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I see its really imbalance that some classes can get additional bonus medals while others cant. For example: Assassin in tanky stance can get 4 ( 2k absorb, 5k absorb, 10k absorb and 50k absorb) FREE medals? While some classes like Snipers\Smugglers - cant.


I asking for nerf, while my main class is assassin. I really like to play in Surge Charge to do most Damage(Deception spec) but i must play in tank for grabbing as much medals as i can... because of those 4 free tanky medals...

So i want that Damage dealers classes could only get DD medals. Healers only healing Medals and Tanks only defence medals. And these medals should be very balanced. No more 15 medals per match for assassin\Warrior!

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who cares about medals...and this is coming from a guy who gets like 9 a game. I rather get 4 medals and win the game than 10 and loose it. You can get as many commendations and valor through winning with 4 than loosing with 10.
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I'm so sick of these threads. Just deal with it. You sound like a whiny little brat crying to his mommy.


"Johnny's mom gets him 10 medals a game! Why can't I have 10 medals a game too? It's not fair! Wah!"


Deal with it! If it bother you so much, reroll your class. Then you can have all the medals you want.

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I'm so sick of these threads. Just deal with it. You sound like a whiny little brat crying to his mommy.


"Johnny's mom gets him 10 medals a game! Why can't I have 10 medals a game too? It's not fair! Wah!"


Deal with it! If it bother you so much, reroll your class. Then you can have all the medals you want.


Answer with out reading? Go to hell bro.

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I completely agree. It's about time us shield Vanguards get the damage and the healing medals.


/sarcasm off


Healers are kinda screwed thus we vote for them so that they get extra valor. If you don't like it just reroll. And if you don't like using Guard - just don't use it, respec to a DPS spec or something. I hate losing a match because of medal farmers >.<

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I see its really imbalance that some classes can get additional bonus medals while others cant. For example: Assassin in tanky stance can get 4 ( 2k absorb, 5k absorb, 10k absorb and 50k absorb) FREE medals? While some classes like Snipers\Smugglers - cant.


I asking for nerf, while my main class is assassin. I really like to play in Surge Charge to do most Damage(Deception spec) but i must play in tank for grabbing as much medals as i can... because of those 4 free tanky medals...

So i want that Damage dealers classes could only get DD medals. Healers only healing Medals and Tanks only defence medals. And these medals should be very balanced. No more 15 medals per match for assassin\Warrior!


as a sniper I agree 100% with you. Snipers cannort get heal and absorb medals etc.

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I agree with OP in a way. For me it's not the medals, but the feeling of unfairness when the game rewards players with equal amount of success differently.


I don't know if the medal system is copied from wow like so many other bad things seem to be (expertise/pvp gear f.ex.), but what the hell is the point when it makes players feel mistreated?

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so what your saying is your done with your assassin and now your playing your gunslinger and youve come here to ***** for more medals your class wasnt designed to get. dont know how to help you earn the protection medals(yes they were earned their not free 50k protection medal negates one of those chuckleheads at the bottom of the list almost entirely)get a shockfrozen water get 6-10 medals a match like you can and ***** less.
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who cares about medals...and this is coming from a guy who gets like 9 a game. I rather get 4 medals and win the game than 10 and loose it. You can get as many commendations and valor through winning with 4 than loosing with 10.


You get much more valor and commendations for winning with 10 medals than winning with 4 though. And that's the problem. Snipers and Marauders cannot get more than 5-6 medals usually, while tanks get 3 medals pretty much instantly when they AOE taunt in a group, and another 1-2 over time. Healers don't have it much better they only get 1-2 more than dps do.

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More QQ-ers.


Medals are not supposed to be awarded for standing still, doing nothing "guarding" a spot, or for tunnel vision - "I am a healer so I only heal!" or "I am a DD, if I'm not healed I die and that's not my fault!".


I'll give you a single example: my mate is a healer-specced commando, every time we go with him in PuGs for the WZs, he gets on average 8-9 medals.


Learn to play, whiners.

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You get much more valor and commendations for winning with 10 medals than winning with 4 though. And that's the problem. Snipers and Marauders cannot get more than 5-6 medals usually, while tanks get 3 medals pretty much instantly when they AOE taunt in a group, and another 1-2 over time. Healers don't have it much better they only get 1-2 more than dps do.


yeah i know that i was trying to get the point that winning is more important than medals, at least to me. I play with a mara in most of my WZ's he gets around 5 a game and im sitting in first with 11 or something like that, he never complains. I know my class can put out redic medals in a game for what you said aoe taunts and guarding others. Some classes just dont get medals especially healers which is a joke since if you dont have 1 healer on a team it is very very difficult to win anything.

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More QQ-ers.


Medals are not supposed to be awarded for standing still, doing nothing "guarding" a spot, or for tunnel vision - "I am a healer so I only heal!" or "I am a DD, if I'm not healed I die and that's not my fault!".


I'll give you a single example: my mate is a healer-specced commando, every time we go with him in PuGs for the WZs, he gets on average 8-9 medals.


Learn to play, whiners.


Let me guess you play a class that can heal and dps. Maybe even a class that is good a carring the huttball.

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I completely agree. It's about time us shield Vanguards get the damage and the healing medals.


/sarcasm off


Healers are kinda screwed thus we vote for them so that they get extra valor. If you don't like it just reroll. And if you don't like using Guard - just don't use it, respec to a DPS spec or something. I hate losing a match because of medal farmers >.<


I completely agree, and this is coming from someone who was up until a week ago an assassin tank running with a sorc healer. I'd be getting 8-10 medals having my sorc healer (fiancee) on guard, though she would be getting about 4-6. We'd end up winning a lot of the time, which by the way equals extra 20 commendations. By winning she'd still be getting about 70-80 commendations a game while healing.


I'm now a sage dps and she's a dps commando and now I may not get as many medals as I did before, I average about 6-7, which still gives me a good 70-80 commendations when my team wins.


I personally wish they made medals give less commendations and winning/doing objectives gave you more, then we'd see more people trying to win/play the game then douchebags trying to farm medals.

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yeah i know that i was trying to get the point that winning is more important than medals, at least to me. I play with a mara in most of my WZ's he gets around 5 a game and im sitting in first with 11 or something like that, he never complains. I know my class can put out redic medals in a game for what you said aoe taunts and guarding others. Some classes just dont get medals especially healers which is a joke since if you dont have 1 healer on a team it is very very difficult to win anything.


The healers get the medals if they don't only heal. Tanks only get all the medals, if they fullfill two roles, so if you choose to only play in one roll its your choice.


Only the classes who don't have the abilities to even switch party between roles, the pure DDs, are a bit bad off. Though they usually have it easier to get the 2,5k/5k/300k medals.


The tanks must take a few GCDs for taunts, guard etc. So the healers can take a few GCDs to throw some AoE or catch a quick Kb. If you just tunnelvision into one role *shrug*

Edited by Twor
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Let me guess you play a class that can heal and dps. Maybe even a class that is good a carring the huttball.


And which class doesn't?


Tell me this: why is it that every time we face a tough team at the WZs, they end up with 8-11 medals per person in the end? And I do not see them here whining, even though they have all the spector of classes/builds.


And who are usually here whining-QQing? Yes, the loosers who do not want less effort - more free candies.

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I agree with OP in a way. For me it's not the medals, but the feeling of unfairness when the game rewards players with equal amount of success differently.


I don't know if the medal system is copied from wow like so many other bad things seem to be (expertise/pvp gear f.ex.), but what the hell is the point when it makes players feel mistreated?


Yeah right so I do my best and come on top 2nd dps and first on top protection, (I was the only one though that actually guarded there were others that could) (lvl46 vanguard, defense spec) got 30K protection done, the commando who was a pure dps who was on top simply had 1 medal more, but I essentially played 2 roles at the same time and quite well at that. Guarding your team m8es keeps them alive longer which is important for defending or attacking and surviving long fights. What made that particular all the more satisfying was that we won.

There is also no medal system in wow, you can see who did the most damage or healed the most, but this doesnt actually reward the player in question and this doesnt actually win you the game if you do not play the objectives. The flip side is that you do get honor for killing players even though you yourself did not actually attack.

I did notice a score that you recieve for objectives which isnt in wow.

So here you actually see who has played the most objectively even if that person didnt contribute that much in regards to healing/dps or protecting. Unless Im mistaken?

Have quit wow for about a year so I don't remember the pvp quite well.

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And which class doesn't?


Tell me this: why is it that every time we face a tough team at the WZs, they end up with 8-11 medals per person in the end? And I do not see them here whining, even though they have all the spector of classes/builds.


And who are usually here whining-QQing? Yes, the loosers who do not want less effort - more free candies.


Gunslinger and sniper can't protect or heal. All they can do is damage. To my knowledge Maruader and Sentinel are the same. That's 2 classes that are at a unfair advantage in medals.


Lets assume every other class can get about 3 medals more on average a match. That's 15 WZ commendations and 150 valor more then GS/SN/MR/ST. We'll say the average amount of WZ matches for a person in a week is 50 (just using this number, nothing to say that's actually the average). That's 750 more WZ commendations and 7500 more valor. That's a champ bag and a good portion of a valor rank, per week that they get, just for not being GS/SN/MR/ST. That's more then just 1 match to make up for being there class, it's several (I'd say ~7, depends on skill and if they win). That's just incredibly unfair.

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I REPEAT AGAIN: I DONT CARE FOR amount of MEDALS. I just want to play for DPS assassin with out thinking "ohhh if i switch stance to tank i could get a lot more medals per match and grind 60+ rank way faster..."


Then don't think about it - as you've just showed, it's all in *your* head.


People who play WZs to enjoy PvP and win games, who enjoy a good match and even teams fighting for victory don't think about medals, it's just a nice bonus.

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I'm so sick of these threads. Just deal with it. You sound like a whiny little brat crying to his mommy.


"Johnny's mom gets him 10 medals a game! Why can't I have 10 medals a game too? It's not fair! Wah!"


Deal with it! If it bother you so much, reroll your class. Then you can have all the medals you want.


If you and Johnny did the exact same things - played your class to its maximum, but Johnny benefits more because some of his skills give him extra medals, while yours don't, I'd say you're perfectly right to complain.


Take Marauder's Obfuscate - reduces accuracy 90% for 6 seconds. Compare that to Taunt, reduces damage done by 30% for 6 seconds. One doesn't award any medals, the other does. Fair? Hardly. I can cast Obfuscate on someone who is attacking another player, and help mitigate a ton of damage. I just get jack s*** for it.


Current medal system ain't fair. Everyone knows it. Everyone with a brain, at least.

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