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Already burnt out?


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MMORPGs aren't for everybody and this game in particular isn't for everybody. Take a break and if you can't get back into the swing of things then search for some other thing that will. Please don't come to the forums and hate the rest of us. Not that that's what you are doing but that seems to be the popular trend. Good luck.
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It just gets old man. Time to move on to other things, there's no point in lingering in a game that has become boring! I recently did the same. The only way to keep if fresh is to reroll and if that is boring then it's time to hang it up! You could always come back later. Me and my bud are now getting back into our old Shogun 2 campaign, BF3, Mount and Blade, ect. and they're all really fun since we've been away from them for a few months.
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No man, you're right on the money. So many over the last three weeks or so have been saying the same thing. It's the game mate, not you.


Then how do you explain the people that aren't having this experience at all?


Oh and do it without insulting them.



It isn't the game or it would be happening to everybody and it is not. There is obviously another variable affecting the result.

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It's not just you. I have been stuck in the 40s for the past month and can't get motivated to make it to 50 (I'm 48 now). This is on a SW Juggernaut. I tried switching to a BH Merc, and made it to 31 before never leaving the space port again. I tried two more times and didn't have the motivation to face Dromund Kaas again, stopping again and again after the starter planet. I hope to try things again perhaps this summer when some more content has been added and more diversity in playstyle is present.
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The warzones are the only thing I really play now. Ironic since I really did not enjoy pvp in WoW and focused almost exclusively on raiding. WOuld like to do more FPs but getting a group together is painful.


I try not to go to a world unless I have to. Most are half to nearly empty of players unlike the pvp matches and fleet.

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My 48 Jugg has been 48 for a month. I was playing my operative but she's stuck at 39 and I am having trouble doing Quesh right now (just get terribly bored after about 10 minutes).


I started on dec 15 so I started early and I guess I just played too much because my reason for resubbing last month was the founder's title lol. When I come back in 6 months to a year I will be like yep, I paid for this :D

Edited by Aisar
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If it's happening to you on more then 1 game it most likely is that you have burnt out on MMOs for now.




It's one thing if you said "I have played 5 different MMOs and never burnt out on them, but I am on this one."


But instead you said, "I am burnt out on this just like on my other MMO." That suggests it's you.


This happened to me too. I bee-bopped from one MMO to another, trying probably 5 in a year. Couldn't stick with any of them longer than 2-3 months max. Eventually I realized, it was not the MMOs... it was me. I was totally fried on the genre after 5 or 6 years of it.


So I took a nice long break, almost 2 years. Kept playing games, but all solo Xbox games. And games that were nothing like MMOs. Forza 3, NCAA 2011, MLB 2k10, Left4Dead 1 and 2... you name it. And of course I played the BW stuff (ME 1/2, DA 1/2) but that's not really much like a standard MMO. Little by little, my burnout went away. But I stayed away. I "saved up" as it were, knowing TOR was on its way out. And when I came back to TOR last month, it was completely fresh. All the old MMO paradigms they kept, the ones that used to annoy me back in my burnout days, are like welcome old friends now.


Sure, they'll get stale some day again, and I will lose patience. But last time that took years, so for now, I am just enjoying it.


I strongly suspect that a LOT of the people complaining are in that same boat... They burnt themselves completely out on WOW, and then turned to TOR thinking it would revive their old love of MMOs, but when you are already crisped... it's too late at that point. Some folks just need to take a break. OP, that sounds like you.


Just my 0.02.

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It's not just you. I have been stuck in the 40s for the past month and can't get motivated to make it to 50 (I'm 48 now). This is on a SW Juggernaut. I tried switching to a BH Merc, and made it to 31 before never leaving the space port again. I tried two more times and didn't have the motivation to face Dromund Kaas again, stopping again and again after the starter planet. I hope to try things again perhaps this summer when some more content has been added and more diversity in playstyle is present.


Actually it's not even about content. It seems to me the game takes a nose dive in the later levels and never regains any momentum. For me it was after level 38.


Don't know, maybe MMO's just aren't for me anymore. I quit after SW:G, didn't play ANY MMO's for years. I came back for TOR, and bought a 3 month sub, but I'm thinking about unsubbing and letting the sub just run out.



I thought the romance stuff might add a little twist, but it was really laughable, i felt like, why did they even put this in?


even the female character models are just kind of Meh. everything is just kind of Meh. The whole (We want you to feel Heroic). Umm yeah, I felt heroic until about level 10, then it was all downhill from there.


Time and again I said the VO's would add a lot of development time to this game. And for the past month the only things my companions have to say are the same 2-3 lines they are always spouting, I didn't realize how old that would get until I've heard it over and over and over again.


But what really strikes me is this. I've actually felt that I have played some single player games that lasted longer than TOR from 1-50, and they were a lot more fun. There were no compromises to be made that come with MMO's, no hassles, no LFG for an hour or two, etc.


It's not even like SW:G where it was simply sooo bug ridden. Everyone saw the potential of SW:G, and knew that it could be an awesome MMO. I don't even feel that way about SWTOR. I feel like at best, it might be good some day, but it will never be great.


This game takes no risks, and it shows. Literally, NO RISKS. Not even with clothing options for the females. (SW:G took plenty here, and everyone loved it). Not with combat, not with end-game. It's all copied from something else, and not all of what they copied was ever that great to begin with.


The VO's were great while they lasted, but that's over now for what, a year? hah. In a year this game will be a memory for me. I just don't think I can wait that long to hear what Doc, Kira, or any of the others have to say.


Also I think the whole idea of raiding is burning people out. They just spent years raiding in WoW, for all that uber gear. They left WoW for something different and came to SWTOR only to get to the end-game and realize, hey, more RAIDING! More gear to get so we can raid yet more, for more gear, to raid more, for yet more gear. etc.


I think that is backfiring on Bioware, just a little. The Voice Over's were the one "risk" they took with this game, and it's not nearly enough.

Edited by CriticalMasses
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Think they also forget a MMO is only meant to be played 2 to 4 hours a day. And that amount of time was called a hardcore player.


I play maybe 2-3 hours a day, I have school and a part time job so I -can't- play that often.

However I'll excuse you for assuming I'm a no life basement dweller.


I'm just gonna, leave that there. You assume anyone whos burnt out plays alot. You're wrong.

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I am bored. I have a 50 SW and 50 IA. I knew this was going to happen because I am just sick of the Raid/PvP and gear grind for end game. I need something more sandbox and craft-fun! I am tired of these linear theme park MMOs.


I am only sticking around to see what 1.2 legacy has to offer, if it's nothing but hype and fluff then I am out. Probably will be out of the MMO market for a long time, unless they come up with an game similar to UO and that's not out in space. Yeah, I am looking at you EvE!

Edited by Aricus
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I am bored. I have a 50 SW and 50 IA. I knew this was going to happen because I am just sick of the Raid/PvP and gear grind for end game. I need something more sandbox and craft-fun! I am tired of these linear theme park MMOs.


I am only sticking around to see what 1.2 legacy has to offer, if it's nothing but hype and fluff then I am out. Probably will be out of the MMO market for a long time, unless they come up with an game similar to UO and that's not out in space. Yeah, I am looking at you EvE!


Hah, the crafting is the ONLY reason I logged in tonight. And we all know how bad the crafting is.

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So, I got my sith assassin(DPS) to level 44, and I just..Can't bring myself to play anymore. Everytime I log in to play I'm just like.."Meh, wahtever" and log out again. The same thing that happened on WoW before I quit, the only thing is, On wow, I could atleast manage my dailies. But this game I can't even get to end game.


So, is it me? the game? any remedies?


I'm not trying to rip into you OP, but who else can really answer this question but you? Maybe you don't like the Assassin gameplay enough. Maybe you should try another class, or even another faction. I've been playing an IA since EGA and she's only 47, but I've been playing every day. I don't just focus on leveling, I also fart around in guild chat, help lowbies, focus on farming mats for my crafts (also trying to farm for alts), do the space combat, the aforementioned alts, etc. It's like I'm sipping on fine wine and don't want to waste any. It's working out for me. I'm not burnt out on it because I'm splitting a lot of my time to different activities (of which there are many) within the game. Perhaps you should try something like that? I dunno.

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I'm not trying to rip into you OP, but who else can really answer this question but you? Maybe you don't like the Assassin gameplay enough. Maybe you should try another class, or even another faction. I've been playing an IA since EGA and she's only 47, but I've been playing every day. I don't just focus on leveling, I also fart around in guild chat, help lowbies, focus on farming mats for my crafts (also trying to farm for alts), do the space combat, the aforementioned alts, etc. It's like I'm sipping on fine wine and don't want to waste any. It's working out for me. I'm not burnt out on it because I'm splitting a lot of my time to different activities (of which there are many) within the game. Perhaps you should try something like that? I dunno.


You are really ok with the space combat?


It's not even as good as Wing Commander or Tie Fighter. The space combat is like something from a 1980's game that I used to play on my Commodore 64 (and no, ELITE was actually better than SWTOR's space combat).

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