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Remove lvl 10s from warzone que


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Bolster only scales up your stats and hp by a base amount, you still have **** gear, and **** talents. Most classes work off of some mechanic that revolves around benefiting off of critical hits. People around level 10 will usually have no more than 12% crit with smuggler buff. People at around level 40 will easily have over 20% crit. That alone is a gigantic huge advantage.


So it doesn't matter if your cute little level 10 abilities are going to do significant damage to them, they're going to crit you and nuke you in 5-6 seconds flat and capture the objective immediately. So unless it's lowbies vs lowbies, level 10's are useless in pvp.

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Bolster only scales up your stats and hp by a base amount, you still have **** gear, and **** talents. Most classes work off of some mechanic that revolves around benefiting off of critical hits. People around level 10 will usually have no more than 12% crit with smuggler buff. People at around level 40 will easily have over 20% crit. That alone is a gigantic huge advantage.


So it doesn't matter if your cute little level 10 abilities are going to do significant damage to them, they're going to crit you and nuke you in 5-6 seconds flat and capture the objective immediately. So unless it's lowbies vs lowbies, level 10's are useless in pvp.


this guy speaks the truth

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heres a couple of reasons not to:






http://imageshack.us/f/195/noacpvp.jpg/ <-this one was back with 50s in the bracket they had 3 50s we had a couple. I didnt even have my ac then.


And yes numbers dont matter. But player skill comes into it also.

Edited by Carbonated
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heres a couple of reasons not to:






http://imageshack.us/f/195/noacpvp.jpg/ <-this one was back with 50s in the bracket they had 3 50s we had a couple. I didnt even have my ac then.


And yes numbers dont matter. But player skill comes into it also.


lvl 11 with 3 medals is nothing, cant do anything, the other is just a nooob tracer spammer... lol

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wrong it depends on the noob opponent, no level 10 no matter how good he will never deafeat a lvl 40 with full health not even a lvl 30


Isnt that somewhat of a contradiction? You are acknowledging the fact that some people are "noobs", your term, regardless of level at the same time as you're saying that a lvl 10 will always lose against alvl 30 or higher.


I've been in the upper half of the boards since level 11, when I first started playing PvP, despite that this is my first MMO ever. Actually, it's my first PC game ever and I'm still not comfortable with having to use a keyboard/mouse. This would imply that the majority of people with levels higher than my own are worse, which renders your entire thesis moot. It should also be noted that I was, and still am, in the lower spectrum of the level span whenever I play.

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rolled a new sorc, hit level 10 and have been just queuing, going to try to level him almost strictly on PvP. You know what? from 10-15 I have been top or second damage and kills. It is amazing how that works.


lolranged class that freecasts xD honestly, i gt love ur arguments x

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Isnt that somewhat of a contradiction? You are acknowledging the fact that some people are "noobs", your term, regardless of level at the same time as you're saying that a lvl 10 will always lose against alvl 30 or higher.


I've been in the upper half of the boards since level 11, when I first started playing PvP, despite that this is my first MMO ever. Actually, it's my first PC game ever and I'm still not comfortable with having to use a keyboard/mouse. This would imply that the majority of people with levels higher than my own are worse, which renders your entire thesis moot. It should also be noted that I was, and still am, in the lower spectrum of the level span whenever I play.


anyone can be on upper half, this is what needs to be done

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I rank #1 consistently on my sniper who was lvl 16 and is now 22. This is vs. lvl 40+ opponents.


Sounds like you just get paired with a lot of bads


No, it sounds like you're the one who gets paired up with baddies. You're obviously not being focused in combat, that's why you get top dps on charts. This is the same at level 50, if I don't get focused, I destroy the charts. 600k dps on a huttball game, didn't die a single time. What does that say for that class? on the games I get focused, I barely pull 100k dps, because I spawn and die, the entire team re-directs towards me. I'm not even a healer and they bother to do that.


Leave any ranged class alone, at any level and they'll top the charts. That's a fact, not an opinion. Fact substantiated by experience.

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yeah you can call me a tracer spamming noob, but you clearly dont see me play i use multiple skills.


At the end of the day level doesnt matter, its working as a team, the level 10 without the advanced class only did well because we worked as a team.


This is your problem, if you had 49s vs 49s only and one doesnt work as a team they are going to get beaten.


The games not about being rambo or going 1v1.

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A level 10 re-roll who focuses on objectives is >>>>>>>> the average level 40+ player who runs around like a headless chook farming damage/medals.


Fine example of this - we were doing a huttball match the other day, pre-match the level 40's were taking the piss out of a level 12 for queuing for PVP at such a low level.


Long story short - whilst these level 40's were off in separate corners of the map having their pointless little duels, one of the only other players running ahead of me to pass to was the level 12. He ended up getting 2 goals, and had a big hand in scoring the other 2.


TLDR: Bads will be bad's, regardless of level.

Edited by Jebi
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lvl 11 with 3 medals is nothing, cant do anything, the other is just a nooob tracer spammer... lol


You are bad and probably cant contribute on a lowbie, we get it. Maybe instead of keeping lowbies from warzones they should just keep bads like you from queuing up.


That actually sounds like a great idea.

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You are bad and probably cant contribute on a lowbie, we get it. Maybe instead of keeping lowbies from warzones they should just keep bads like you from queuing up.


That actually sounds like a great idea.


LOL I AM sorry you can only get so few medals at ur high level characters and cant reach 6 medals at a lvl 10 like most ppl

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My only problem with low levels is no sprint.

But they could fix that by making sprint lv 10 (i.e. with the legacy system?).

Sure some complete new players will stilll not have it, but I'd guess the amount of complete new players who (constantly) pvp from 10-14 is low.

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Under 25 is completely useless? That's wrong lol.


I've never felt completely useless under 25 on the characters I've tried. 14 should be the minimum, for sprint, and the guard ability for any tanks.


When I was level 23-24 on my Marauder, I was almost beating level 48's and 49's consistently. The player determines how effective they are, not the level. If you play dumb, you're going to get rolled. Play smart, and you can be helpful.

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LvL 10 smuggler is pretty much useless, you have 1 heal and 5 dmg abilities and one long cd stun, you have barely any gear in half of the slots and you get curb stomped by anything that looks at you funny.


In this 10-49 bracket the odds are stacked up against the lower level three times as much as in the lvl 50 bracket for an under geared player. In the 10-49 bracket you have to take on people with more gear and more talent points and more abilities. In the level 50 bracket you only have to deal with people with more gear (reads expertise)

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Some people just like to blame lowbies for losing thats all this is.


The more higher levels they have with them the higher the chance someone will be able to carry them.


^^^^^ this is pretty much it, ppl that complain about low lvls, just like ppl that quit when they get behind 1 or 2 to 0 in huttball are just looking for a team to carry their scrub *****

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That is a lvl 10 sentinel btw, but if you dont know the difference between that and a lvl 30 sentinel then goodbye


But they are both hard to play, or so according to the vocal part of the forums... but then again not many players post on the forums... And my point was that sentinels are hard to play due to that fact that they're melee. No 50 sentinel is a ranged sentinel.

Edited by Zunayson
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LvL 10 smuggler is pretty much useless, you have 1 heal and 5 dmg abilities and one long cd stun, you have barely any gear in half of the slots and you get curb stomped by anything that looks at you funny.


In this 10-49 bracket the odds are stacked up against the lower level three times as much as in the lvl 50 bracket for an under geared player. In the 10-49 bracket you have to take on people with more gear and more talent points and more abilities. In the level 50 bracket you only have to deal with people with more gear (reads expertise)


That lvl 10 smuggler only has to be able to do 1 dmg every few seconds to help keep someone from planting a bomb on a door, or from capping a turret. He can also provide a distraction in huttball by taunting the other team into showing how useless he is, or with healer support can carry the ball and pass it to a teammate. not useless at all

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I like to wait till I have sprint before going into warzones, but after that I do warzones every day with any character I happen to feel like playing that day.


I don't want to quest without sprint either, so a couple runs in the level 10 flashpoint should get you geared up a bit with blues that will go nicely with bolster.


With the reduction in comendations per match and the increase in prices, you have to do more pre-20 warzones to get a full suit of level 20 blues. That means that there should be a lot of players in the 10-20 range in warzones.

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In this 10-49 bracket the odds are stacked up against the lower level three times as much as in the lvl 50 bracket for an under geared player. In the 10-49 bracket you have to take on people with more gear and more talent points and more abilities. In the level 50 bracket you only have to deal with people with more gear (reads expertise)


3 times the amount of variables maybe (your gear is bolstered, and your abilities are over bolstered), but it's not 3 times as many odds... as the gear discrepancies in the level 50 bracket is much, much, much, much, much higher.


I'd definitely rather PVP as a level 15 in the 10-49 bracket than PVP in the level 50 bracket without champ gear.

Edited by Jebi
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