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10 Good
  1. I dinged 50 last week and have had a blast winning and losing in WZ's as a healer and not found myself under powered or getting facerolled. I was expecting it to be a nightmare the way everyone was QQ'ing on the boards but from what I can tell it was all missinformation or just people that are bad at pvp. One week as a lvl 50 and I completed my centurion armor set and won 10 war zones in a row completing all my dailies and weeklies three hours after reset. Best match for me result wise was 435k heals and 52k damage. Level 56 valor, so far I'm having a blast in WZ'z and illium.
  2. After hitting level 50 I went to respec, only needed to adjust a couple of points realy. Now I have not respeced for over two maybe three (3) weeks. My understanding is the respec cost reset each week. So I go to respec and the cost is 99800 credits (yes ninety nine thousand eight hundred credits!). Is this correct or just so weird *** bug my char has yet again been afflicted with.
  3. Because if everyone thought the way you did the world today would be a very different place. The odds are against us? lets just quit and go home, oh wait I no longer have a home and my wife and children have been ***** and pillaged! I have been in and personally joined many games like the one you described above and turned or seen the tide turn from a loss to a win. Play the game, try something new rather than qq'ing!
  4. As a dedicated pvp speced healing sorc I completely agree with this synopsis. If a melee dedicates themselves to pestering me the entire match my healing output is drastically reduced most of which is now spent on keeping my self alive and cleansed. However by staying mobile, cc'ing or dragging the pest out of their friendly healing range and killing them I can get back to healing the team until the pest returns. What can be very powerful though is when well speced, smart pvping healers combine forces. They are now very efficient at keeping each other alive and and combine dps to take down the melee distractions. Even here they are not unbeatable, if you cc one and focus fire the other down, their power is now broken.
  5. You must be playing against some bad players or constantly running away and hiding for 20+ seconds if force management is not a problem. Either way you are missing out on healing more and doing more damage.
  6. Force stable PvP and PvE Healing build - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GGMRbd0dZccrMbMM.1
  7. What is your healing build? I primarily run a healing sorc in PvP and they are fantastic. The numbers you are quoting for the healing and damage you are doing are easily achievable in the low 40s. Your damage against high expertise lvl 50 targets may be less, however gear and level alone should mean 200-300k healing is very possible along with a respectable 50-100k damage. Are you using static barrier? and how is your force management?
  8. I'm thinking of going with something along these lines for a pvp healer. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GGMRbdbduZcc0MZbM.1 Basically its an improvement of what I am running now at lvl 38. Its a sustainability spec with good single target heals, great self target heals and solid secondary damage. What I have found is once the other team sees you are healing if they are worth their salt you will become most wanted target number 1. At this point staying alive so you can heal becomes your primary objective which means healing yourself and cc'ing, damaging those attacking you. Hopefully you have dps on your team taking out the dps attacking you and in a perfect world your teams secondary healer switches to you and now your incredibly hard to take down. By line of sighting, snaring and healing through damage + cc I find the dps will either give up or be killed and then you can get back to keeping your team mates alive. I am usually top healer and top 1/2 with damage and have got as many as 9 medals with this build in hutt ball.
  9. If your not lvl 50 its awesome though!, fast queue times, balanced games. Sooo much more fun than yesterday!!
  10. Odd I heal more than that as a lvl 38 sorc with crappy gear...
  11. I have a distinct bias to this change due to what I would deem a part time gamer play time and only having one character @ level 38. After logging in this morning while questing I partook in several WZ matches only one of which was Hutt Ball. Everyone of them was close, competitive and a lot of fun. There was a very obvious difference in survive-ability on both teams as the decreased gap in gear and lack of lvl 50 premades meant everyone was living longer. Wins seemed to be much more related to players skill. I play a healing speced sorc and found the playing field to be much more even, healing was more effective due to decreased overall dps which meant force management was much easier.
  12. Hard to say until dps parsers and log are available but 31 lightning seems to be more of a pve group dps spec. Want to top dps charts as a sorc I find best to go Madness with a little lightning thrown in and healing for maxing crits. Spike dps is not the best in game, but sustainable DPS and survive-ability is fantastic.
  13. NA - (Empire) Ven Zallow - Premades, Teamwork, large faction number imbalance
  14. Resolve system was working fine for me this morning.... I soak up a couple of stuns, then break free when white bar is full, then I am immune from stuns and knockbacks until the bar is empty or I'm dead Is this a consistency problem or is it a timing / lag issue that makes it appear broken?
  15. Only time I see a real problem in pvp matches is when the lvl 50s are part of a premade group using vent, then of cause they are going to have a significant advantage. Apart from that I've found that if I play well I can go toe to toe with level 50s as a lvl 28 Sorc, if they are a good player 1v1 and well geared then its more likely they will win but I'll get them down to 20% or less HP for sure. When a battlezone is massively one sided from my point of view its almost always because one side has a solid core of good players (of all levels) a premade (of any levels) and the other side has a bunch of inexperienced or bad pvpers with high latency low spec computers. I would not be against pulling lvl 50s out into a separate queue but I doubt that would solve the problem of some people just being bad at pvp and running on crap computers with bad connections. I also would not be surprised if this is planned but it would not make sense until the number of lvl 50s have increased considerably otherwise you are not going to have anyone to play against most of the time.
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