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Just Dinged 50 and tried a warzone..


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Solo queue, and won 4 times in a row, got my dailies done and was #1 or #2 on medals & damage delt. This of course was an Alt, so I had PvP experience, had my gear at a minimum of level 49 blues and had 6 champ bags ready for when I dinged and was able to get 1 champ and 1 cent piece (weapon and offhand).
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I just dinged 50 last night and got put into a losing warzone where everyone kept leaving. Obviously I lost. The scoreboard was effin ridiculous too.. the repubs had 8 people through the match and there were 20+ imps that had been in the match by the time it ended...
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Solo queue, and won 4 times in a row, got my dailies done and was #1 or #2 on medals & damage delt. This of course was an Alt, so I had PvP experience, had my gear at a minimum of level 49 blues and had 6 champ bags ready for when I dinged and was able to get 1 champ and 1 cent piece (weapon and offhand).


So you already knew there was horrible pvp at fresh 50 and prepared for it in advance. Good for you. Like the other guy said here is a cookie.

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Funny how so many people whine about how difficult and impossible it is to do warzones as a new 50, but when someone posts an experience opposite of that he gets trolled.


That was sort of the point of my post, at least the first part. Going in prepared makes a big difference. And for those of you who think I was queued against other fresh 50s...well, you're wrong. There were battlemasters on both sides, one time I will admit I believe I was with a premade, but then then faced a premade a couple times as well. We had some close matches, I never said we steamrolled any of them. It was just fun and not nearly as difficult as I had expected. I specifically went after the battlemasters titled people to see how hard they were to kill.

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Solo queue, and won 4 times in a row, got my dailies done and was #1 or #2 on medals & damage delt. This of course was an Alt, so I had PvP experience, had my gear at a minimum of level 49 blues and had 6 champ bags ready for when I dinged and was able to get 1 champ and 1 cent piece (weapon and offhand).


Thats good. I had the same as you. Its not that scary as the whiners says. gl hf :)

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sample size of 4 ftw


I said I won 4 in a row, they just happened to be my first 4 matches, I lost my 5th and then won my 6th and 7th.


I am also a battlemaster on my main that typically runs with a premade so I know a lot of the people on the server...at least the main regulars. I never thought this was much of an issue so I was curious how I would perform with a fresh 50.

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Funny how so many people whine about how difficult and impossible it is to do warzones as a new 50, but when someone posts an experience opposite of that he gets trolled.


It was an alt and he had six champ bags ready and waiting. How is someone who already knows how to work the system, and working it, some sort of validation? It further highlights the gulf between those already very familiar with pvp and those drawn to it by the dailies or attempting to gear up for endgame pve.

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I have a similar story. I hit 50 2 weeks ago, had 6 bags right off the bat with decent level 49 blue gear from the AH. Got into WZ's and did pretty well overall.


Now 2 weeks later after doing my dailies and weeklies, I am half cent half champ and roasting people in WZ's. I can easily top dmg and kills if I choose to, however, I usually try to play the objectives which reduces my overall dmg but allows to win.


I was worried because of all the QQ I read on these forums about hitting 50. But there was nothing to it, just normal pvp gear progression and skill > gear. Unfortunately most of the QQ'ers on here are just terrible apparently.

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I have a similar story. I hit 50 2 weeks ago, had 6 bags right off the bat with decent level 49 blue gear from the AH. Got into WZ's and did pretty well overall.


Now 2 weeks later after doing my dailies and weeklies, I am half cent half champ and roasting people in WZ's. I can easily top dmg and kills if I choose to, however, I usually try to play the objectives which reduces my overall dmg but allows to win.


I was worried because of all the QQ I read on these forums about hitting 50. But there was nothing to it, just normal pvp gear progression and skill > gear. Unfortunately most of the QQ'ers on here are just terrible apparently.


Wait... What? You talk about being half cent and half champ and being able to "roast" people and then say "skill > gear?" You don't notice the disconnect there do you.

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It was an alt and he had six champ bags ready and waiting. How is someone who already knows how to work the system, and working it, some sort of validation? It further highlights the gulf between those already very familiar with pvp and those drawn to it by the dailies or attempting to gear up for endgame pve.


Not sure how that is an excuse. Every guildie of mine tells all the new guildies to do this. It has always been posted in the forums and I personally gave everyone I knew a heads up from the start of the game. Granted, if you didn't care about pvp before 50 then you wont have the 6 bags...but seriously...6 bags isn't that much of an advantage....3 days advantage tops, assuming you didn't do Illum dailies...technically a anyone unprepared and suddenly decided they wanted to pvp could get 10 bags their first day if the put in the effort.

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Wait... What? You talk about being half cent and half champ and being able to "roast" people and then say "skill > gear?" You don't notice the disconnect there do you.


The difference is that I did just fine with 1 piece of cent gear. Just now the gap is much wider.


With no gear I could hold my own and work the objectives well by being a pest but now I can do that or do lots of dmg to keep the enemy respawning.


My point is that skill is always > than gear. But add gear to skill and you get domination.


But to the OP's point, it's not nearly as bad as everyone else makes it seem when you first hit 50. My guess is that they're just bad or whiny QQ'ers who just like to complain cuz they can't faceroll 10-49 anymore.

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Solo queue, and won 4 times in a row, got my dailies done and was #1 or #2 on medals & damage delt. This of course was an Alt, so I had PvP experience, had my gear at a minimum of level 49 blues and had 6 champ bags ready for when I dinged and was able to get 1 champ and 1 cent piece (weapon and offhand).



I dinged 50 last week and have had a blast winning and losing in WZ's as a healer and not found myself under powered or getting facerolled. I was expecting it to be a nightmare the way everyone was QQ'ing on the boards but from what I can tell it was all missinformation or just people that are bad at pvp.


One week as a lvl 50 and I completed my centurion armor set and won 10 war zones in a row completing all my dailies and weeklies three hours after reset. Best match for me result wise was 435k heals and 52k damage. Level 56 valor, so far I'm having a blast in WZ'z and illium.

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Wait... What? You talk about being half cent and half champ and being able to "roast" people and then say "skill > gear?" You don't notice the disconnect there do you.


I think the point he is making that he has that after 2 weeks, it's not hard at all to gear up, even if the people whining was right and there was this huge difference between a fresh 50 and a geared 50...2 weeks isn't very long to gear up. If you stay out of Illum you can still get 12 bags a week, 23 if you do Illum, so in 2 weeks time you could have 360-690 Cent commendations and 168-322 Champion Commendations depending on how active Ilum is on your server. This is also assuming you dinged 50 on a Tuesday, and actually had to wait a full 7 days before your first weekly reset.

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grats, let's hope you enjoy the mind numbingly boring lolum too and you're set!


I'm a new 50 and went to ilum for my first time last night.


All that I saw was two big groups of imps and repubs taking turns killing each other, i'm guessing for valor/dailys/weeklys. It was a huge bummer, serious cheese. Well now I see how a lot of people geared up up so quickly, pretty lame though imo. So I'm getting facerolled by exploiters basically. I took some screens of it. BTW this was on prophesy of the five.


I thought BW fixed the ilum exploit issues a while ago, when i was pre 50, ***?

Edited by Sconnoll
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Glad you had fun as a new 50 in a wz. I don't understand people these ays I really don't. They wat to ding 50 go into a wz and be able to roll over a bm who has spent countless time gettin his gear etc?? Lol you don't get hired to a job and become the ceo in one day. Seriously spend some time getting kicked around at the bottom of the pile by bm's until you start getting your gear...
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