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DOTs and preventing player from capturing point


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Lol, as a healing-spec medic one of the few things I have going for me is to spam poison dart a few times if I'm getting focused. I have to work my tail off for my healing medals, doing usually 1/2 to 1/3 the heals of a decent sorc.


It's quite funny watching someone interact with the door and wonder why they are being denied. Timed right, I can hold someone off a door for 15 seconds after I die.


That, of course, is two handfuls of win (and one of the limited things healing operatives, or operatives overall, bring to a WZ).


You also bring the counter to that effect in Tox Scan. But then the overall state of the class means there aren't alot of operatives on the scene to counteract us.

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You need to L2play. You cannot Dispel,Cure,Cleanse a bleed. Any DoT that does "INTERNAL DAMAGE" can not be removed by casting a cleanse/cure or anything spell for that matter.


Wrong. COrrosive Grenade and Dart can be removed via cleansing. It neuters one entire spec of Operative/Sniper and their mirrors.

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The problem here is not dots preventing point capping. People plant bombs all of the time. The biggest issue is a lack of teamplay. I was in a voidstar match today where myself and one other person were defending a door against most of the other team at one point. Naturally we were chain stunned and focused down while the guy was saying over chat defend east. The rest of the team was busy defending west against...ONE person. Death-match mentality is the problem not dotting.
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So... let me some up the main points:


FOR DoTs not interrupting caps;

- It is unfair that you can destroy someone 1v1 at a base, and not be able to cap for 18 seconds because they pressed the DoT before they died.

- It is more unfair that the person can then return to the point and proceed to DoT you again easily in this duration.

- Not all classes can cleanse, which makes the opposing argument null.

- Bleeds are not able to be cleansed, which makes the opposing argument null.

- There is no skill in solo defending a base indefinitely by DoT-Tab-DoT-Tab-DoT-Tab-DIE- Repeat


AGAINST DoTs not interrupting caps:

- It is a legitimate tactic and people who can't cap because of it are bads

- The DoT-Tab etc. tactic requires skill

- Learn 2 cleanse

- It will make the game more like WoW

- Might aswell just remove cleanse and DoTs from game

- Skilled people can just nuke down the person/people casting DoTs before they actually cast DoTs



Think I summed it up well enough? Decide for yourself what the most convincing argument is.

Edited by Hahkil
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Wrong. COrrosive Grenade and Dart can be removed via cleansing. It neuters one entire spec of Operative/Sniper and their mirrors.


Sith Purity is required to remove physical however for sorcs so perhaps they can't get bleeds/poisons in their utility hybrid specs. While it's the mercs operatives, BH scoundrels that do it baseline.


So the dime a dozen force users might be handicapped by their utility specs and people are really complaining about a population class utilization imbalance created by actual/perceived advantages and limitations of classes that end up being underplayed as a result. Healing focused merc/BH scoundrel operatives with a talented dispel to cover all options.


Solution fix the healing imbalance or brutalize the hybrid sorc specs.

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You give the most worthless replies. First you claimed DoTs interrupt all abilities, and now this gem


If you die and there is no one defending...you should lose the node. Its that simple. Its the basic fundamentals of the WZ.


No I said that all damage interrupts the progress of taking an objective. I noticed you didn't quote me, so I will.


This is invalid because all damage interrupts the progress of taking an objective. Try suggesting that any damage should just slow down the capping process. I'll argue against that, too.


All a DoT does is buy time in your scenario. Also I am pretty sure DoTs are working as intended. Unless you are a developer stirring the pot then you shouldn't talk of the games "basic fundamentals" because it makes you sound very stupid.

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you shouldn't talk of the games "basic fundamentals" because it makes you sound very stupid.


It makes me sound very stupid to say the fundamentals of 2/3 WZs is to capture a node?


That is gem #3 for you.


Still find it funny that you think a DoT should save your nodes after you die. Such a weak mechanic.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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It makes me sound very stupid to say the fundamentals of 2/3 WZs is to capture a node?


That is gem #3 for you.


Still find it funny that you think a DoT should save your nodes after you die. Such a weak mechanic.


I get the sense you solo-queue.

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You CC the respawns (snares, knockbacks and immobilises) and cap... simple as that.


Unfortunatly Bioware cant patch L2P issues.


18 sec DoT, 8-10 secs to get back into fight, you need to cc the respawn perfectly for 10-8 seconds... so, you need at least 3 people (assuming the enemy has "trinket" ready), and to hope they get no assistance during this time.


With 3 people the DoT duration would be 15 secs on the first person to get one before the death, so only 7-5 seconds defending against respawn, not too hard, but 3 people just to cap against 1 person?


People hate change and will argue against anything, also look at my comparative points on last page.

Edited by Hahkil
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I'm sorry but I can't give any credit to people who think it's ok for Dots, no matter for how little they tick, to interrupt capping in Warzones.


Capping is hard enough as it is, especially with the near instant respawns on "Civil War".


Having a single class dot someone up just before they die and then return 15 seconds later with the base still uncapped is just lame and poor design.


Both Void Star and Civil War are already too static most of the time.


Removing this feature would go a long way in making WZs a little more dynamic.

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Maybe it will get taken down, who noessss....


Please quote some of my actual arguments so you can argue against them. Also leave out any of gems/direct insults to your intelligence.

Edited by Cephim
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