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After playing SWTOR will you still be purchasing ME3 at launch?


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Sadly this is my first and last Bioware game, not because of gameplay but because of customer services. In 20 years (16 of them on-line) I have never seen such disrespectful people in my life, especially the forum moderators.


No sir, this is the last time my money goes to help their wages, it's just wrong.

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SWTOR has zero bearing on my choice to buy ME3. Made by same company? Yes. Quality of one game makes my decision on another by same company? No. These are two different games, done by different teams of developers.


I pre-ordered ME3 and set aside vacation time before I ever decided I was going to try SWTOR (which I like btw).

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ME3 went from an automatic buy to a non-buy with ME2.


SWTOR has no bearing on it since it was made by Mythic.


DA2 was also done by a different studio (Who also helped with SWTOR funny enough).


SWTOR was made by Mythic, and DA2 was made by a studio other than BW???



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I pre-ordered ME3 and will play it come hell or high water. Shep needs to finish her story and I'm dying to see what happens. SWTOR will keep the peace in my house so that hubby and I don't have to argue whose turn it is to play ME3. My kids are also excited to see co-op so they can play together.
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ME3 went from an automatic buy to a non-buy with ME2.


SWTOR has no bearing on it since it was made by Mythic.


DA2 was also done by a different studio (Who also helped with SWTOR funny enough).


To me, all that shows is that since Bioware joined EA, their reputation has taken a beating.


But it's mostly because EA started shovelling other development teams under the Bioware name.


Honestly, ME2 was the only game done by the real Bioware that was lack-luster to me, and that was because the story stunk. It also coincided with them drinking the EA poison.


I've been playing (and loving) BioWare games since MDK2 and NeverWinter Nights...and I've noticed the same thing you (and others) have. Whatever "magic" BioWare had in the past seems to have been lost.


It's easy to assume that it's simply that EA bought them out and their focus changed from creating works of art to maximizing short-term quarterly profits...but from what little I've read I thought EA was leaving BioWare to their own devices. Maybe things have gone south for another reason?


Oh well, I think ME3 will be interesting both as the final chapter, and also as an indicator of whether or not BW still has their mojo.

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I play SW:TOR so much that I doubt I'll have the time to play Mass Effect 3 tbh. The games are all awesome and I've gotton all of the achievements on every Bioware game so far...


but since I have TOR, I'll probably just wait for the price of ME3 to drop rather then get it when it launches. Find it used on Ebay after someone beats in a week or something.

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Despite my 3 months sub to SWTOR, I will be getting ME3 the day it comes out (digital download) and then gonna be taking a short (or not so short) from this game.

Then again, already paid for March, so I won't feel like I'm abandoning this game :)

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I'd just like to point out the delicious irony of people not buying ME3 due to Origin, but wanting it on Steam when both are spyware. Not defending either since it's a shady business practice at best, but at least realize that if you have Steam on your computer you've been sending Valve your personal data for years. :rolleyes:


Anyway, yes. I'm buying ME3.

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Hell yea, the Mass Effect story line is one of the best I have ever played. I can't wait to see where it goes.


I could take a shot in the dark. The reapers come attack, shepard fights them off then has to sacrifice him/herself to do something or another ME4 In a few years :p I will be playing just maybe not at launch I'll wait abit. Demos awesome tho.

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I might buy it at launch but I'll probably wait. I'll be too busy playing TOR to give ME3 any love for a while.


Also, I want to finish a couple of playthroughs on ME2 first. I only have to finish off the boss on one of those and the other I was saving for some of the DLC that I haven't done.


Maybe next month I'll use the maintenance days for playing other games like ME.

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