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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Population is GROWING!


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And to the topic.


Keller Void saw a big drop off after the holidays...then stabilized...and now seems to be growing slowly. This is based on the numbers I see in fleet. Probably the biggest design mistake BW made was putting the actual player count in front of player faces. Brave, but everyone is using it as a hammer to bash the game with or a trumpet to laud the game.


Everyone is throwing out their numbers and stats, because we all know that every thing on the intertubes is fact. I don't know numbers, and most of you don't either.



I am level 50 and still love playing the game...it suits me. I am a serious casual player. I like RPG stories, and grouping with friends. Going over the same 'ole quest like a daily I have found that pressing the space bar is no big deal



I can see how PVP hardcore players would hate this game.


PVP gear was too strong and made OPS too simple. I get that there are too few OPS today...but that will change.


Everyone complained about the old MMO grind, and just maybe SWTOR allowed us to level too quickly...maybe there should have been more rat killing.


I have a 6 month sub and am happy that I bought it. By July this game will either have played out or be fantastic. I hope for fantastic and also fear played out.

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And to the topic.

Keller Void saw a big drop off after the holidays...then stabilized...and now seems to be growing slowly. This is based on the numbers I see in fleet. Probably the biggest design mistake BW made was putting the actual player count in front of player faces. Brave, but everyone is using it as a hammer to bash the game with or a trumpet to laud the game.


Everyone is throwing out their numbers and stats, because we all know that every thing on the intertubes is fact. I don't know numbers, and most of you don't either.



I am level 50 and still love playing the game...it suits me. I am a serious casual player. I like RPG stories, and grouping with friends. Going over the same 'ole quest like a daily I have found that pressing the space bar is no big deal



I can see how PVP hardcore players would hate this game.


PVP gear was too strong and made OPS too simple. I get that there are too few OPS today...but that will change.


Everyone complained about the old MMO grind, and just maybe SWTOR allowed us to level too quickly...maybe there should have been more rat killing.


I have a 6 month sub and am happy that I bought it. By July this game will either have played out or be fantastic. I hope for fantastic and also fear played out.


Yes, good points.

I am lvl 50 and indeed I can poke around for a little more here and there to do....Im not looking to be held by the hand and spoon fed more content but the lvl 50 afterlife is not as involving and exciting as the leveling experience. So we hope for more and cross out fingures.

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These stats from VGCharts though are alarming imho:



Global First Ten Weeks (Units)

Week Ending Week Weekly Change Total

24th December 2011 1 1,453,494 N/A 1,453,494

31st December 2011 2 316,194 -78.2% 1,769,688

07th January 2012 3 111,762 -64.7% 1,881,450

14th January 2012 4 67,742 -39.4% 1,949,192

21st January 2012 5 59,131 -12.7% 2,008,323

28th January 2012 6 49,075 -17.0% 2,057,398

04th February 2012 7 36,225 -26.2% 2,093,623



Ofc. total sales go down compared to launch, but the amount it keeps dropping is surprising imo.


36k Worldwide sales? I simply cannot see how that warrants population growth versus the number of people that stop playing.


IMO, the stats you keep quoting are isolated and have no context whatsoever to give them any meaning. Now if you were to look at a bunch of other stats for other games in the first 7 weeks they came out, and compare the curve of each to the others to see how much more/less 'successful' TOR has been, that might start to have some significance. Though even then, it's hardly proof of long-term success or failure. All IMO, of course.

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IMO, the stats you keep quoting are isolated and have no context whatsoever to give them any meaning. Now if you were to look at a bunch of other stats for other games in the first 7 weeks they came out, and compare the curve of each to the others to see how much more/less 'successful' TOR has been, that might start to have some significance. Though even then, it's hardly proof of long-term success or failure. All IMO, of course.


Not to mention that those numbers do not include digital sales..

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Fleet used to only have about 50-60 republic players, but now during prime time has over 100!


As BW releases more copies of the game, more players log in.


Tis a good day.


Thats a pretty big assumption. I think the game is doing fine but that could easily be a reflection of more people basing their playtime from the fleet on having hit 50 than anything else. In short we lack the information to know the answer and the only thing your information tells you is there are more players on the fleet at a given timepoint.

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The only reason anyone (aside from the staunch supporters who would play even if it was a text based game) is playing the game isn't because it's all that good. There just aren't many other choices at the moment.


Most people here have played WoW to death and are just tired of it. Rift is good but it's just a updated copy of WoW. Aion is a grindfest and the rest are just old garbage whereas TOR is new garbage.


Lack of options isn't a choice, it's the lesser of evils.

Edited by Xaeberain
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if some is 90%+ then yes it would be some


Forgot the sight but it reported 8000 new US sales the last week. Thats why all the servers are bursting with new life now. A pathetic number of 8000 in week 7.


One of the people who pay $14.99 a month to *****, whine and talk doom about a game that's doing better than their predictions instead of playing and giving constructive feedback to fix whatever they think is wrong.


Awesome way to waste your hard-earned money, moron.

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The only reason anyone (aside from the staunch supporters who would play even if it was a text based game) is playing the game isn't because it's all that good. There just aren't many other choices at the moment.


Most people here have played WoW to death and are just tired of it. Rift is good but it's just a updated copy of WoW. Aion is a grindfest and the rest are just old garbage whereas TOR is new garbage.


Lack of options isn't a choice, it's the lesser of evils.


I see your point. I don't know if it is true, but I see your point.


My issue with your point is that MMOs tend to bring me into them because of the attachment I have to the characters and the effort I put in to mature them. Maybe others are different. But I could not put any time into an MMO I knew I was going to abandon in a month or two.

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IT will continue to grow, people are kind of slow on this forum because they are used to the regular MMO genre games that only appeal to the hardcore MMO crowd. They tend to die quickly because that crowd is both small and fickle.


This game appeals to the masses and will have a very different looking curve. Notice the commercials yet? SWTOR in adds with the 3D SW:Episode 1? Will drive a smooth load of new users.

Edited by Drallbait
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I see your point. I don't know if it is true, but I see your point.


My issue with your point is that MMOs tend to bring me into them because of the attachment I have to the characters and the effort I put in to mature them. Maybe others are different. But I could not put any time into an MMO I knew I was going to abandon in a month or two.


Good MMOs do draw people in and they in turn become invested in their character and time spent.

This game, however, isn't like that. Our characters don't really feel like our own. They're Bioware's creations and we're just following a linear story path of their choosing to see the conclusion. I would equate it more with reading a book where the conclusion is forgone. The story may be interesting but it isn't ours.

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Fleet used to only have about 50-60 republic players, but now during prime time has over 100!


As BW releases more copies of the game, more players log in.


Tis a good day.


at first, when I saw your other threads I thought you were a very determined and skilled troll.


But now I realize you are just naive and enjoy the game of make-believe as much as swtor, apparently.



Or at least I think so. If you really are a troll kudos. got me. more than once actually and I usually try to keep my wits about me on the forums.

Edited by mufutiz
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at first, when I saw your other threads I thought you were a very determined and skilled troll.


But now I realize you are just naive and enjoy the game of make-believe as much as swtor, apparently.


Or at least I think so. If you really are a troll kudos. got me. more than once actually and I usually try to keep my wits about me on the forums.

Mask of Nihilus started in early access averaging 80 or so in IF by release. Now fleet averages between 175 and 200 during peak, and chat is packed with LFGs. We all stuck together during queue hell the first few weeks and now it's healthy & thriving.


Screen taken last Monday night. Time stamp is U.S. CST and the server is a U.S. west coast server - 2 hrs behind us.



Oh ye of little faith . . .

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Mask of Nihilus started in early access averaging 80 or so in IF by release. Now fleet averages between 175 and 200 during peak, and chat is packed with LFGs. We all stuck together during queue hell the first few weeks and now it's healthy & thriving.


Screen taken last Monday night. Time stamp is U.S. CST and the server is a U.S. west coast server - 2 hrs behind us.



Oh ye of little faith . . .


Players tend to collect at the fleet when there is not one other location to be at level 50.

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Mask of Nihilus started in early access averaging 80 or so in IF by release. Now fleet averages between 175 and 200 during peak, and chat is packed with LFGs. We all stuck together during queue hell the first few weeks and now it's healthy & thriving.


Screen taken last Monday night. Time stamp is U.S. CST and the server is a U.S. west coast server - 2 hrs behind us.



Oh ye of little faith . . .


more people reaching level 50 = more fleet action because endgame in swtor is standing around in fleet spamming LFG or waiting for the wz pop. In fact most of the pve content at 50 is located right at the fleet as well...


add to that all the republic rerolls from your server, all the rerolls from other empty servers and yeah, same exact thing happens on my Imps server as well.

people are flocking to the well populated servers now(Imp side of course)


Yet there are servers in this game where during prime time any day of the week, there are like 30 players on the fleet. I actually have seen it with my own eyes. Could provide a screenshot probably but I really just don't care enough because people will believe what they want to believe.

Edited by mufutiz
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I guess the title of this thread is way better by BW standards so they closed

the one we were posting before.

So to sum it up...

All servers are ok.

There are no population problems.

Everything is great.

Take your time.


Is this fanboy enough for the fanboys?

I can do better.

This is the best game there has ever been.

All the servers are highly populated and there just isn't enough servers to cover the demand

from the billions of players out there.



Dear player.Server population is growing.It just isn't your server:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Edited by Enkenon
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Players tend to collect at the fleet when there is not one other location to be at level 50.
Considering that's the FP and end game hub outside of Ilum (think Cata's zone hubs in Org & SW) that is likely accurate. Won't see a lot of 85s bouncing around Arathi either I'm guessing. Or Dal. Or Shatt. But if you by chance took a look at the screenshot's chat panel you will see the point of my post. All the numbers in the world don't translate to activity, but the LFG traffic doesn't lie. Our server rocks with it. You are free to disbelieve all you like. It doesn't affect my ability to play any part of the game my characters are eligible for, and I can do that on our server. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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