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Risha or Akaavi Romance?


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I romanced both of them (though I did get customizations for both) and it worked out pretty well for the most part... I dunno, Risha seems like the obvious choice, but Akaavi reminds me of Zero from ME2 and I always like a "bad" girl... anyway



Then, somewhere around level 45-49 I got the "You have to make a choice" scene... Probably one of the best companion interactions I had in the game. It basically was about to turn into a cat fight (I think Akaavi said something about ripping Risha's arms off or something similar)... the best part was that they both agreed that it was one thing that I was bedding a different girl (sometimes more than one) in every port, but they wouldn't have it happening right under their noses.


There was an option for "Why can't I have you both?", but I chicken out thinking it would probably cost me affection with both of them an maybe close off both romance options.




So, I picked Akaavi.


I'm interested to hear from those of you that picked Risha if any of her latter conversation options lead to quests where you actually left the ship. Akaavi's felt like they weren't done because the conversation sounded like it was there to give you a quest to do together, but then she would just reappear as if time had past and the quest had been finished... My guess is it isn't finished.

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i did with all,

there both my girlfriends so is the senator, party girl, rep commander lady etc... lol

only problem is jealousy so when you flirt get corso or so guss with you,

they leave you calmly to your business.

the only one i didnt get was the jedi master friend of risha lol,

shes like i wouldnt do that to my friend,

but if i recall later on still do the lets have diner sometime thing lol.

my smug probably slept with every type of female human or alien race there is out there!

even get the sith to fall for ya lol and then to kill her.

Love can be painfull lol

hes kinda like captain kirk in that way...

Edited by ODTONE
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As a matter of interest, do companions 'notice' if you flirt with other NPCs while you've got another companion summoned? i.e. if I'd left Corso back on the Hestia's Dawn while I was on Alderaan, would I have been able to play with that nice young Twi'lek gentleman's tendrils without recrimination, or would I have been met with an angry conversation-mode Corso when I got back to the ship?


Obviously, from that, my smuggler's of the female variety... but I think Risha. She's sweet, beneath the snark, and she's got some wonderful lines. Akaavi... just seems like an ill-tempered wandering sulk.

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As a matter of interest, do companions 'notice' if you flirt with other NPCs while you've got another companion summoned?


Risha never did, (I never lost affection the way I would have if she'd been along when the flirting happened) but we did have some amusing conversations later on about all the women I'd (better have) given up for her.

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they dont notice as long as youre not on the ships main telecom

or i guess if they are part of the conversation in some distant way,

in the ships telecom all your companions gather to listen.

But aside that i never lost affection from companions even when

flirting with them in solo on the ship.

so all i noticed was when you talk in the central room all hear you,

aside that you can do what you want and dont lose , aslong as its not

a lover of yours whos with you while you flirt a 3rd party, ex. in a quest.

just flip over to a same gender comp while you flirt if you want to

use a lover for the quest.

basics for cheating on your npc lovers lol

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my love affairs..



I have flirted with every NPC possible as a male smugler, save for one fat assed lady that i missclicked chat options and was to tired to press esc.


I ended up getting married to Risha and she is now max affection. This was the first time both akaavi and risha confronted me...then i choose risha.



After that i pursued to court Akaavi. There comes up a question from her at one point where i choose "lovers" in stead of "wanting more with" her option. And i ended up in bed with her after the conv ended....basically cheated on Risha. The courting and unfaithful affair went on for some conv..unthil a point where i was confronted by both of them (after i had bedded akaavi once more)..and they made me choose between them. I could choose want them both, choose risha or choose akaavi. I tried all options but did press esc before conv ended. I ended up with not having this confrontation at all. Basically i said no when akaavi wanted to go to bed at the early part of the conv. This resulted in less affection loss from akaavi;)


Both girls have all the time brought up my flirting with other ladies of the world in conv (except from Risha after i married her), but the smugler always lies his way out of it;)


The whole relation with comp npc's is a bit confusing, but as long as there are no real sex-scenes I dont care to much about it ( I love sex -scenes in any form). choosing risha as my wife I did due to a feeling that it might potentially lead onto more story come expansions etc. And I did not want to end up being married to some creature (humanoid) like akaavi.



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I thing I wont marry either of them, i mean, a married smuggler, ?

I will flirt with them and sleep with them, but if they ask me for marriage, i will bail out in my evade-emergency-smuggle-capsule.

If i marry one of em, i will feel bad for flirting with everyone else, wich aint good.

I imagine my smuggler being "Uncle Charlie from two and a half men" type of character.

Edited by Kazomir
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I can't do either, I'm stuck with Corso :(


I feel your pain.


At least I got a few credits from selling Risha's gear.


I still haven't given Torchy back to Farmboy. Trying to decide whether or not to sell it.


Guess I'll console myself with torrid affairs across the galaxy while Bowie and I shoot and punch* things.


*It's astonishing just how much times a Scoundrel can spend in combat using fists and melee attacks: Blaster Whip, Sucker Punch, Sucker Punch, Nad Kick, Cheap Shot...

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I can't stand Risha. I wish she would get off my ship!




When I heard, "You'd have to kill me," I shouted "YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! DO IT!!!" and the screen faded to black.


I was so disappointed when we came back to screen and she was still alive.


I can't tell you on this message board what I said when she offered to join the crew and my response options (three variations on "OOOH I'D LOVE THAT") came up.


She's now stuck in my engine room in her skivvies, and there she'll stay forever.


Now, if I find out who (and I'd bet cash money it's that yokel Corso) keeps giving her clothes for Intercom scenes, they'll be spaced.

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As a dark side Zabrak Akaavi Sparr seemed like my type of girl. But then she kept opening her mouth and saying "my guns itch".


Which set me to thinking, what guns luv, you running arround clubing people with a staff.......oh "my guns" must be code for a body part!. Yuk! No way.


Ever since i had that thought I have not been able to go there.

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I've married with Akaavi and very serious with her. Planning to have 5 children.

With the children, the smuggling dynasty will grow.


Risha is not as "solid" as Akaavi. She is cute but this is no beauty contest, this is war. So I prefered the tough one :)


I'm DS lvl IV (almost V) btw. Akaavi goes better with the DS.

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I was looking for an Akaavi customization that would make her look less scowly, but no such luck.


Btw, taking Risha with you on certain convos actually prevents some "sleep with random NPC" options from coming up. So take one of the guys when you plan on fooling around.

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This is one of the main reasons why I'm sticking with this game through it's early bugginess/'lack of MMO basics'. You just don't get this kind of intrigue anywhere else.


Female Senator NPC is clearly coming on to me, but I've just invested several kcredits in Companion gifts for Risha, do I risk it?


Ah what the hell.... :D

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