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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove lvl 10s from warzone que


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I was listening to someone ranting near the end of our losing huttball. "*** we have a level 10 in here. No wonder why we are losing" To which I informed them, "You see that 1 goal point we have? Yeah. That was me" And they shut up. People in the lower brackets are just that bad.
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wrong it depends on the noob opponent, no level 10 no matter how good he will never deafeat a lvl 40 with full health not even a lvl 30


Strictly 1v1, perhaps you're right. However, 1v1ing in warzones is doing it wrong. You should be playing as a team and finding where you can be effective. I do very well in 10s/20s PvP, even against level 30s/40s opponents. I even get some 1v1 kills in those situations.

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My only real issue on occassion with low levels in the que is that before L14 where you get sprint, it can be hard for them to actually make it to a fight for an objective in time during the war zone. Bioware does encourage people to get involved in PVP ASAP with they way they set up the tutorials and quest. I don't blame the players wanting to play as much as the current que system lacking solid level brackets. Edited by SDFX
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lol. As a level 15 jug I was able to consistently beat level 30'ss, including winning multiple 1 v 1's with a level 42 jug. I also managed to score 3 out of our 4 hutball goals.


I was topping the damage charts and objectives with a level 20 merc.


I was topping healing AND damage charts with a level 25 sage, and still completed the majority of the objectives.


I'll take a smart low level who focuses on objectives - over your run of the mill level 40+ with blinkers, who simply focuses on doing damage.

Edited by Jebi
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Meters don't mean anything.


I once duo defended a side turret by constantly respawning and taking the speeder and rushing foward and using my knockback to prevent it from being capped by 6 guys.


I had one medal and almost no points at all. But I prevented the enemy team from winning, which is not showed on the meters.

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wrong it depends on the noob opponent, no level 10 no matter how good he will never deafeat a lvl 40 with full health not even a lvl 30


Meh i was taking out upper 40s on my 28. I do agree though that pvp should start at 14. covering the map quickly helps with winning WZs.

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Wow. That damage is sort of meh. I'm horrible with my sentinel and got more. Hell, on my sniper I got 200k, so you can have a nice good cup of Good Day To You.

That is a lvl 10 sentinel btw, but if you dont know the difference between that and a lvl 30 sentinel then goodbye

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