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Server Population is GROWING!


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Did bioware not state in writing that some servers were reaching their absolute maximum and if they reached it they would not increase it?


Was the servers increased for all the new players entering on these servers to remove the 1 hour+ waiting times?


Yes or No answers only. If both your answers are yes then they lied about one.


I'm going to quote the other guy by asking for you to link, you go around often speaking as if you some form of prophet and bioware relay all information to you yet despite that you never prove anything, here watch this.


" Bioware stated that they punt puppies out of windows "


You see what i did there? Anyone can claim bioware said something but without proof your words fall on deaf ears.

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And where does it say that they weren't talking about the absolute max of that cap?


These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.

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These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.


You are looking for something that's not there.


How do you know they weren't talking about at that particular cap?


Where does it say that they wouldn't be able to raise it anymore after that point is reached?


And above all else, what does any of this have to do with your claims that the population is in decline? Did you realize you were wrong and decided it best to change the subject? Do you have any proof of that yet?

Edited by Skoobie
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You are looking for something that's not there.


How do you know they weren't talking about at that particular cap?


Where does it say that they wouldn't be able to raise it anymore after that point is reached?


These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.


Your really dont want to admit it do you.

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You are looking for something that's not there.


How do you know they weren't talking about at that particular cap?


Where does it say that they wouldn't be able to raise it anymore after that point is reached?


Your wasting your time bothering with this guy all he does is go from thread to thread trolling the thread and bashing the game down then calling people fanboys when they oppose his stupidity. You either agree with his exaggerated views or put up with attempting to debate with someone who's no better than a parrot.


But enjoy yourself, i'll be back later to see what amazing trolling he's unleashed on a different topic <3

Edited by Berazad
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These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.


Your really dont want to admit it do you.


At that cap. Is that really too hard for you to understand?


Admit what? I have yet to see you say you are wrong about anything.


When people provide proof, you just dismiss it as lies.

Edited by Skoobie
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Your wasting your time bothering with this guy all he does is go from thread to thread trolling the thread and bashing the game down then calling people fanboys when they oppose his stupidity. You either agree with his exaggerated views or put up with attempting to debate with someone who's no better than a parrot.


But enjoy yourself, i'll be back later to see what amazing trolling he's unleashed on a different topic <3

How is he trolling?


So far everything he's showing is facts, and those facts are helping show that the population isn't growing up dropping like a rock.

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I tried to sort through them but there is a lot of rhetoric and vitriol being handed out. I am sure its not all your fault and many of those posts and replies are directed at ad hominems directed towards you in defense.


So it should be pretty easy for you to know where to look in your own history for the constructive threads or posts you have made in regards to this game. Please, if you can, take the time to link these as it would quite your detractors and stimulate honest discourse.


I am curious as to why you ignored the rest of my reply to you?


I would like to see these "constructive posts" of Emeda's as well.

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At that cap. Is that really too hard for you to understand?


Its the absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) Is that too hard for you to understand


Admit what? I have yet to see you say you are wrong about anything.


I have admitted I was wrong in a few threads. See I will admit if I am wrong. And before you ask me to link them you can find them, they are there


When people provide proof, you just dismiss it as lies.


What proof have I dismissed as lies and not given any reason?

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Well, it seems likely that they could have simply added more hardware to increase capacity. EVE has done this to their server farm numerous times.


No need to invoke 'lying' as a motive.


How do you know EVE did it? I am betting somewhere they posted they did.


Where has bioware said anything about doing this? Everything they have said has said they didnt so there is no reason to believe they did.

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Hmm from the replies, now it just seems like someone trying to keep the thread near the top of the forums...


I think if we're all honest we know server pop is going down, not on all servers ofc, but on some. If a server has a spike in pop its usually due to another server turning into a ghost town and most people rerolling to the one with the uptick. Its really unfortunate too


Hell, haven't some of the devs even jumped ship to go work on "The banner saga"? Rats on a ship me thinks, rats on a ship... (also head writer too iirc)

Edited by muzzle_flash
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How do you know EVE did it? I am betting somewhere they posted they did.


Where has bioware said anything about doing this? Everything they have said has said they didnt so there is no reason to believe they did.



Please. If you're not familiar with EVE, then don't even go there. It is well known fact that EVE Online has upgraded their hardware to increase server cap. They're actually pioneers in SSD server technology. You don't even want to go there, sister.


You actually gave the hint that BioWare said they doubled cap. If one is an automatic hater of BioWare, and one assumes their launch statement was true (some servers near maximum cap), and at a later date they say they've doubled capacity, then it is reasonable to assume they added hardware to increase cap. As I said, no reason to invoke 'lying' as some dark motive.


They don't owe it to you to explain every effing detail just so you, with your single-minded OCD/ADD hate, can win an interwebs argument.

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Hmm from the replies, now it just seems like someone trying to keep the thread near the top of the forums...


I think if we're all honest we know server pop is going down, not on all servers ofc, but on some. If a server has a spike in pop its usually due to another server turning into a ghost town and most people rerolling to the one with the uptick. Its really unfortunate too


Hell, haven't some of the devs even jumped ship to go work on "The banner saga"? Rats on a ship me thinks, rats on a ship... (also head writer too iirc)

Was actually some dialogue for awhile til someone started throwing grenades. Oh well. Time to play. Here's a little something from IGN ...


"Successful trolling requires:

1) Generation of e-rage

2) Lengthy, heart-felt replies

3) Numerous reply posts in a short time period."


Cheers :)

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I have a simple question


is there a server on the north American side


that has a big comounity on republic side


sofar i have not found it


If some of you can help post or mail thank you


Helms of Graush or however you spell it has a very healthy Republic side. I am Empire and we have 50 on 50 battles every day all evening long in Ilum.

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I have a simple question


is there a server on the north American side


that has a big comounity on republic side


sofar i have not found it


If some of you can help post or mail thank you


Guessing english isn't first language?


Regardless, depending on what timezone you want try The Fatman, Dark Reaper, or any "very heavy" server. Even if they are outnumbered, the community is large enough that there will be plenty of republic.

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WOW... 100 players in the capital!?!? Stop the lights! :eek:


That's at least 10% as many as the average WOW server has players standing between the bank and the AH.


For a "massively" multiplayer online game this heap of trash sure doesn't have many people, ey?

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Fleet used to only have about 50-60 republic players, but now during prime time has over 100!


As BW releases more copies of the game, more players log in.


Tis a good day.




I added these screenshots from the thread: NA Server Status 9:48 EST: Population Thriving!


That thread was created on February 18, 2012.











Bio loves that the game is full of folks like this that dont have a clue,yes fleet numbers may be growing for the simple fact that more or the remaining subs now reach 50,but have a look around around at all the other other BAREN WASTELANDS in the games where there is no one,sorry I shouldnt have used the term SIMPLE,nothing is simple if you dont have a clue. But im sure in your own way your SPECIAL

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Every website out there that tracks the servers Status (Light, Standard, Heavy, Very Heavy Full) has the playerbase dropping.


But hey, I'm sure if I close my eyes, plug my eyes and start singing "Pigs can fly" to myself, then eventually, pigs will fly.

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