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For real... PvP isn't the basis upon which a Marauder needs buffed...


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I'm sorry, but it seems like everytime a thread comes up regarding Marauders needing a buff... everyone responds with how well they do in PvP.


News flash: PvP isn't even the majority of the game. I absolutely adore PvP, I wouldn't play this game at all if it didn't have PvP. But my issue with the marauder is PvE. I'm not even level 30 yet, only ~22... but it's become very tedious and annoying to play in PvE. I play with a sniper friend, and to be honest the side quests are pretty boring to me so I've been skipping the ones lower level then me.


We can't complete a heroic by ourselves and that irritates me to no end. On the republic side I have a commando and he uses a shadow and we demolish any heroics we come across with ease. By that I mean... we've never had to invite anyone else. I know that two DPS classes are bound to have troubles in PvE versus a healer and tank class... but I still feel like it should be doable by any combination. We're not terrible, so don't say "l2p", it's just that my commando takes damage a LOT better than my marauder and he can heal, and can kite.


What's worse is the sith warrior story has been super interesting so far to me... and i love the character in general. I'm just really bored with side quests that have me running to tim-buk-to and back for an extra 2k experience. I want to do the challenging and rewarding quests like heroics, but it's pretty hopeless (even with Quinn as my companion).


Don't tell me I'm doing it wrong, I've tried everything. we've strategized to try and complete missions like these and i'm convinced that (at least some of them) are impossible for us to do alone. I know heroic 4's are meant to be done with 4 people, but then why make it completely doable with 2 other classes?


All I'm saying is:

The problem with Marauder doesn't lie with how well they do in PvP, but that other classes can deal the same amount (or close it seems) of damage as a Mara while a Marauder has to be in melee and can't survive as well. Especially in long fights, when cooldowns are off.



Edited by KBling
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I'm sorry, but it seems like everytime a thread comes up regarding Marauders needing a buff... everyone responds with how well they do in PvP.


News flash: PvP isn't even the majority of the game. I absolutely adore PvP, I wouldn't play this game at all if it didn't have PvP. But my issue with the marauder is PvE. I'm not even level 30 yet


Stopped there...


Sorry :/

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So you're saying that because you can't 2-man missions designed for 4-man groups, the marauder needs a buff? I'll use your same argument: Heroics aren't even the majority of the game. By the way, I'm mainly PvE. I only PvP in the open world, not warzones (i.e. 'Pubs like trying to gank me). The only time I wipe to mobs is when I didn't notice a wandering silver or gold and get an add. Or I wasn't paying attention and let a sorc spam me with lightning (got interrupt?). Or Quinn buggered out and stopped healing me to play pocket pool. I don't use Quinn anymore. Stupid Quinn. Edited by mrHaterade
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So you're saying that because you can't 2-man missions designed for 4-man groups, the marauder needs a buff? I'll use your same argument: Heroics aren't even the majority of the game. By the way, I'm mainly PvE. I only PvP in the open world, not warzones (i.e. 'Pubs like trying to gank me). The only time I wipe to mobs is when I didn't notice a wandering silver or gold and get an add. Or I wasn't paying attention and let a sorc spam me with lightning (got interrupt?). Or Quinn buggered out and stopped healing me to play pocket pool. I don't use Quinn anymore. Stupid Quinn.


Yep. This. End of discussion.


Now, I will say that I agree that Marauder has a few issues that need fixing and we need a small buff.


However, YOU ARE NOT LEVEL 50. It has been stated so many times its sickening that at low levels MARAUDER IS CHALLENGING. Marauder is HEAVILY backloaded, it gets far better after 40. This is a VERY well known fact.

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So you're saying that because you can't 2-man missions designed for 4-man groups, the marauder needs a buff? I'll use your same argument: Heroics aren't even the majority of the game. By the way, I'm mainly PvE. I only PvP in the open world, not warzones (i.e. 'Pubs like trying to gank me). The only time I wipe to mobs is when I didn't notice a wandering silver or gold and get an add. Or I wasn't paying attention and let a sorc spam me with lightning (got interrupt?). Or Quinn buggered out and stopped healing me to play pocket pool. I don't use Quinn anymore. Stupid Quinn.


I'm saying it seems like some classes such as marauder (and maybe sniper) aren't viable to do the same things other classes that are a hybrid healer/damage or tank/damage can do. I don't feel like if I had a healer friend instead of a sniper friend I could do any better at the heroic 4, nor with a tank.


My point is, it's frustrating that some classes seemingly are outright better at PvE. Give the Marauder some more survivability or something in PvE.

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I beleive were missing their real problem here. the fact of the matter is, your a sith and yet you get no back up from the empire at all! like literally throughout the whole game there are probably only 5 instances where you get back up. and those instances are during flash points and your back up is ****.


i walk around a planet and i just see storm troopers just standing there doing nothing, just wasting time. why cant i tell them to follow me and help me kill everything!


and why the hell cant i just fly my spaceship to the planets surface and rack up 20,000 kills with my missles!!



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Yep. This. End of discussion.


Now, I will say that I agree that Marauder has a few issues that need fixing and we need a small buff.


However, YOU ARE NOT LEVEL 50. It has been stated so many times its sickening that at low levels MARAUDER IS CHALLENGING. Marauder is HEAVILY backloaded, it gets far better after 40. This is a VERY well known fact.


Then fix that? Why do I have to have a crappy time playing up until later levels when it allegedly gets much better (AKA normal)?

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It is true that there are SEVERE differences in pve effectiveness between the classes.


I played an operative as my first char and it was sometimes really slow and painfull, until you reached certain talents at lvl 36 and later on Dr. Loki which is a healer companion.


Wheras with my BH-Powertech, I had no problems at all and killed in such a fast time elites and bosses of my class quest. The dmg output was way higher and the companion you get already with heals were such an advantage. I had never really problems leveling with him up to higher lvls.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Then fix that? Why do I have to have a crappy time playing up until later levels when it allegedly gets much better (AKA normal)?


Thats just how the class is. And if nothing else, rolling around as a Marauder is a mark of accomplishment because you went through the *******st leveling out of all other classes.


Trust me, it DOES get better after 40. It gets even better once you get into Tionese/Centurion Gear, better still once you're in Columi/Champion, and OMGWTFBBQ better once you attain Battlemaster/Rakata.


It takes time and faith man. Rest assured, one day, you'll just look at **** and it'll die. But you have to go through the trial of fire first. All of us here at the top did.


Marauder isn't easy, even at the top. It's not for everyone.

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I'm not even level 30 yet, only ~22... but it's become very tedious and annoying to play in PvE. I play with a sniper friend, and to be honest the side quests are pretty boring to me so I've been skipping the ones lower level then me.


Any class that isn't a Sorc or Mercenary is going to be "tedious" to level. You haven't even reached the "hard" content for a Marauder, wait till after hoth when it actually gets a bit hard.


I just wanted to let you know this isn't just a Marauder issue, it's the same for Assassins, Juggernauts and Operatives.


If you're playing with someone, I have no idea how you can consider this game challenging at all. You should have a healing companion by now (Quinn) along with your dps, sniper dps and his companion, you should be facerolling everything.

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Thats just how the class is. And if nothing else, rolling around as a Marauder is a mark of accomplishment because you went through the *******st leveling out of all other classes.


Trust me, it DOES get better after 40.

Oh hell yes it does. Btw, life sucks serious ***** from about 30-38. If you don't have your balls on straight now you're gonna be addicted to Prozac by then. I had to take a rather lengthy hiatus and level my alts when I was low 30's because I was afraid I'd put a knife through my monitor.

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Oh hell yes it does. Btw, life sucks serious ***** from about 30-38. If you don't have your balls on straight now you're gonna be addicted to Prozac by then. I had to take a rather lengthy hiatus and level my alts when I was low 30's because I was afraid I'd put a knife through my monitor.


Woah. Talk about deadly serious.


Btw, why so?


Lol, /trolling


In all seriousness though, he's right. 30-40 blew total donkeycock until I hit 40 and got Massacre. Then it was like a beam of light shot out of the sky and enveloped me as my lightsaber burned a deeper red than it ever had before and I went instantly from zero to hero.


That being said, its still a matter of skill. It'll be something of a slightly uphill battle all the way to full Battlemaster.


But trust me, the work is worth it. The work is most DEFINITELY worth it.

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Expertise as it's currently designed is near-gamebreaking for fresh 50s to get a start in PvP. The way it's currently designed you should cap out your commendations from 10-49 to get some Champion Bags off the bat; coupled with the Ilum weekly/dailies and PvP weekly/dailies it's not that hard to get Cent/Champ geared fairly quickly; especially after the change to bags.


No class has it easy as a fresh 50. I don't care how hard you Tracer Missile there's absolutely no way a fresh 50 Merc can hold a candle to me on even my worst day.


Melee have it rough in PvP in almost every game (more so in ToR due to knockbacks, etc) so getting knocked back and focused by two BM Sorcs is going to hurt. Hard.



A little piece of advice that goes for both PvE and PvP:


Every time you die you should ask yourself a question:


Did you not pop your cooldowns quick enough? Did you mess up your rotation? Stand in fire?


Should you have engaged at the time you did? Should you have Charged that Sage if you were unsure if his knockback was up? Should you have gone straight across the middle Huttball area or tried to LoS any potential attackers on the rafters that were out of your view?


But, most importantly, "why did I die?"


Notice how that last question can be answered by all of the previous ones and, unfortunately, that's only a small sample of possible reasons why you died. PvP is a learning experience. Learning how to do well as a Marauder will transcend to every other class and, furthermore, every other game you play.


Learning from your mistakes is key, and being able to actively think on your feet will make you incredibly powerful. On top of that, learning to think on your feet exceptionally well on a Marauder will only make you better with other classes.


I hate to say it but Marauders have a very high skill cap. Compared to other classes that have it relatively "easy" melee in general is usually tougher to play and Marauders are by far one of the harder melee classes I've ever had the grace of playing. Whether or not it should be the way it is is a completely different matter, but the fact remains you can't be bad and do well behind a Marauder.

Edited by Kibaken
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Any class that isn't a Sorc or Mercenary is going to be "tedious" to level. You haven't even reached the "hard" content for a Marauder, wait till after hoth when it actually gets a bit hard.


I just wanted to let you know this isn't just a Marauder issue, it's the same for Assassins, Juggernauts and Operatives.


If you're playing with someone, I have no idea how you can consider this game challenging at all. You should have a healing companion by now (Quinn) along with your dps, sniper dps and his companion, you should be facerolling everything.


We faceroll everything but heroic 4's and flashpoints. I feel like that's expected for flashpoints. I feel like with 2 companions and 2 people, it should be at least possible to do a heroic 4. I'm beginning to wonder if I should just not have quinn, and use vette. Quinn's healing isn't great (so far, I haven't geared him yet since I just got him). And it seems like vette's damage would outweigh the healing I get from quinn.


In any case, my issue is perhaps that my other character can go through a heroic 4 with ease whereas on this character (paired with a sniper and his (CRAPPY) dps companion) we can barely hold our on in an even level heroic 4 group.


Beyond that, you are all proving my point. It's completely ridiculous that the game should be "un-fun" for the first 40 levels out of 50. It's a GAME, it should be enjoyable (and balanced) all the way through. Or at least earlier in the game. I'd be fine if things started to turn up at lvl 15 or something, since that's not all that far off from 10.

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It's completely ridiculous that the game should be "un-fun" for the first 40 levels out of 50. It's a GAME, it should be enjoyable (and balanced) all the way through. Or at least earlier in the game. I'd be fine if things started to turn up at lvl 15 or something, since that's not all that far off from 10.


Someone didn't play Vanilla.



Edited by Kibaken
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I'm not to sure why you're having so many issues as a Marauder. I had no issues soloing the 2+ Heroic quests with my companion at any point, especially if there were Droids involved. The 4+'s shouldn't be soloable by anyone, and if they are it's most likely a healer with a tank companion that is going to be working on each pack for 5 minutes plus.


The survivability of Annihilation is astounding. You need to learn to use your abilities to their fullest.

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This guy is obviously trolling.



He doesn't know why he can duo +4 heroics with a HEALER and a TANK, but he can't duo a +4 heroic with TWO SQUISHY DPS.



Did you open the same thread on sniper's forum complaining they can't tank as well as a shadow?



Any kid with half brain would assume that heroic +4 is made to be played by FOUR players.

Of course a healer and a tank will have an advantage since DPS companions are almost as much effective as a DPS player on lower levels, but a healer companion can't beat a dedicated healer played by someone.


Saying that Marauder is bad because you can't beat a +4 heroic with your sniper friend while you are at level 22 is just plain stupid. You sir, FAIL!! Do yourself a favor and reroll as sorc, it's easy mode.

Edited by Kyonne
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I'm sorry, but it seems like everytime a thread comes up regarding Marauders needing a buff... everyone responds with how well they do in PvP.


News flash: PvP isn't even the majority of the game. I absolutely adore PvP, I wouldn't play this game at all if it didn't have PvP. But my issue with the marauder is PvE. I'm not even level 30 yet, only ~22... but it's become very tedious and annoying to play in PvE. I play with a sniper friend, and to be honest the side quests are pretty boring to me so I've been skipping the ones lower level then me.


We can't complete a heroic by ourselves and that irritates me to no end. On the republic side I have a commando and he uses a shadow and we demolish any heroics we come across with ease. By that I mean... we've never had to invite anyone else. I know that two DPS classes are bound to have troubles in PvE versus a healer and tank class... but I still feel like it should be doable by any combination. We're not terrible, so don't say "l2p", it's just that my commando takes damage a LOT better than my marauder and he can heal, and can kite.


What's worse is the sith warrior story has been super interesting so far to me... and i love the character in general. I'm just really bored with side quests that have me running to tim-buk-to and back for an extra 2k experience. I want to do the challenging and rewarding quests like heroics, but it's pretty hopeless (even with Quinn as my companion).


Don't tell me I'm doing it wrong, I've tried everything. we've strategized to try and complete missions like these and i'm convinced that (at least some of them) are impossible for us to do alone. I know heroic 4's are meant to be done with 4 people, but then why make it completely doable with 2 other classes?


All I'm saying is:

The problem with Marauder doesn't lie with how well they do in PvP, but that other classes can deal the same amount (or close it seems) of damage as a Mara while a Marauder has to be in melee and can't survive as well. Especially in long fights, when cooldowns are off.




I'm sorry, but every time a thread comes up saying that Marauders need a buff, it's by a level 20 Marauder who knows nothing of what the class is capable of.


In response to your PvE concerns.


1. If you're doing nothing but the class quest, you are going to be waaaaay underleveled and you are obviously going to struggle trying to do heroic quests.


2. It is just plain stupid to think that 2 dps classes can compete in heroics with a healer tank combo. This is MMO 101 and I'm not really sure how you could think this is an issue.


3. You really should not compare a completely different set of quests (republic vs empire) and bring your experiences to the forums like they are facts. The initial Republic heroics are largely a collection of Heroic+2's compared to the Empires Heroic+4's on the starting planets.


Your complaints are totally irrational.

Edited by Ultratron
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Right but the other two had no trouble with heroic 4's as well. I mean i understand a tank and healer will generally work well together... but it would make sense that DPS classes could hold their own too. What I mean is this, if we can't do heroic 4's like a tank/healer combo could (with 2 dps companions)... why can't two dps classes do heroic 4's with tank/healer companions?


I understand that it's the MMO "mold" that a tank and healer combo are great for PvE. I'm saying i think that mold should be broken.. and that any two individual classes should be able to hold their own (even if it took more "strategy").


I guess ultimately my issue is that the side quests are painfully easy. Such that it's incredibly boring to do, especially because they always seem to require quite a hike (and i've no speeder bike yet). And yet the only challenging missions i'm given I can't do without waiting 40 minutes to get together two other people.


Perhaps my frustration is also with the lack of any sort of queue for heroics and flashpoints.


In any case, it seems like the common rebuttal is "stick it out until level 40 and things will get better." But again, no video game should be boring/frustrating for the first 4/5 of the leveling content. If Marauders are that balanced at 50, then they should do a better job of distributing the skills throughout the leveling curve.

Edited by KBling
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Right but the other two had no trouble with heroic 4's as well. I mean i understand a tank and healer will generally work well together... but it would make sense that DPS classes could hold their own too. What I mean is this, if we can't do heroic 4's like a tank/healer combo could (with 2 dps companions)... why can't two dps classes do heroic 4's with tank/healer companions?


Because tank/healer players can think and adapt to the situation and companions will do the most basic tanking/healing.


I did do alot of low/mid level heroic 4s with a Mara/Assassin combo. Assassin has the sap thing and Mara has disable droid. Khem tanking and Quinn healing. Wasn't too hard, just had to make sure Khem's aoe was either off or that we CCed stuff far away from him.

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I'm sorry, but it seems like everytime a thread comes up regarding Marauders needing a buff... everyone responds with how well they do in PvP.


News flash: PvP isn't even the majority of the game. I absolutely adore PvP, I wouldn't play this game at all if it didn't have PvP. But my issue with the marauder is PvE. I'm not even level 30 yet, only ~22... but it's become very tedious and annoying to play in PvE. I play with a sniper friend, and to be honest the side quests are pretty boring to me so I've been skipping the ones lower level then me.


We can't complete a heroic by ourselves and that irritates me to no end. On the republic side I have a commando and he uses a shadow and we demolish any heroics we come across with ease. By that I mean... we've never had to invite anyone else. I know that two DPS classes are bound to have troubles in PvE versus a healer and tank class... but I still feel like it should be doable by any combination. We're not terrible, so don't say "l2p", it's just that my commando takes damage a LOT better than my marauder and he can heal, and can kite.


What's worse is the sith warrior story has been super interesting so far to me... and i love the character in general. I'm just really bored with side quests that have me running to tim-buk-to and back for an extra 2k experience. I want to do the challenging and rewarding quests like heroics, but it's pretty hopeless (even with Quinn as my companion).


Don't tell me I'm doing it wrong, I've tried everything. we've strategized to try and complete missions like these and i'm convinced that (at least some of them) are impossible for us to do alone. I know heroic 4's are meant to be done with 4 people, but then why make it completely doable with 2 other classes?


All I'm saying is:

The problem with Marauder doesn't lie with how well they do in PvP, but that other classes can deal the same amount (or close it seems) of damage as a Mara while a Marauder has to be in melee and can't survive as well. Especially in long fights, when cooldowns are off.




Are you serious? This is my first MMO like this and i currently have a level 27 Marauder who can solo Heroic +2 and i currently faceroll anything on Tatooine and Alderaan. I mean seriously are you even using all of your skills? Using stims? Relics? After i got Quinn everything was perfect i have not died once and completing Nar Shadaa was a breeze.

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