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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

OPS Loot Nonsense!!!

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same thing just happend to my buddy, 3 jedi knights in the op, one of them already has the t2 helm. The token drops and the guy who already has it gets awarded the helm. Its bad enough they won't let the op leader select how loot works. But if they are going to force this auto assign crap they can at least make it smart enough to know who needs what.
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EV / KP Normal = Designed to be extremely pug friendly (WoW's LFR system), hence the pug like loot system


I wonder when it became acceptable to be f*cked over by the loot system just because it's pug-level. this isn't LFR, you do normals with people from your own server. so not only do you have to pray that the items drops - no, you have to pray as well that the NEXT roll is in your favor as well. easier difficulty means lower quality in loot, not lower quality in game design.


if you people really can't see why the system is beyond stupid, I weep for the future of MMOs and their players...

Edited by Graburr
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As far as I'm aware the loot system decides who is getting loot then drops them a piece of gear it thinks they can use. So the only reason you can use a bit of gear that someone else got was because they happened to be the same class as you. Its actually no different to losing to someone of a different class who could use that particular item. Its not far removed from the bag system they were originally considering but means as a group something will always drop and you can't have a case where you get nothing after killing a boss. So the system is good for pugs as you can worry less about group composition, no worrying that there are X number of other players playing the same class in the raid already. For every boss you will always have the same chance of getting loot each time you run it.
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As far as I'm aware the loot system decides who is getting loot then drops them a piece of gear it thinks they can use.


So the only reason you can use a bit of gear that someone else got was because they happened to be the same class as you.


Its actually no different to losing to someone of a different class who could use that particular item.


actually, it's like doing a flashpoint with a guy in columni gear who needs on everything that drops for your class. doesn't matter if it's tank, DD or healergear.


just because it's the same class doesn't mean it's a useful upgrade or an upgrade at all.


if there is a problem giving out loot people should just /random for it......


implying there's a /random function in the first place...

Edited by Graburr
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As far as I'm aware the loot system decides who is getting loot then drops them a piece of gear it thinks they can use. So the only reason you can use a bit of gear that someone else got was because they happened to be the same class as you. Its actually no different to losing to someone of a different class who could use that particular item. Its not far removed from the bag system they were originally considering but means as a group something will always drop and you can't have a case where you get nothing after killing a boss. So the system is good for pugs as you can worry less about group composition, no worrying that there are X number of other players playing the same class in the raid already. For every boss you will always have the same chance of getting loot each time you run it.


no, you're wrong, I just ran normal ev with my guild, I got 2x tokens which I already have... which could have gone to another IA in the grp which doesn't have those...


so the system doesn't check if you have or not, it just assigns randomly...


I don't know why you guys need to bring up PUG and make it seem ok... what about casual guilds? we run normal EV too, so what? we should be punished by this stupid system cuz we are not geared enough for HM?


the system sux, period. bring back masterloot and a /roll system!

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definitely. I ended up getting a mount I already have and I can't even learn it. had to dump it to shop.


bioware, we players are very upset and frustrated about the loot system. please make the master loot work!


you are not going to get more playtime from players by disappointing us, and you can't make us come back to those bug'ed raids over and over just to hope it drops to the right person, we may end up cancel the subscription.

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We've been trying to gear people and have been running the normal level of ops - Out of our 8 regulars we have to do the Ops, there's 2 people out of the 8 that are assigned at least one, if not two, items (often duplicates of what they have) EVERY time. Every. Single. Time.


It's frustrating beyond belief because we're a smaller guild and the 8 man ops are perfect for us right now, however, we've got some that haven't gotten a single item in over 15 raids. :(


Not all "normal" mode ops are PUGS and that should be taken into account. I really wish they'd fix this.

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definitely. I ended up getting a mount I already have and I can't even learn it. had to dump it to shop.


bioware, we players are very upset and frustrated about the loot system. please make the master loot work!


you are not going to get more playtime from players by disappointing us, and you can't make us come back to those bug'ed raids over and over just to hope it drops to the right person, we may end up cancel the subscription.


mounts go up for roll and do not get auto asigned. The only way you got a mount you already had was because you rolled need on it again...


that said, the auto assign feature is good but it should not assign loot to someone who has it already. thats all.

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I see three scenarios in this:


1)As it is now (Its not perfect we know)

2)Master loot (bugged but ninjas would be rampant if it did work)

3)LFR style (And stealing gear they dont need or for companions/OS would be rampant)


IN all of these the OP would be here whining like a teenage girl using caps.


Normals is designed this way to be casual friendly, if you dont like it go hardmodes with need/greed.



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we run the normal ID from time to time to let recruits get some more gear and at the end of clearing both operations they have some more gear. there is so much gear to be obtained it does not really matter whether some items are distributed the wrong way in the end nearly everybody went home with something and has no one in his group to blame for not getting loot for one reason or the other.


also: if you're doing it for gear you're doing it wrong.

right reasons to raid is to explore and the the new challenge, gear should be secondary.

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Was about to say this, not like they couldnt introduce a raidvote system that would allow puggers to overrule the default lootsystem and set it to masterloot.


But in all honesty the loot for that kind of difficulty is way too good anyway if you could now also select who gets what then they might aswell just put an NPC in front of EV where you can buy your T2 gear for 100Creds each.




You get qwelfare epics from PvP and now you want an easier way to gear up




Yep. We clear it in about 30-40 minutes and we are in only half columni / full columi, which most people have when they go in anyways.


That gear is good enough for hard modes

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"Go do HMs" is not the solution to an awful loot system.


The system is fine, its purely a psychological issue. If the system looked at what people have, and somehow intelligently saw if someone needed it (including for companions, offspec...basically if the game could read their mind), and just did the same roll as now, but not drop the item at all if the person doesn't need it, no one would be complaining right now.


The amount of loot dropped in normal mode vs the difficulty is absurd. The only reason its acceptable is because of the limitation.


Already with people dropping group in guilds to powerloot the people who "truly need it", you can gear up anyone to the point they can do nightmare mode in a single week. Run EV and Karaggas exactly once with most people dropping group right before the boss dies or before opening chest, and they're ready for hardmode big time. Then one run of each hardmode passing everything they can use to them, and with average luck, they'll be more than decked out enough to do anything.


With normal modes taking 1-2 hours top, you can do all of the above in 2-3 days in a casual guild. And people want it to be even easier than that?


Ok, let normal mode use a normal looting system, but slash the amount of loot that drops in half. Better? No? then lets just cut the chase. Anyone who finishes EV Normal gets a box with a full set of columi. There we go.


Honestly the best solution would be to use a Monster Hunter style loot system... everyone get stuff, which after a while can be combined to get anything you want of the appropriate tier.

Edited by PhoenixMatrix
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The system is fine, its purely a psychological issue. If the system looked at what people have, and somehow intelligently saw if someone needed it (including for companions, offspec...basically if the game could read their mind), and just did the same roll as now, but not drop the item at all if the person doesn't need it, no one would be complaining right now.


The amount of loot dropped in normal mode vs the difficulty is absurd. The only reason its acceptable is because of the limitation.


Already with people dropping group in guilds to powerloot the people who "truly need it", you can gear up anyone to the point they can do nightmare mode in a single week. Run EV and Karaggas exactly once with most people dropping group right before the boss dies or before opening chest, and they're ready for hardmode big time. Then one run of each hardmode passing everything they can use to them, and with average luck, they'll be more than decked out enough to do anything.


With normal modes taking 1-2 hours top, you can do all of the above in 2-3 days in a casual guild. And people want it to be even easier than that?


Ok, let normal mode use a normal looting system, but slash the amount of loot that drops in half. Better? No? then lets just cut the chase. Anyone who finishes EV Normal gets a box with a full set of columi. There we go.


Honestly the best solution would be to use a Monster Hunter style loot system... everyone get stuff, which after a while can be combined to get anything you want of the appropriate tier.



They would never get an 'intelligent' system like that working. Why take all of that time to code and intelligent system when there are 8/16 intelligent systems IN THE OPS GROUP?


So you're saying that powerlooting (or whatever you wanna call entire ops groups dropping so 1 guy can get geared) is a better option than just implementing a freaking master looter option? That's silly.


What about for me? I just started leading pug OPS groups. I have no idea what these people need as far as gear goes. I can't coordinate for 6 people to drop group when the boss is at 5% or whatever in a pug and I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO.


I'm not asking for free gear. I'm asking that the gear that drops to be given to the people who need it. A game system will NEVER get that right, but a master looter can.


It's really quite simple.

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<sigh> not here too


Master Looter is bugged currently


The other system works as intended. Get over yourself and do Hard modes.


They aren't that hard. With the energy you spent here you could have all teh hard mode info assimilated for your next raid.


Try I dare you.

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<sigh> not here too


Master Looter is bugged currently


The other system works as intended. Get over yourself and do Hard modes.


They aren't that hard. With the energy you spent here you could have all teh hard mode info assimilated for your next raid.


Try I dare you.


I'm not sure you've read any of the 6 posts now where I stated "Go do hardmodes" isn't a reasonable answer to this problem.

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