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Server Population is GROWING!


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I'm sure most of it was dumped into running all those television ads over the past several years.


That's what they said with WAR.

I think you might be confusing TOR with WoW in that regard. Haven't seen any Chuck Norris spots yet. You not like being here? Or is this a paying gig? Edited by GalacticKegger
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People love to use this site to bash TOR so guess it is fair game to use it: http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats


Take note of the Population change column. Significantly more +x.xx than -x.xx


thats actually completely opposite of the truth. lol

29 have growth, 87 have decrease. lol

Thats for US


in Euro, all but 3 have a decrease.

Edited by Atanasov
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So you really don't like being here? Or is this a paying gig?


I'm going with $$$$$. The trolls are out in full force to defend certain other games that they fear this one is going to kill for them. Content locusts who made 50 and did "everything" wil be back every time there's a patch with new content...their locust swarm will devour the crop and they'll be gone again for a little while in between that and the next aptch. Meanwhile, everyone else with a normal life will just keep chuggin along a couple hours per day, enjoying themselves immensely.

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I'm going with $$$$$. The trolls are out in full force to defend certain other games that they fear this one is going to kill for them. Content locusts who made 50 and did "everything" wil be back every time there's a patch with new content...their locust swarm will devour the crop and they'll be gone again for a little while in between that and the next aptch. Meanwhile, everyone else with a normal life will just keep chuggin along a couple hours per day, enjoying themselves immensely.


I think some people forget what it's like to have fun.


Glad you and I aren't one of them.


Life is to short to hate so much.

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thats actually completely opposite of the truth. lol

29 have growth, 87 have decrease. lol

Thats for US


in Euro, all but 3 have a decrease.


Well according to this Swtor has about half the hourly pop of Wow.. not too shabby for a dying game



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what i see with http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats is that if is it even close to accurate is that they could merge half the servers into the other have and mostly all high pop servers.




Honestly they fell into the launch "trap" people QQed about queue times to get onto the servers so they opened more, and in doing so over expanded, they lost some players others simply so not play as much. However by over expanding the servers went from almost all having queues to some being barren waste lands and the people on those servers are suffering, and have to start over on new server or are going to end up quiting. Either way people will be less then happy.




This game is awesome but i for one hate the fact that in order to play republic i had to leave Saber of Exar Kun, gear and money aside because that is pretty easy to get back, i lost 42 legacy levels which will take MONTHS to get back especially after the recent XP change to legacy.

Edited by Hizoka
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I'm going with $$$$$. The trolls are out in full force to defend certain other games that they fear this one is going to kill for them. Content locusts who made 50 and did "everything" wil be back every time there's a patch with new content...their locust swarm will devour the crop and they'll be gone again for a little while in between that and the next aptch. Meanwhile, everyone else with a normal life will just keep chuggin along a couple hours per day, enjoying themselves immensely.


Agreed 100%.

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Isn't Aion still online and profitable?


Online and profitable in the East and a ghostown in the West. Going F2P in Europe and pretty much the poster child for what MMO companies shouldt do. However, Bioware seems to be hellbent on not learning and moving just as glacially slow.


really? They said "I look at something that is measuring server population and noticed that on average it is showing fairly stable populations"? That's suprising, beacuse with Aion, the population exodus was fairly drastic and objectively measurable prior to mergers...here, it appears to be non-existant on avearage and existing in two places: (1) the minds of people who are being overly pessimistic and (2) in posts from people actively trying to destroy the game.


Fact: SWTOR has smaller server population caps than certain other games. Working as intended. Don't like it? Don't play. Don't like it? Go away and stop trying to ruin everyone else's fun with your constant crybabby act on the forums.


I see you didn't play Aion West because for the first three months the game was doing just as well as SWTOR is now. It wasn't until January 2010 that players saw how much many of the games systems wouldn't be changing anytime soon and left in droves. That moment for SWTOR I fear is coming with patch 1.2 and the massive disappointment when players realize many issues talked to death on forums won't be fixed. The only fact here is that you have a misguided sense what path this game is going down and you probably will continue until the merges start and look around to find the real 2012 MMOs coming out very soon. Bioware really had something special here but poor implementation and taking forever to get out updates will restrict this to a mere niche market and far under the profitable half-million they need to sustain the game.

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I haven't seen any indications that it is growing either. At lesat not on my server. If population is growing it's on Imp side.


It seems to me at least that it's decreasing rather than growing.


However I did an experiment just now.


My server republic Chuundar fleet at this very moment 31, STANDARD


Bloodworthy server imp same time also STANDARD 137...


That is a HUUUUUUUUUUGE faction imbalance right there



Your problem is the fact that the republic faction is almost non existent on Chuundar which is why me and my friends decided to leave that server some time ago.


Now on our current server we have 250+ on the fleet in prime time and the number of people on the planets is constantly increasing, not the other way around, also some servers that were standard these days show heavy population.


I would have to agree with the OP, the population does seem to increase.

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I'm going with $$$$$. The trolls are out in full force to defend certain other games that they fear this one is going to kill for them. Content locusts who made 50 and did "everything" wil be back every time there's a patch with new content...their locust swarm will devour the crop and they'll be gone again for a little while in between that and the next aptch. Meanwhile, everyone else with a normal life will just keep chuggin along a couple hours per day, enjoying themselves immensely.


This .......

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Online and profitable in the East and a ghostown in the West. Going F2P in Europe and pretty much the poster child for what MMO companies shouldt do. However, Bioware seems to be hellbent on not learning and moving just as glacially slow.




I see you didn't play Aion West because for the first three months the game was doing just as well as SWTOR is now. It wasn't until January 2010 that players saw how much many of the games systems wouldn't be changing anytime soon and left in droves. That moment for SWTOR I fear is coming with patch 1.2 and the massive disappointment when players realize many issues talked to death on forums won't be fixed. The only fact here is that you have a misguided sense what path this game is going down and you probably will continue until the merges start and look around to find the real 2012 MMOs coming out very soon. Bioware really had something special here but poor implementation and taking forever to get out updates will restrict this to a mere niche market and far under the profitable half-million they need to sustain the game.


Your predication is duly noted.


My prediction is around 3 million world wide in 6 months.


Both are speculation and easily discredited.

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Online and profitable in the East and a ghostown in the West. Going F2P in Europe and pretty much the poster child for what MMO companies shouldt do. However, Bioware seems to be hellbent on not learning and moving just as glacially slow.


You should go back to whining about your precious textures, if you spread too thin some might think that the only reason you are paying sub for this game is to troll it and bash Bioware.

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Fleet used to only have about 50-60 republic players, but now during prime time has over 100!


Fleet doesn't count.

The worlds are dead and will continue to be so.


They just should have a released a game call "Star Wars Fleet!!".

And then just have everything run from there, i.e. - FlashPoints, Raids, etc..


Oh wait, that's what we already have.

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Fleet used to only have about 50-60 republic players, but now during prime time has over 100!


As BW releases more copies of the game, more players log in.


Tis a good day.




I added these screenshots from the thread: NA Server Status 9:48 EST: Population Thriving!


That thread was created on February 18, 2012.











A screenshot at a single point in time , or even 4 is not a trend. Look at swtor status "population trend". It is hardly "increasing". Though it does not seem to be dropping either in the last 4 weeks.

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Of course, all this depends on Bioware/EA actually telling the truth and not cooking figures to help their quarterly earnings reports and share price.


But we all know this never happens..... (Lehman Brothers, Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac etc).

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They need to list faction % on the server lists and if that doesn't help then t hey need to shut down character creation for a faction when it hits more then 60-65%


So then when you get a friend or co-worker to try the game, he logs in and can't create a character of your faction on the same server, do you think that would be good?


You can't force players to play certain sides on certain servers or you would lose business.


What is needed is a way to encourage players to roll the smaller percentage faction on a server.

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So then when you get a friend or co-worker to try the game, he logs in and can't create a character of your faction on the same server, do you think that would be good?


You can't force players to play certain sides on certain servers or you would lose business.


What is needed is a way to encourage players to roll the smaller percentage faction on a server.


Maybe incentives can be given via the Legacy system for Rep/Imp?


New races, gear, etc.

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A screenshot at a single point in time , or even 4 is not a trend. Look at swtor status "population trend". It is hardly "increasing". Though it does not seem to be dropping either in the last 4 weeks.
The stats sites are bunk. They can't be trusted because BW hasn't opened their doors to them yet. The moment these sites can verify their accuracy and their sources is the moment they become a viable resource. They won't verify their accuracy or their sources (should read each site's disclaimer - if they even have one) or there'd already be an "armory." BioWare's own server status' can't be trusted either because they keep changing the thresholds on us.


So in the absence of statistical fact, competing truths are spun from competing opinions - which is all any of this is. That leaves raw & undoctored screenshots as the only hard evidence available. Discounting the only available hard evidence for what a player experiences in-game is merely slamming the door on something one doesn't want to see.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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