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petition to NerF Sawbones


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The class needs some help. I did not see many sawbones so i made a class that was rarely seen. I so far have speck all saw bones. Survialbity is not long. Ive gotten good at what defense skills i have but still take tons of damage im lvel 40 in 40 pvp gear and man i get killed fast by sith, inqusitors, bh , sith warriors really fast. i went 1 on 1 with a 30 sith and could not heal past his damage. i lived a little longer v 17 inqusitor to a pt i was able to get away. my damage is 600 pts of damage while im runing around, while theres is about 2k a hit ( you have to run because they shoot you and run in circles around you and you cant hit them while kneeling. :p WE NEEED MORE POWER OR DEFENSE skills HOlds. FASTER break free recharge from holds like BH and sith. they are able to break repeat shots of sleep dart. sleep dart is suppose to last 60 sec but it last like 10 repeat shots of it 60 seconds later and they break it again. I need to post a shot (picture) how i dart this bh an they broke it after ten sec i emergency stealthed and waited about 30 sec and darted them again and they broke it after another 10 second. HOW are they able to break holds like that. i see this happening alot on the game with doors on the ship. i can never sleep them long even after repeat shots.

I dont know which class has this hold attack that just holds you there and you cant attack back while they kick the crap out of you. if any thing ill take there hold and give the my worthless dart.


my level in pvp is 33. gee im going BH they seem to have all the fun.:o

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How do we know the op's nationality?


Oh it had nothing to do with the OP. He was just pointing out how ****** our schools have become because this thread needed an actual topic aside from some dude of unknown nationality crying about something that i think was related to swtor and maybe pvp or something.

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he might not be american... or native english speaker.

I didnt know we had a class named sawbones.

Op are yoyu related to the might and holy battle bug? if you are then yes i agree with everything you say.


Either way I do enjoy the OP's over use of smiles. It is true that american schools have taken a **** as well as our government.

Edited by Allenjzs
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I am perfectly content on my lvl 50 smuggler, sawbone main. To survive I pop defense screen, a defense relic, a medpack (which utilizes the 15% increase healing from defense screen on the sawbone tree), and spam emergency medpack on myself until someone decides to help me out. As for keeping people alive... Get used to the fact they need to have less than 30% of their total hp at times. Again, spam EM and only switch if they go above that line. Hit them with some HoT's from time to time they should be good. It's a different form of healing, but allows you to keep multiple targets from dieing (I've kept 3 targets alive below 30% hp long enough for them to finish off the immediate enemies using only HoT's and EM), or heal fairly quickly with the help of another relic and adrenal.
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What are you people thinking? I have no trouble getting 0 deaths and 300k+ heals every match just spamming away with emergency med-pack like a little *****. Get attacked? wait till 30% hp and become invincible. That didn't work? smash vanishing act. That didn't work? use defence shield and heal away while you cry and wait for team mates to save the day.



Really, learn to play a class before you cry about needing a buff or a nerf.

Hell, I main a scoundrel and id LOVE to see emergency med-pack get buffed so healing isn't such a joke anymore.

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What are you people thinking? I have no trouble getting 0 deaths and 300k+ heals every match just spamming away with emergency med-pack like a little *****. Get attacked? wait till 30% hp and become invincible. That didn't work? smash vanishing act. That didn't work? use defence shield and heal away while you cry and wait for team mates to save the day.



Really, learn to play a class before you cry about needing a buff or a nerf.

Hell, I main a scoundrel and id LOVE to see emergency med-pack get buffed so healing isn't such a joke anymore.


I use medpack it does not recharge fast enough to keep me alive. You like ooohh im sooo good. you should know this. You dont play saw bones.

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I use medpack it does not recharge fast enough to keep me alive. You like ooohh im sooo good. you should know this. You dont play saw bones.

Dude... Emergency Medpack has no cd. It is a instant cast that consumes a upper hand, but if the target is less than 30% hp then it re grants upper hand (if speced... why wouldn't you...) Basically, infinite heals.

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Now that i am crosseye'd and brain hurt from wall-o-text, one thing I picked out of that mess you called a post, every class has the same cc breaker on the same base cooldown, some classes can reduce this cooldown through talents and or PvP set bonuses.


What you are describing happening is working as intended, the duration of any classes 60 second cc ability is reduced in pvp

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Dude... Emergency Medpack has no cd. It is a instant cast that consumes a upper hand, but if the target is less than 30% hp then it re grants upper hand (if speced... why wouldn't you...) Basically, infinite heals.



when i try to use it its always dark and i cant select it. what does that mean? does it mean that im out of upper hand.


who wants to run around like a chicken on fire. LOL thats what it feels like when you are fighting a BH, you cant kill him. but he can sit back and roast you. spec the full sawbones tree. i do 450 pts of damage to BH. I don't even waste time trying to damage him because it can heal fast. the BH then stuns you. All you have is nut kick but it does not last long enough for you to run away. the BH then throws lasso and pulls you back then cooks you again. then you get hit with a tazer and start to shake :p. Sad day sad day :(

Edited by Zolinar
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