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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove lvl 10s from warzone que


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14 should be the bare minimum, so they can at least have Sprint.


This is what I've always felt, 14 certainly should be the minimum as w/o sprint that alone is a big disadvantage in any WZ.


I do feel though there need to be 2 more brackets, a 10-25 (or as mentioned 14-25) and a 26-49. I think this would result in more balanced and enjoyable experiences for most people. Though they'd probably need cross server WZ before this would be feasible.


I agree with the OP to an extent, I was in a huttball on my 41 consular the other night and all the enemy were 20 or lower mostly, I was like a freaking tank, had most of the team on me couldn't bring me down.

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Remove all under 25 level classes from warzones, they are absolutely useless and cannot do anything agianst a good 40 so it scompletely stupid to waste a slot


Judging by your presence on the forums, I very much doubt that they want to be teamed up with you either. But at least they're out there playing the game instead of blaming you when the team struggles.


I'm surprised that I'm saying this to anyone, but it seems to fit the situation: If randomly assigned teams upset you, then queue with friends or find a different game that gives you more control over your teammates. Right now it doesn't sound like you're enjoying yourself and you're probably not that much fun for your allies either.

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Bolster only scales up your stats and hp by a base amount, you still have **** gear, and **** talents. Most classes work off of some mechanic that revolves around benefiting off of critical hits. People around level 10 will usually have no more than 12% crit with smuggler buff. People at around level 40 will easily have over 20% crit. That alone is a gigantic huge advantage.


So it doesn't matter if your cute little level 10 abilities are going to do significant damage to them, they're going to crit you and nuke you in 5-6 seconds flat and capture the objective immediately. So unless it's lowbies vs lowbies, level 10's are useless in pvp.


5-6 seconds? You should stop going rambo then...

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You are bad and probably cant contribute on a lowbie, we get it. Maybe instead of keeping lowbies from warzones they should just keep bads like you from queuing up.


That actually sounds like a great idea.


That is essentially what this post calls for. If they're going to stop lowbies from going into PvP why not stop the Newbies as well? Doesn't matter if they're lvl 49, if they're not good then they're going to have their own disadvantages.


I put up with it. I'm not one of these elitists that nerd rages then QQ's over new players. I actually take the time to offer constructive advice rather than beat on other people for not having the skill that I do (btw I don't consider myself particularly skilled, still on top of the leaderboards when I was in PvP at lvl 10 though).


I don't know, maybe I'm nice and realise that in an MMO of all places I'm not the only person that matters and I should be conscientious of the fact that everyone at some stage was a newbie and will again be a lowbie.


Essentially all the OP says is "I'm the only one that matters, I want this because I'm not good enough by myself and need to blame someone else for losing".

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to be honest I **** lowbies so badly on my 41..like they wont make it out of my stunlock



also I always see ppl say lvl 10s can beat lvl 40s...total ******** just liek how every other player was high ranking WoW Pvper, ect


You're talking from personal experience. You're in the 40's, but 90% of those that are lvl 10 in a WZ are likely to be levelling an alt and not want to do side missions again. Chances are that they have skill, we'll assume that you are of equal skill to them. Logic dictates that if you have exactly the same skill and you're a higher lvl then you're going to win.


That we can both agree on. The only thing is that not everyone is the same as you. There will be some lvl 40's with less skill (which the lowbie is likely to kill if they have skill) and there will be lvl 10's with more skill than you (these will likely kill you). It's swings and roundabouts. If you really think you can assrape all the lowbies then I'd suggest you either scale the ego down or go enter a pro-competition.

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The WZ's arent just about killing the opponent. I'll take a lvl 10 thats playing the objective over a lvl 40 thats only concerned about getting kills any day.


Actually, right now thats all they are about. While BW claims that their pvp system is objective based, its not. You dont get rewarded for doing the objectives in the matches.

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We were all level 10 at one point...so don't be hating. :jawa_smile:


A skilled player is more valuable then a higher level player in a Warzone...does it matter if the guy you're passing to beyond the goal line is level 10 or level 40? No, what matters is that he's there, going for the objective and open for the pass.


Just my two credits. :sy_auction:

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You're assuming all low levels are new people that don't know how to play, and are completely stupid.

Fact is, some of the higher levels are just as retarded as some of the lower levels. You seem to be completely biased against lower levels. Like the guy on page 1/2 said, I'll take a level 10 doing the objective instead of a level 40 just going for kills.

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Remove all under 25 level classes from warzones, they are absolutely useless and cannot do anything agianst a good 40 so it scompletely stupid to waste a slot




people can learn.

to avoid that useless pug play, you can level up to 50

propably someone will think you are useless then but you can shank him to proof your point.


*raising fist*

FOR THE <enter your side here> !!!

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You get rewarded for winning so yeah you do.




Had a nice chuckle when I read this. I think it's become so fashionable to bash BW on the forums now that people don't think what they're saying through and just put any old statement and assume other to agree with them.

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