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I get 4 shotted in Battlegrounds at my lvl


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Seriously the OP is Trolling


So i troll when I ask if a ranged class is out dpsing a close combat class, a so called warrior class, or even hurting that much that this class needs to interrupt their dmg to succeed ...lol :D good joke if you even cant ask that.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Iam currently lvl 37 and when I meet Troopers around 10 lvl above me, I get shot to death in 4 hits around. Every 2-3 seconds he fires at me with around 2500 dmg, one knockback and it is game over. He doesnt even need to try, just standing and pressing 2 buttons one for knockback and one for his dmg skill. In other words Iam more or less dead in 6-7 seconds.


You can say that he has a big lvl advantage but:


* I cant kill a lvl 15 that fast



I dont know....such high dmg from range is just crazy. And Iam in really good gear for my lvl.


This is not much different than what we had with the operatives before the patch, game needs pvp brackets.

2500 would be a crit and a very good one at that. Typical grav/tracers hit for 1-1.5k. Considering you are in medium armor and should have cloak of pain up you should be getting hit for less than 1k each. If you're getting hit for more, stop running naked and put armor on.


Not to mention you can interrupt and chain CC together so he effectively can't cast a grav shot the entire time he's alive.

Edited by DrekorSilverfang
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Do you really think I would open a thread with this title when tracer missiles would hit just for 1-1.5k around ? :) Maybe he was just lucky with crits.


Iam not bad geared for my lvl, two body armor parts are in epics , one of my implants is epic, the earpeace is epic, trouser and head armor is orange the rest is in blue.


Around 28% defence with the bolster. But tracer missiles are not weapon dmg and bypass armor anyway since there is no mitigation, if Im not wrong.




I had no shields up they were on CD.....:D

Edited by BobaFurz
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I use to have the OP's problem in WZ.


THe solution was to never stop moving.


I think of my marauder as a dive bomber.



I run in to the action then out using force camo on my way out..building rage


Once force camo is cooled i go win with shields blazing and unleash on someone, then force camo out and hide untill the skills cool down is over.


Stay out of sight and BH's will be pre occupied.


Also playing cleanup is a great...using charge to find a victem running, killing him, then force camo and get out.


Do this enough and youll ger vital practive being alive in pvp combat and youll start to experement with other skills and situations knowing that you can dip out in force camo or pop undying when you get focused fired (and pray you see green numbers) which is why i pop predation buff for the defense and speed i get...since you rarely get heals as a marauder.


You just cant run into the brawl when their aoes are blasting and be seen as the easy target...



With the right builds (either rage or carnage) this strategy will at least solve the dead in 4 shots issue. Jut be mindfull of your force camo/undying rage/ predation (yes i use over blood in pvp) and the shields. Its a lot to juggle but get it down and the class is pretty fun.

Edited by Crunchyblack
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I'm not sure what you're expecting, but there is no minimum range or damage penalty for being too close to your target as a ranged class. You do full dps to any target from 0-30m, but, particularly in the case of the trooper as in your example, they have to be stationary, and their main attack has a cast time. If you simply allow a trooper to stand still and free cast on you, he's gonna drop heat on you, that's not how this game works. You don't gain advantage simply from being in melee range, you gain advantage from all the abilities available to you while in melee range, one of the most important ones being your interrupt. Saying, "I should be able to go toe to toe with a trooper and just spam my rotation and win, interrupts are for heals" is like saying "I should be able to beat this professional fighter just throwing wild haymakers, blocking is for sissies."


Mitigating damage is just as important, if not more important, than dealing it. Preventing a 2k crit, for 1 rage, off the GCD, and removing his ability to perform his most important attack is far greater than eating that 2k crit and 2 more grav rounds that he wouldn't have been able to cast due to the lockout period of interrupt. You don't even lose dps because it's off the GCD, there is literally no reason not to interrupt.

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on my server there is republic grav round spammer (lvl 50 in battlemaster gear)

i always chuckle when i see him


me as an anni marauder can pwn this guy without being shot by him, its hilarious ... ppl relying on 1 skills are meh

he even sended me some hate mail :(

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Do you really think I would open a thread with this title when tracer missiles would hit just for 1-1.5k around ? :) Maybe he was just lucky with crits.


Iam not bad geared for my lvl, two body armor parts are in epics , one of my implants is epic, the earpeace is epic, trouser and head armor is orange the rest is in blue.


Around 28% defence with the bolster. But tracer missiles are not weapon dmg and bypass armor anyway since there is no mitigation, if Im not wrong.




I had no shields up they were on CD.....:D


But, did'nt you say you were like level 37, you have epic gear now? I'd like to know where it is.


Listen, In this game you have to play smart, especially as Marauder, you can't just mash your way to victory, even im trying to break these habits and find ways to rotate my attacks so I do the most dps I can.


I want to pass my knowledge and experience with range classes. Don't charge first if you can help it. Most people on reaction will just knock you back as your leaping knocking you back and rooting you. Now you have no charge and your stuck getting kited. Try running to him if you can use Predation to get to him fast. if possible use crippling slash to slow him down. And like the rest of the guys here said, interupt any cast he throws outl Simply put, watch what he is doing and react to it accordingly.


Charge is over rated, it can get you into as much trouble as it can get you out. So use it wisley.

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But, did'nt you say you were like level 37, you have epic gear now? I'd like to know where it is.


Listen, In this game you have to play smart, especially as Marauder, you can't just mash your way to victory, even im trying to break these habits and find ways to rotate my attacks so I do the most dps I can.


I want to pass my knowledge and experience with range classes. Don't charge first if you can help it. Most people on reaction will just knock you back as your leaping knocking you back and rooting you. Now you have no charge and your stuck getting kited. Try running to him if you can use Predation to get to him fast. if possible use crippling slash to slow him down. And like the rest of the guys here said, interupt any cast he throws outl Simply put, watch what he is doing and react to it accordingly.


Charge is over rated, it can get you into as much trouble as it can get you out. So use it wisley.


The dmg was just really high without having shield cd up but thank you for you advice of course. By the way, there are epics ingame under lvl 40 and its worth for those who actually pvp a lot.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Alright thx, but dont tell me at lvl 50 with good armor you need to interrupt the dmg of a range class to win the fight...this would be a terrible class balance. If it is a skill used versus heals alright and it would be a gimmick against channeled dmg, but if it would be needed to kill a ranged class than the class system is questionable.



Do you really need to kill this ranged class at lvl 50 with same good high end gear ?


Yes u need to interrupt EVERYTHING. keep it always in cd to be safe. and = win

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Hey Im not here to flame you.


You have to be on the ball with these power hits and do whatever you can to get that tracer off you as quick as possible.


Here's what I do, the min. the first tracer hits me I pop camo, my options are to find him and beat the hell out of him or hit predation if its up, for speed boost and try to get out of range.


If either of those are on cool down hit damage reduction sheild, Frenzy to fire Predation and/or charge and start your choke.


I do anything I can to try and take these guys out of the game because of the amount of influence they can put in to it.


When you get 10lvls higher and into some gear you will be able to take these guys.

Edited by Darkraid
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