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STOP MISSILE SPAM! Please? (Caution : This post contains high dose of ranting)


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love all the tracer spammers saying "just interrupt them"


because every class has an interrupt right? wrong!


because a 4 second interrupt every 16 seconds make a difference really right? wrong!


6 second interrupt with 12 second cooldown on my sorc with skill tree. That's 4 tracer's/grav they are locked out of. And I can interrupt them with my other two cc's or overload while I wait 6 seconds to lock them out yet again. Last I checked this makes a difference.

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6 second interrupt with 12 second cooldown on my sorc with skill tree. That's 4 tracer's/grav they are locked out of. And I can interrupt them with my other two cc's or overload while I wait 6 seconds to lock them out yet again. Last I checked this makes a difference.




cycling interupt with correct CC spacing = you will not be using your tracer/grav round.

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If they mistook your charged bolt for grav round, that means your fighting a rookie


I mean the image isnt even the same colour for crying out loud


I know this but it still happens all the time. I was just stating it cause of how much I read we have no clue what to do if we get interrupted. And we become easy kills. My point is bad melee are easy kills to. I have never stalled when being interrupted. Cause I'll just use charged Bolts in grav rounds spot until grav round is available again.

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Remember when people said Scoundrels/Ops were easy to counter if you weren't an idiot who tunnel visioned on your target while your buddy got murdered right next to you?


This seems like pretty much the same thing. Good players have no issue with missile spam, bad players whine like crazy because they can't interrupt someone who isn't their current OMG IM DPSING target.


Unfortunately, you can already see which type of player BW is balancing for.

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I know this but it still happens all the time. I was just stating it cause of how much I read we have no clue what to do if we get interrupted. And we become easy kills. My point is bad melee are easy kills to. I have never stalled when being interrupted. Cause I'll just use charged Bolts in grav rounds spot until grav round is available again.


You would be a minority then :D


Once I knock out Grav round, charged bolts doesn’t bother me, because my evasive abilities/cool downs nullify it (they don’t work on grav round)

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I'm with my fellow merc players on this one OP, so shut up and play one and you will CLEARLY see 'why' the build/play style requires the use of Tracer Missile spam.


For starters: It's one of the best/hardest hitting powers we have in our line up. The ONLY way to match it with any other power is by first placing the 'heat signature' on you from (you guessed it) tracer missile.


I can throw EVERY POWER I HAVE at you, without using tracer missile, and you will only feel a slight tickle, my heat buildup will be through the roof leaving me absolutely helpless, and you free to face roll me.


FYI - vent heat is a 2 minute cool down, which is an INSANELY long time in pvp.


I have NO CHOICE but to use tracer missile if I expect to do anything productive in a fight.


You wanna nerf my tracer missile?? That's fine by me. Make up for it by increasing the damage of unload, flame thrower, explosive dart, increase my heals..etc...etc..etc... and allow me to use them ON THE MOVE and I will NEVER fire another tracer missile (at you) ever again.



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oh look, more sorcs trying to get geared tracer missle mercs, their only competetition (still beneath them) nerfed, how exciting



learn to los, no other class does 0 damage with los, mercs are balanced


This. Nerf TM and the class is pointless - I've only played one to lvl 30 and even I can see that. But then that is what these people want I suppose.

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lol the difference between snipers and mercs is that snipers don't get heavy armor and have to be in cover.


If you give mercs medium armor and make them use cover they will be fine.



Pass the buggy cover system on to the merc's too? No thanks.


My sniper is a hell of a lot more dangerous in PVP than my merc; hit's twice as hard, and twice as fast.

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****, merc's are nothing unless they are good at their class. What's really overpowered are the powertechs in whatever dps spec that AC has.


I had 7-8 rounds with 1 powertech. Every single one of them would go like this.


Me: Shoot first (2800 crit) Backblast (2700 crit "ps, why does backblast crit for as much as shoot first does? oh yeah, bioware hates me") blaster whip (1700 crit). at this point, 7k damage has gone out to him and 0 to me. Dirty kick, sucker punch (2100 crit) proc flying fists for 800ish crit, suckerpunch (1000 non crit) dot's have ended, he turns to me, flash grenade. At this point, 12000 of his 17000 hp is gone. Im still at 100%. I disappear, he's got full resolve but I'm confident I can burst him down. I shoot first, 2700 crit again, he's at roughly 2k life. I'm still at .... 0 . Wait I'm dead? What the **** just happened?


So I go and try again and pay attention to the numbers closely.


I get him to 2k life, he turns around and then 4.7k 3.9k, 5.2k all fly up in 2 Global cooldowns.


I'm a fresh 50 in 4 pieces of centurion, 2 pieces of champion. I have 12.9k hp


Btw, I never saw one cast bar. So he just did 12k damage in 2 GCD's with instant casts.



Someone explain THAT to me? And how can a scoundrel beat that?

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love all the tracer spammers saying "just interrupt them"


because every class has an interrupt right? wrong!


because a 4 second interrupt every 16 seconds make a difference really right? wrong!


Couldn't be more wrong.


Every single advanced class can interrupt skill casting multiple ways.

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