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Meditation should build focus. We should start fights at 12 focus, not zero.


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Do I become 'unfocused' when I meditate?




It would be nice if we started fights with power, like every other class, instead of at zero. It is a small change but might go the distance in helping give the Sentinel/Marauder the little something they are missing.

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No way. We would have incredible burst then and be completely broken. The entire class would then have to be reworked.


The Focus system works just fine. I personally love it. I can't stand the ammo system that Troopers have.





Yeah man, heaven forbid this class has the ability to burst damage! I'll go back to using my crowd control stuns instead.

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meditation = better at violence? LOL


Meditation is healing in every sense of the word - go look it up.


Violence has nothing to do with it he was saying it made no sense (from a real life perspective) that you would become unfocused from meditating. One could argue the entire point of meditating IS to focus. But I digress, trying to place a real life logic system onto a game mechanic never ends well.


The fact of the matter is we would be insanely OP if we could start a fight with full focus. The entire point of a mechanic is essentially to place an upper limit on a class. IA/Smuggler and BH/Trooper have the graduated regen system that reward pacing out abilities and Assassin/Shadow have a relatively small force pool that places a hard limit on number of abilities that are able to be used. I think the only class that's really out of line is Sorc/sage. Compared to other classes they have virtually no mechanic micro.


JK/SW have focus. For us the limiting factor is how quickly we can generate focus. I think some things could have their focus cost reduced so we wouldn't have such a HUGE tradeoff between damage and utility, something that other classes really don't have to think about. For example: I have 5 focus. I'm choosing between a merciless slash or a crippling thow and leg slash, both cost 5 focus, I either delay my burst for 5 GCD's for utility or I use it now and lose all my utility for another 3 GCD's worth of focus building. This is part of what makes sentinel so micro intensive.


But no, I don't think starting with 12 focus is the answer.

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Force Leap, Zealous Strike, And you have almost got a full focus bar.

So seriously from a game mechanics perspective there is no need for it.

As for the Idea of you lose focus during meditation, I get your point from a purely linguistic perspective. If they had called it Fury, Power, Energy, whatever this thread wouldn’t exist.

You are arguing a change to game mechanics based purely on the name they gave the resource.

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While I do wish strike built more focus and zealous strike was on a shorter cool down, I'd have to agree with everyone else on the fact that if we started out with a full bar of focus our dps would just be outright insane. Jumping in with a full bar doing my rotation then doing zealous strike and going through my rotation again that quick? Ya...nothing would survive that kind of onslaught. Edited by Raansu
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meditation = better at violence? LOL


Meditation is healing in every sense of the word - go look it up.


via Dictionary.com:


med·i·tate [med-i-teyt] verb, -tat·ed, -tat·ing.

verb (used without object)

1. to engage in thought or contemplation; reflect.

2. to engage in transcendental meditation, devout religious contemplation, or quiescent spiritual introspection.


I don't see "healing" in any sense of the word...

Meditating is just thinking about stuff. If you know how to worry, then you know how to meditate. You're just thinking about stressful things instead of bunnies, puppies, and clear, flowing water.


Perhaps the snarky comments should be canned in favor of constructive comments. If one has trouble producing constructive comments, perhaps one should meditate on bunnies before posting...?


Incidentally, constructive comments *can* disagree. They just do so with the intent to build rather than harm.

Edited by Tedroni
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Yeah man, heaven forbid this class has the ability to burst damage! I'll go back to using my crowd control stuns instead.


There's burst and there's OP burst. We have good burst with Merciless Slash(if Watchman) or Blade Rush + Blade Storm combo(if Combat). Starting with 12 Focus while maintaining the rest of our mechanics would give us incredible OP burst.


Focus is fine. Learn to love it or respec Shadow or something.

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Starting with 12 Focus? As much as I'd love it, no. It's part of our class mechanics to generate the Focus and use it on stronger abilities, not to have those abilities right off the bat.


And while I do not believe Introspection should build Focus, I do believe is should freeze Focus at its current count.


I also wouldn't mind seeing a passive ability or low-tier skill that generated 1 or 2 Focus every 3-5 seconds while in combat.

Edited by All_Under_Heaven
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