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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

10 Great Reasons to Leave a Warzone


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** 10 Great Reasons to Leave a Warzone **


1. You're trying to complete your dailies, and quickly assess that your team stinks.

2. You join a match in progress, and are a replacement on the team from #1.

3. You notice several AFKers in your match and do not want them to get credit.

4. Your guild is beginning a FP/Op you want to be in on.

5. You're a "young adult" (aka kid) and your parent(s) order you off the computer.

6. You're an "adult" and you get spouse agro.

7. Your client is bugged forcing a restart (gfx glitch, lost mouse pointer, auto-run is on and you can't turn it off, etc.)

8. The exit door bugs, trapping you in the spawn area, and you don't want to end up on Fleet due to Deserter debuff, so you leave and end up on your planet of origin.

9. The other team exploits in some way (actual hack, or just the >8 exploit, etc.)

10. Because you feel like it.


I know there are many more great reasons to leave a warzone, so feel free to post your own!

Edited by Zaodon
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all above is fine as long as they implement like a 15min cooldown if u leave, cus seriously... the one with leaving cus of losing is lame, its a part of it, and if they gave us a way to report afkers like in wow or something we could probably get rid of most the afkers
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all above is fine as long as they implement like a 15min cooldown if u leave, cus seriously... the one with leaving cus of losing is lame, its a part of it, and if they gave us a way to report afkers like in wow or something we could probably get rid of most the afkers


There is no reason to penalize someone for leaving a warzone.

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I hope you get stuck in an eternal loop of 1 and 2, quitter.


1. You realise you are in fact part of the team that stinks and leave the WZ leaving your team mates at even more of a disadvantage than they were.

2. You rejoin a WZ where your team is losing because some douchbag quit on them.

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I hope you get stuck in an eternal loop of 1 and 2, quitter.


1. You realise you are in fact part of the team that stinks and leave the WZ leaving your team mates at even more of a disadvantage than they were.

2. You rejoin a WZ where your team is losing because some douchbag quit on them.


1. No, I'm not. Obviously. Because I just quit. Duh?

2. See #1.

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ofcourse there is, and obviously with that attitude u leave alot...

it leaves a half team with no chances if u leave etc in huttball when the enemy team scores their first goal


This is obviously false, since I have joined as a replacement many times when my team was down, and we won.

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They need to add deserter. Leaving because "my team is bad" is pretty lame if you are so great. When you leave you doom that team to lose and the person who just qued to a loss if they stay (especially if its voidstar). Basically leaving ruins the whole Warzone. People also fail to understand they dont receive valor or comms if they leave. Edited by gryhmr
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Excuses are like butts, everyone has one and they all stink.


As far as I'm concerned BioWare should implement at least an hour lock out on you quitters and you should get a quitter title over your head for the duration. You waste everyone else in the war zones time by making their matches impossible to win and you should be penalized for it.

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Excuses are like butts, everyone has one and they all stink.


As far as I'm concerned BioWare should implement at least an hour lock out on you quitters and you should get a quitter title over your head for the duration. You waste everyone else in the war zones time by making their matches impossible to win and you should be penalized for it.


This is obviously false, since I have joined as a replacement many times when my team was down, and we won.


They need to add deserter. Leaving because "my team is bad" is pretty lame if you are so great. When you leave you doom that team to lose and the person who just qued to a loss if they stay (especially if its voidstar). Basically leaving ruins the whole Warzone. People also fail to understand they dont receive valor or comms if they leave.


This is obviously false, since I have joined as a replacement many times when my team was down, and we won.

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I'm baffled as to why you took the time and effort to set this thread up?


Seriously are you 10 yrs old & just want to make a thread that gets alot of negative comments!


I agree with what the other guy said, make deserter debuff so you can't rejoin a warzone for 15 minutes, it will be quicker to stay on the losing team & get in another than it would be to leave, add an easy report for AFK people & problem solved!

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I will only leave WZs if any of the following apply:


1. I join the WZ only to see my team losing 0-4+ in Huttball, 250-500 in Alderaan, and being spawned camped as both Defender/Attacker on Voidstar


2. If I recognize that the opposing team is a good premade and I don't recognize any of the players on my team. Sadly, this option will no longer apply once cross server queues exist.


3. If my entire team all goes to one Turret in Alderaan, caps it, then all leave the Turret to go cap a different Turret only to see the one we just capped get ninja'd due to nobody staying behind.


4. If the majority of my team is spending more time stuck in the spawn zone in Voidstar than they are actually defending the doors.


5. If my team in Huttball never attempts to protect our ball carrier or kill the enemy ball carrier.


I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting.

Edited by copasetic
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I agree with what the other guy said, make deserter debuff so you can't rejoin a warzone for 15 minutes, it will be quicker to stay on the losing team & get in another than it would be to leave, add an easy report for AFK people & problem solved!


This is patently false, if you were a quitter, you'd already know that if you requeue after quitting, guess which warzone it puts you in? Yeah, the one you quit.


If you quit, you have to wait a few mins before you requeue, and even then, you might end up in the one you quit.


What part of PvP involves QQing again? I always forget.


And please stay on topic. This thread is about the GREAT reasons to quit warzones.

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The 15 minute penalty is perfect in my eyes because if you have a legitimate reason to leave (spouse aggro, phone call, something else) then a 15 minute break will be no big thing. After all you had something important to go and do and real life will always be more important.


See also: guild needs me for Op/HM/naked mailbox dance party/whatever.


If you left because you just really hate losing, then you'll probably rage about the 15 minute wait time. But it's kinda your fault for bailing on the team if you stay it takes the same amount of time (probably less even) and you'll get some reward for it.


What I don't understand about people who bail is why not just turn it into some personal Team Deathmatch thing and try to beat your previous damage record or medals record or whatever? I know people hate "medal farmers" or whatever on this forum sometimes but if a team is truly hopeless enough to be worth quitting on then you're still doing more to help them by seeking a 1v1 than by standing in fleet, right?



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8. The exit door bugs, trapping you in the spawn area, and you don't want to end up on Fleet due to Deserter debuff, so you quickly alt-f4 so you end up on your planet of origin.


you don't have to alt-f4, bioware intended for people to leave warzones, click on your warzone queue button in a warzone and it is a leave warzone button.

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Demonstrably false, as per the many comments of turning warzones around into wins after someone quits.


whoa dude u make an arguable thread to just stand ur ground and watch people hate on you.

obviously people want penalty for leaving, and its certainly gonna come, however if you are not pleased all i got to say is ... bloody leaver, stay out of my warzones

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