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Most embarassing thing you've done in PvP


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On one occasion I was guarding our goal line, the enemy ball carrier was on the ramp in front of our goal line, and he was trapped in the flame vent so he would probably die if I let him cook there for 4-5 secs. I tried to use a stun on him just to be safe, but accidentally I hit Force Pull instead and thus ended up saving his life and letting him score.


One of the moments that make you feel sooo lacking in skill :(



My first huttball match on powertech i did almost exactly the same thing with my grapple line. The enemy ball carrier /thanked me as he ran across our endzone. Maximum mortification.

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The first time I realized you don't have to face your target to extricate them. I tried to pull the ball carrier across the final flame vent not realizing he charged past it already and was about to score. I pulled him away from the goal line.


Luckily he was able to score with next to no health. That was embarrassing.

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The first time I realized you don't have to face your target to extricate them. I tried to pull the ball carrier across the final flame vent not realizing he charged past it already and was about to score. I pulled him away from the goal line.


Luckily he was able to score with next to no health. That was embarrassing.


Oh man.


thanks for sharing.

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Tried to pull a friendly ball-carrier from a side ramp to the middle ramp near the enemy's goal line in Huttball. Figured I'd throw off their defenders. I stood too close to the side, he hit the side of the ramp and dropped into the pit below the ramps, where he was zerged to death.



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i was defending a nod in alderaan alone , and i got bored so i figured well better get my 2.5k 5k healing medal now , so i took of my gear and the moment i was going to put em back on i got backstabbed by a jedi shadow :p Died pretty quick lost the nod also , the team didnt had the chance to get there in time :p
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Well, a couple of marauders had been dogging my poor gunnery commando and they caught me on the bridge in void star. We were going at it and luck saw my knockback finally came off cool down before their interrupts so I was able to knock them off the bridge. Problem was my camera had gotten all off during the fight and I managed to run myself off the bridge right after them.... O.o
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1) Running into the fire trap when I thought I had time to pass through it but didn't


2) Force push someone to the goal instead of off the side ("looked" like I was positioned correctly)


3) Hit pass key, position area, click...wait...wait...nothing....repeat, die before passing


4) Stealth near the goal (so no one would see that i'm there) only to have the ball thrown at that moment (can't catch it stealthed - so it reset)


5) CC ball carrier in the fire only to find out it was just before the fire and now his resolve bar is full


6) Pass the ball up to a healer at the same time they yank me up


7) Going through my rotation for several seconds...seeing nothing go off and realize i'm whispering 'dddeeetttrrrrrssfsfsdddwwwqqaawtqsdfertrt11dtreeeswdttt' (later unbound reply/whisper keys)


8) Thought I'd planted a bomb or captured a turret (bar finished) and started to move to intercept an enemy only to realize the action didn't complete


9) Interrupting before opponents bar is full only to find out they did complete the action afterall

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was late night same groups just one was 4 premade, and dominating, i got put on their team twice and i took my chest pants and helm off, still killed a bm on the other team as well as a couple of others 1v1.


wasnt embarrassing for me, thanks ilum :p


Sub 20 i fight naked whenever its not too inconvenient and i remember.

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well, a couple of marauders had been dogging my poor gunnery commando and they caught me on the bridge in void star. We were going at it and luck saw my knockback finally came off cool down before their interrupts so i was able to knock them off the bridge. Problem was my camera had gotten all off during the fight and i managed to run myself off the bridge right after them.... O.o



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9) Interrupting before opponents bar is full only to find out they did complete the action afterall


I have done this thinking i was so pro.

Ill let him cap for a while i kill this guy...

Too late...

The guy i killed then rides the bike right back to the gun...

Failure upgraded to complete failure.

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Well in Huttball I would say the most embarassing thing I have ever done is used my knockback to knock a player forward to score instead of back.


It isn't so Embarassing anymore now that I know more about the current hacks and cheats used and that there is both a lag hack that works like a redo for those knocked off a ledge and there is also a way to catapult yourself forward if done at the right moment of a knockback.


People having to use these hacks should be the players feeling embarassed that they can't win without cheating.

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Had the ball once, 5 feet away from the goal line... hit Force Camoflauge thinking to evade focus for the rest of the way.


"Neutral Ball, Let's Gooooo Berserk!"


"FU Baron Deathmark!!!"

Edited by McVade
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Well in Huttball I would say the most embarassing thing I have ever done is used my knockback to knock a player forward to score instead of back.


It isn't so Embarassing anymore now that I know more about the current hacks and cheats used and that there is both a lag hack that works like a redo for those knocked off a ledge and there is also a way to catapult yourself forward if done at the right moment of a knockback.


People having to use these hacks should be the players feeling embarassed that they can't win without cheating.


Any excuse will do right?



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Well most embarassing thing, i don't think it's embarassing really, anywho i stunned this guy right after our last fire pit down the ramp to our goal in huttball and i was gonna go knock him the hell back from that point, turns out he has lagged past me, on my screen i was infront of him but apperantly i was behind him -.- so i send him flying into our goal instead of, off the ledge, (yes i did curse a bit IRL)
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The most embarrassing thing I can think of is losing a door right behind me. Or losing a turret because I use my cc-breaker too early. I play the game since the beginning of November and consider these unforgivable rookie mistakes when I do them. Happens once in a blue moon but I will remember every single time and be ashamed over and over.


A turret you can retake, sometimes even on your own thus making up for your mistake, but a door is forever lost :(


Most hilariously embarrassing though would be accidentally switching target and realizing it 5-10 sec later :) Boy do I feel dumb sometimes.

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