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Everything posted by projectfox

  1. l2play? get better gear? I crit for 5800 in warzones
  2. This shows you know nothing about the game. Bubbles do not count as protection, they are counted towards heals.
  3. Yes and from what I'm seeing it's mostly imperials using this exploit. Sometimes I see republic do it but it seems more prevalent on imperial side. I'm getting really fed up with these gamebreaking bugs and I'm on the verge of quitting because BW hasn't even acknowledged and/or addressed this problem.
  4. What the hell did I just read?
  5. http://i.imgur.com/begaD.jpg We all know how frustrating it can get trying to play this game when the camera resets itself back on you and making it a hassle to zoom out again and relocate your camera position. This is also extremely detrimental especially when participating in a PvP environment. Post/sign here and let Bioware know that we would love this feature implemented sometime in the near future!
  6. 15-25 mins EACH game? LOL which ******e are you pulling these numbers out of?
  7. How is it not Bioware's fault? I played 17 warzones today and only 7 counted..yes *********** 7 warzones counted. I could not believe my eyes. They still haven't fixed that **** yet.
  8. It doesn't take a *********** nuclear scientist to realize the change to Ilum in 1.1 shouldn't have gone live in the first place. Republic getting spawn camped on every server, really? I need a masters in programming for that?
  9. I have not seen one decent patch since release. Every patch or hotfix patch has been gamebreaking.
  10. Seriously..no reason why I should have to get chain stunned 3 times just to fill my resolve bar before I can use my cc breaker.
  11. I almost did after my 2x republic 50's D:
  12. Are people not smart enough to realize imbalanced factions in any MMO has never been fun? Stop trying to be cool with your red sabers and black cloaks.
  13. Some of you are retarded. I think you're missing the entire point of the thread. It's not about working hard for the gear, it's about this stupid *********** RNG system. Someone can pour 100+ hours into grinding for pvp gear can get the same exact crap as someone who logs on to do the dailies. RNG is *********** dumb.
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