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Remove lvl 10s from warzone que


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3 times the amount of variables maybe (your gear is bolstered, and your abilities are over bolstered), but it's not 3 times as many odds... as the gear discrepancies in the level 50 bracket is much, much, much, much, much higher.


I'd definitely rather PVP as a level 15 in the 10-49 bracket than PVP in the level 50 bracket without champ gear.


Saw an interesting bug the other day, had what looked like a half naked sniper with 17k health. Turns out he WAS in full champ, it just... wasn't... appearing.

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Remove all under 25 level classes from warzones, they are absolutely useless and cannot do anything agianst a good 40 so it scompletely stupid to waste a slot


My level 19 marauder got top damage, kills, and like 3rd in medals last week in hutball. Also scored twice that game.


No matter what class I have notable numbers and try to play the objective. I would rather take a bunch of lower levels that try to win then a bunch of 40s that go and kill everyone instead of trying to win.

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The problem I have and I am sure it has been stated is that just because you can PVP at lev 10. Doesn't mean you should. You are missing skills you need to function and be of benefit to the group. You should be thinking to yourself the entire time that you are being carried.


Would have loved a 25 to 49 bracket to the PVP but I can understand why it wasn't done.

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Level 10's being in WZ's are fine. It's an alternative to leveling. Some are learning the ropes while others are 2ndary's where people know what they are doing.


And you are right, a good level 10 won't beat a good level 40..but you know what? This is a team game...rarely should u see a 1 on 1 like that. And for the comment that 'just because you can pvp doesn't mean you should'....well, that's just stupid. A person has the right to do play in whatever capacity the game allows - what they SHOULD do is do what allows them to have fun.


Both teams have level 10's etc., so it is more than fair.

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well i got top dmg and medals on my jedi shadow at lv 12, did the same at lv 10 on Powertech, and im single handelly winning games of hutball since lv around 21-22 on my juggernaut.


You just need to learn to play.



The amount of ppl that know what they are doing on a toon they just picked the advanced class for is slim! You might be a exception to the rule but that doesn't mean other ppl are.

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Remove all under 25 level classes from warzones, they are absolutely useless and cannot do anything agianst a good 40 so it scompletely stupid to waste a slot


At level 10-19 so far I have yet to be under 4th best in a wz. As of late (15-19) I'm in top 2 75% of the time.....it's the player not the level. I hate to admit this since I was saying break the wz's down again, 10-29 30-49 50, but seeing that i beat higher levels allllll the time, don't think it's needed. All it would do is make the queues longer.

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Bolster only scales up your stats and hp by a base amount, you still have **** gear, and **** talents. Most classes work off of some mechanic that revolves around benefiting off of critical hits. People around level 10 will usually have no more than 12% crit with smuggler buff. People at around level 40 will easily have over 20% crit. That alone is a gigantic huge advantage.


So it doesn't matter if your cute little level 10 abilities are going to do significant damage to them, they're going to crit you and nuke you in 5-6 seconds flat and capture the objective immediately. So unless it's lowbies vs lowbies, level 10's are useless in pvp.


Level 10 lowbies have awesome mitigation 50% or so thanks to bolster, depending on class, heavy armor class users might get more so they can be a pain to take down sometimes..

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I am, yes thank you. The boltser buff work wonder, I had more hp, armor and base dmg at lv 10 than what i currently have at lv 39 ( sure i have talents points now making for it but still ). lv 10 shadow critting for 3300-4000 with backstab is pretty fun. My friend play a sniper and he was queing with us doing 4k+ dmg constantly at lv 10, we owned all warzones until he got to lv 20+ ( got all his exp from wz ).


And a jugg with unstopable talent can carry the hutball just so easy, he doesnt need to do much else or have another dmg ability to own. I have lots of screenshots of me being #1 in every single warzones but I wont even bother posting them, its a waste of time.


people lv 10 or so who are bad, and have bad score its usualy because it is their first character and have no clue what to do. Just educate them and you should win hands down.

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The amount of ppl that know what they are doing on a toon they just picked the advanced class for is slim! You might be a exception to the rule but that doesn't mean other ppl are.


Well yes, of course, those are alts and I have a battlemaster Sorcerer so I know how to pvp and have lots of experience in warzones. I'm just saying the boltster buff works very well and make low lv pvp very enjoyable. And good low lv players are going to do awesome in warzone if they know what to do. Blaming low lvs for loses is just wrong, that is my point.

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When they remove level 10's from wz's they can give new 50 their own bracket as well! There is nobody you can kill, your damage is insignificant, and you don't understand the objectives.


Been grouped with a bunch of fresh 50's lately and they very rarely defend a turret on alderan, can't defend a door in voidstar, don't go to the opposing teams ball carrier and try to get it back, and finally don't try and position to score. Most are too busy playing death match in a corner someplace getting their face stomped, reviving and going right back to the person that face stomped them, over and over.


Besides if you get rid of the level 10's some of you 49's would have nobody to kill. It's funny when I'm on my lower level characters that it takes the same five 40 plus people to take me down as soon as I spawn.

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The 10-49 wz is like the sandpit for special kids at school


As apposed to the level 50 wz's, which is still a sandpit for the special kids at school, but now with even larger gear discrepancies, a gear grind, rng, and ilum.



Edited by Jebi
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^ agree lol


The 10-49 wz is like the sandpit for special kids at school


I like our sand box filled with helmet heads- we'd beat you.


It would be a Star Wars reenactment of chiodren of the corn...


Anyone under lvl 14 should get a WZ sprint buff- movement discrepancy solved. The lack of abilities might be troubling if this were real pvp and it meant something- but at this stage it really doesn't.


Gonna go eat some sand now!

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