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Boring Static World of SWTOR


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I loved the questing. I enjoy my character development. Tython seemed pretty interesting... At first glance.


However most worlds are so static and boring. Besides the occasional group of empire or republic soldier standing around or huddled behind a barricade forever shooting over it, the world feels so empty and static.


Nothing moves around, there is no hustle and bustle of the world. No NPC events or occurrences. Ilum is supposed to be this big battlefield but really its a bunch of people standing around. Fleet feels so empty if their aren't players running around.


Its hard to immerse yourself in such a static and stagnant world. Even older MMOs have made the world feel at least somewhat inhabited and interesting.


Ilum would be so much more fun if it was a giant war, full of NPC's running around and fighting each other, instead we get big stupid walkers just sitting there ready for us to walk up to, picnic around it, then if we are bored, shoot a missile at it.



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LOL, and how is the world any more static than actual players at level 50 all standing around waiting for queues to pop?


The mall is only active because people are in it doing stuff... take away the people and it gets pretty static. You want activity? Fill it up with your friends. Duel. Dance. Run around in circles.


It's only static because you let it be.

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LOL, and how is the world any more static than actual players at level 50 all standing around waiting for queues to pop?


The mall is only active because people are in it doing stuff... take away the people and it gets pretty static. You want activity? Fill it up with your friends. Duel. Dance. Run around in circles.


It's only static because you let it be.


There are things called NPCs. That is an extremely lazy stance to have. I shouldn't depend on other players to make the world seem interesting. Especially on questing planets. We should feel like we are part of a giant gaming world, not just a bunch of players in an empty area.

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LOL, and how is the world any more static than actual players at level 50 all standing around waiting for queues to pop?


The mall is only active because people are in it doing stuff... take away the people and it gets pretty static. You want activity? Fill it up with your friends. Duel. Dance. Run around in circles.


It's only static because you let it be.


So a guy goes to his mechanic, says, " My engine keeps making this weird noise..."


Mechanic grabs a phillips head screwdriver and punctures the man's eardrums.


Problem resolved.

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Give it time and im sure they would start adding more NPC's events that will make the worlds seem more alive , i do think they coud be more done to get a more social aspect going, especially in Anchorhead, In SWG this place really did seem alive and people would spend all day just in the cantine !, was dissapointnig when i went there and it was just empty and yes static ( Edited by Drednor
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Give it time and im sure they would start adding more NPC's events that will make the worlds seem more alive , i do think they coud be more done to get a more social aspect going, especially in Anchorhead, In SWG this place really did seem alive and people would spend all day just in the cantine !, was dissapointnig when i went there and it was just empty and yes static (


Im not going to subsidize something they should have been doing months ago...

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LOL, and how is the world any more static than actual players at level 50 all standing around waiting for queues to pop?


The mall is only active because people are in it doing stuff... take away the people and it gets pretty static. You want activity? Fill it up with your friends. Duel. Dance. Run around in circles.


It's only static because you let it be.


It needs more ambient activity mate... Non-critical NPC's actually moving around and doing stuff rather than repeating animation cycles all the time. It really adds to the feel of a game :) Even WoW does that better, and I find it pretty static as well.

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Static world? That is an understatement. I am slowly backing away from this game. It had a lot of promise. But it seems for all the money spent, very little was delivered.


I don't consider this an MMORPG, I consider SWTOR a console game, ported to the computer, with some very small effort at adding grouping.


I'm still hoping things will change. I'll give BW at best a year. But in the meantime. My Sub to EVE is still active, and I find myself spending more and more time in it and less and less time here.



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The game world is designed as snapshot in time. The situation when you enter a zone is to present that exact time frame in the story. That is fine form a design point of view, like the rest of the game it is overstylished.

However it presents a significant immersion problem when you visit the same place later again. The world has not changed no matter what you did. immersion is broken.


Adding mobile npcs that do their own stuff and not sit/stand/lay in the exact same place all the time would help a lot. Have hords of animals wander around the world, when they run into a city, have the city npc guards defend against them f predators, jsut have them wander the streets in the search for food etc.


But the world design makes that hardly possible since everything is so walled off.


But on the other hand the world is so heavily instanced that you could have different instances depending on how far in the storyline the player is.


Lots of things could have been done in the design phase of the game, but where not done but rather made hard to impossible to do now.


Face it, tor is a single player game at its core. Nothing more.

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The game world is designed as snapshot in time. The situation when you enter a zone is to present that exact time frame in the story. That is fine form a design point of view, like the rest of the game it is overstylished.

However it presents a significant immersion problem when you visit the same place later again. The world has not changed no matter what you did. immersion is broken.



Here's an example regarding this: I think I remember seeing an imperial firing squad on one planet. They all seemed to be waiting on their CO, who probably dozed off between "aim" and "fire", and hasn't woken up since.


It's a dramatic moment when you first see it... But wouldn't it be better if we actually saw the captives being shot? And then the circle could continue as new captives are marched in (maybe with slightly randomized uniforms to boot), to be shot down in their turn. Maybe at random one of them could make a run for it, and get shot down by a guard. And at some point, the executions stop, and the firing squad walks into the cantina and spends some time drinking there, and eventually returns to its original duty.


Sure, there are questions like "where the hell are all these captives coming from?" and "don't these guys ever sleep?" But still, it's dynamic and you wouldn't notice it unless you stand around looking at them for hours. And it gives the illusion of actual activity.

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Don't worry guys, once the free month is up all the haters will go away and you'll see how many people actually really like the game!


LOL. And therein lies the problem. A lot of people never sub after their free month is up. Some do, and then they hit cap. A few stay. A few leave. The game has/had promise.


It has NOT delivered on that promise.

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Don't worry guys, once the free month is up all the haters will go away and you'll see how many people actually really like the game!


Yeah that was haters not paid shills for Anet. :rolleyes:


Anyway asinine comments aside; one of the things I hope to speak about at the summit is making the world more dynamic; having background NPC's not always in the same place having a bit more random events....I totally agree that the world is a bit too static; and it wouldn't take that much to change it.

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