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DOTs and preventing player from capturing point


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Dots shouldn't stop capping or planting a bomb. No pvp game do that. It's too strong no matter what you think. DISPEL!!! yeah try to dispel 4 ppl with that UI and that CD in few sec. I dispel myself but I can't do that for every dots.


We will see a change when the rated warzone will be there and how it will be impossible to plant one bomb in Voidstars. WE all know, spamming one dot on everyone demand a lot of skill.... Even more with an aoe ability.

Edited by Guzul
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Dots shouldn't stop capping or planting a bomb. No pvp game do that. It's too strong no matter what you think. DISPEL!!! yeah try to dispel 4 ppl with that UI and that CD in few sec. I dispel myself but I can't do that for every dots.


We will see a change when the rated warzone will be there and how it will be impossible to plant one bomb in Voidstars. WE all know, spamming one dot on everyone demand a lot of skill.... Even more with an aoe ability.


You can rinse dots. If somone on your team isn't doing that then get a better team.

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They added three asterisks to that one post, and I have been insulting you for like a half a dozen.


You agree with the OP that an element of the game be removed. I argue this is so that your brain has one less thing to think about. You can hulk-smash 2 bads and be a heroic Luke Skywalker, but you can't cap a point because of a friggin' DoT and you QQ. Teamwork more.

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I think everyone should be given a way to remove DOTs on themselves, not just healers, even if it has a lengthy cooldown.


I think at the very least DOTs shouldn't interrupt your channeled out of combat heal.



Ok if you want everyone to remove dots, I want to be invulnerable to direct damage..deal?

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I think at the very least DOTs shouldn't interrupt your channeled out of combat heal.


I agree. There is no reason why a sorc can dot me up, I kill him and then he is back on the field fighting me and I couldn't self heal for like 20 seconds. Talking about side turrets on Alderaan where he was defending and his dots prevented me from both healing and capping.

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I'm sorry but I can't give any credit to people who think it's ok for Dots, no matter for how little they tick, to interrupt capping in Warzones.


Capping is hard enough as it is, especially with the near instant respawns on "Civil War".


Having a single class dot someone up just before they die and then return 15 seconds later with the base still uncapped is just lame and poor design.


Both Void Star and Civil War are already too static most of the time.


Removing this feature would go a long way in making WZs a little more dynamic.



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Removing a tactical element from a game makes the game less dynamic.


Claiming this is a "broken mechanic" is just QQ. Feed me your tears while I beat you in warzones because my healers dispel.


Dotting everyone by tab and one button is NOT tactics... wow. Again, read my posts, I dot all day long with gut on my vanguard... and keep 3,4 even once 5 persons from capping when I die and come back to do it all over again. How is this tactics?

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Earnestly, I think this needs to be changed and that dots do not prevent players from capping a point. This makes VoidStar and Alderaan such a stagnant affair and plays a huge factor in how difficult it is to capture a point. It is stupid how a single player can defend a point forever with this.


I think the WZs would be more dynamic and more fun if this was changed.


That is just nerfing a class , yes it is a pain , kill the player break the dot and cap the point , simple.

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Dotting everyone by tab and one button is NOT tactics... wow. Again, read my posts, I dot all day long with gut on my vanguard... and keep 3,4 even once 5 persons from capping when I die and come back to do it all over again. How is this tactics?


You kept 5 people from capping that turret.. And out of those 5, not a single one had access to a dispel? Not one was a sage or scoundrel?


Or rather, was the other team just too preoccupied/uncommunicative to dispel the dot and cap the flag? I do the same thing on my Powertech, and guess what? I see people smart enough to dispel the flames and bleeding every day.


Just because your opponents are too slow to realize what you are doing and implement a solution, does not mean you are NOT using tactics. It's not un-counterable by any stretch of the imagination.


In most cases, that would be considered to be a "good tactic".

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That is just nerfing a class , yes it is a pain , kill the player break the dot and cap the point , simple.


Yes it is, QQ


Sorcererors need a HARD nerf bat.


It's not bad enough that sorc/sage can heal, dps, shield, pull friendlies, have aoe knockback, single target long duration stun.


They also can single handedly defend an objective because they do DoT instants as well.





If they aren't OP then why are half the freaking Imperials playing this class??


/raise hand - sign me up for the mediocre just getting by class :rolleyes:

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This is a valid point, as some dots will last as long as it takes players to die, and return to the battle. Kinda silly. They could make it where the initial dot damage interrupts, but not subsequent damage ticks.


A dot ticking should not prevent caps or interrupt. It would be like dot interrupting a special attack.


It is imo a bad mechanical issue that is likely an unintended bug.


Dots shouldn't be interrupts. Every class has an interrupt. DoTing shouldn't be mass interrupts to door capping.

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This is the primary use of DoT's in PvP. They rarely kill anybody. If BW were to make the change the OP desires, they'd have to beef up the damage quite significantly.


The whole point of games with control points is that you attack, kill the defenders, capture the point. Its the basic flow of the game.


When someone can die and not lose their unguarded control point, something is wrong.


Also, you can't cure a bleed DoTs. And lastly, if I'm assigned to a team with no healer I shouldn't be punished by not being able to cap a node.


Edit: Ok a bubble will prevent the interrupt, but still I shouldn't be punished by being on a randomly assigned team with no Sorc.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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This is the primary use of DoT's in PvP. They rarely kill anybody. If BW were to make the change the OP desires, they'd have to beef up the damage quite significantly.


You are so wrong.


Dot kill me faster than most attacks. I have a class without heals or dot removal.


It's a huge problem for my dps class.


Im the dps class that gave up healing for the same amount of dps as the dps healer class.

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would be nice to see more sorcerers/sages removing some of the dots of their allys ;)


teamplay could help much :p


great in theory, bad in practice. At least, Troopers cant remove 95 percent of player dots even with the medic talent.

Edited by Bluetickone
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The problem is not having to remove the DoTs. Obviously anyone who can remove them will do so, and then capture the node.


The problem is when your team doesn't have 3 healers, evenly dispersed with 1 at each turret.


There are times when it will be just a couple DPS trying to capture a node and they can't due to a DoT. Before the DoT even ends, the dead opponent has respawned and returned to the fight. Endless cycle of dieing yet not losing.

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Dots can be removed by almolst anyone...

When playing my Combat medic or my Sawbones i allways cleanse dots whenever i see them, im the archnemesis of dots. (i cleanse them only so i could heal the target faster and switch to the next sod who needs healing)

Edited by Kazomir
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