburner in the interest of an on-time launch and immediate cash grab.


BW was so erroneously confident in its raw game code that it didn't place enough priority on addressing issues that the players found- players who represent part of a population who would theoretically be in it for the long haul if the issues were corrected. It's amusing that people who weren't involved in beta bug reporting come along and say that BW will suddenly change its ways. Indeed it is trying to, but only under threat of losing money/subscribers if the game doesn't stabilize. The process of efficiently squashing bugs should have been laid out during beta, but because they didn't involve themselves in the issues when they had the opportunity, the devs are failing over and over again at releasing stable patches. I'm sure that unless they're just a bunch of monkeys, they'll nail down the process soon. However, they've really screwed themselves over by not taking the time to learn how to do it right before launch, ultimately leaving a bad taste in many of our mouths.


You've got vaild points here. However, we must all remember that this is Bioware's freshmen MMO. I would have been shocked as all hell if they'd gotten it right.

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Right.........it is the norm. Your statement just shows that despite your protestations, you've obviously little actual experience with these things. .


Wrong again.


I've played every single major western MMO since EQ, I know exactly how these things work. I've been in beta for most. And I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't have these insights expecially when they're attempting to claim I don't.


But I'm sure your confirmation bias will conclude me and the countless other people who agree with me are just making stuff up.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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Even single player releases are patched well into their first or second year of release nowadays. MMOs have so much content and so many variables that come into play once hundred of thousands of players join the game, it is only natural that fixes and class balance tweaks have to be made after launch. People who complain forget that the game is 95% great, 5% work in progress.
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So you just made up the thing about the expansion, check.


Bugs are logged and prioritized. Just because a bug was found during Beta does not mean it is going to be fixed during beta.


You'd think they would have prioritized those story bugs we found during Beta that made it into launch. Since this game was all about story, perhaps they should rethink their priorities?

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