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Why aint nobody playing sniper/GS?


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why nobody plays GS/Snipers:


1. Worst mobility in game

2. Terrible Utility

3. Terrible Survivability

4. Sub par dps


They are inferior to sorcs/bh's in ever aspect, there is no reason to play them.


the only thing you said correctly was the lack of mobility for them....their dps is ridiculous cause when they crit THEY HURT (with the snipe skill which cannot be interrupted) and in order to survive they have to be smart and stay in the outter fields of the battle and pick people off (in cover you cant yank them nor jump to them so you have to walk to them manually) and even when you do walk to them they have a knockback root which enables them to fire at least 2 of their most powerful skills and as mentioned before IT HURTS they can be a key tool especially in hutball since of their high burst damage and the range they are definitely not inferior to bh nor sorcs people underrate them highly but i dont they need to be taken out quickly or make sure they arent camping on a ledge somewhere picking people off but only fools would leave them alone and let them do as they please (they are basically tracer missle spammers but with much better damage) cant see how people dont realize that yet

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They seem so underrepresented in warzones compared to the other dps classes. There is literally 0 player made gunslinger pvp videos on swtormovies.com and the newest uploaded on youtube is I, think, 2 months old.


Why dont people play them in warzones? Their dmg output can seem so ridiculously good that I have to ask why is it such an unattractive class?


They are a decent class but hybrid sorc/sages are so far and above the most OP class in the game that people have figured out...


Why play an inferior ranged spec that is also harder to play?


Add to that you can do as much dmg on a Merc/Commando with a much easier playstyle.


Fantastic as a raiding class, but no real incentive to pvp on them over other classes, unless you are really good and just feel like being = to a herp derp played faceroll class.


Mediocre player with a clue on sage/sorc/merc/commando = well played slinger/sniper...So what is the point?


The player leading dmg on the sniper/slinger could do slightly better with a merc/commando and MUCH better on a hybrid sorc/sage.

Edited by biowareftw
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Oh man, I had a game where I was the single sniper on a team with 2 BHs and 5 sorcs and I outclassed them all in damage/kills/medals.


Really made me smile.


this is possible only with shock frozen water and even with it its hard to get more than 8 medals


anyway - i love that the GS is the single class sorcs hate the most (well maybe after sages) :-) i can take them down in few seconds if i time my rotation right ... if i dont pick the fight its an uphill battle though :| doesn't really matter what class it is - if its mele and i time my knockbacks right i have a chance, if its anything out of stealth ... well there may be children reading this so i will not explain the cruelty

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I'm gonna start a log tomorrow of all the SS's of my match ending scoreboards.

I never get outdamaged, and it's pretty rare for me to have anything but lowest deaths


If it's Dirty Fighting topping the damage meters isn't hard. It's about using your damage efficiently not how big a number you can get at the end of a warzone.

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the only thing you said correctly was the lack of mobility for them....their dps is ridiculous cause when they crit THEY HURT (with the snipe skill which cannot be interrupted) and in order to survive they have to be smart and stay in the outter fields of the battle and pick people off (in cover you cant yank them nor jump to them so you have to walk to them manually) and even when you do walk to them they have a knockback root which enables them to fire at least 2 of their most powerful skills and as mentioned before IT HURTS they can be a key tool especially in hutball since of their high burst damage and the range they are definitely not inferior to bh nor sorcs people underrate them highly but i dont they need to be taken out quickly or make sure they arent camping on a ledge somewhere picking people off but only fools would leave them alone and let them do as they please (they are basically tracer missle spammers but with much better damage) cant see how people dont realize that yet


This is part of how i recognize a smart team over an inexperienced one...


If in huttball, 2 or more players rush across the ledges around the middle to harass me as a sniper, I know they recognize the importance of my nest and my ability to completely change a situation by picking off key players.


If I sit unharassed, I pretty much clean up on the 4 people who start fighting in the center, including those healers who sit behind sandbags thinking they're safe from the battle.

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If it's Dirty Fighting topping the damage meters isn't hard. It's about using your damage efficiently not how big a number you can get at the end of a warzone.

If you pick DF you may have high damage in the stats, but its so spread around that its not worth even mentioning. you may get an awesome kill when you are lucky and have eveything out of cooldown and the enemy is not immediately clensed. The only thing DF is good for is defending and only if they are low on healers or the healers are noobs that dont know how to deal with DoTs.

After trying it for a week it was nice for trolling, but the SS just makes the job done better (the job being killing stuff fast).

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My level 13 Gunslinger took down a level 43 Sniper on Voidstar the other day.


I know we're buffed to equal levels, but still.....


And it was 1v1, btw. For some reason, he insisted on trying to stay in cover the whole time.


You do a LOT more damage at level 10-15 than you do at 40, bolster over-compensates. By the time you hit 20 you'll be thinking *** has happened to my damage.

Edited by Evuke
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This is part of how i recognize a smart team over an inexperienced one...


If in huttball, 2 or more players rush across the ledges around the middle to harass me as a sniper, I know they recognize the importance of my nest and my ability to completely change a situation by picking off key players.


If I sit unharassed, I pretty much clean up on the 4 people who start fighting in the center, including those healers who sit behind sandbags thinking they're safe from the battle.


yup i never try and leave a sniper alone just for this one reason....leave them alone and boom they start picking everyone off but luckily for your class most people just disregard them and let them do as they please...only time they attack is if they are in the way from what ive experienced lol

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I pull 300k-500k+ with less than 3 deaths

It's a pretty strong class :)


Are you a wizard or do you just run premades with a healer and tank? I call 400k a good match :S And I'm probably one of the top few Gunslingers on my server. Admittedly there are only like 5 of us who PvP :p

Edited by Beelzebubs
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I lovemy sniper find it a bit in hard at times in warzones but now i got a few much needed talents that seem to help a lot. I can help pick many off the ball carrier w/o anyone bothering to come at me till is to late a lot of times =). I have gotten better at 1V1's with her and only getting better =)
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They're legitimately a hard class to play competitively.


On that note, I enjoy the fact that my favorite class is tough to play. It gives me more incentive to get better with it.


It also might have to do with the fact that many people don't like playing support dps roles, which snipers can generally be forced into. They're not the greatest class to play 1v1 with, and it can be hard to burst down a healer solo, but in a 2v2 or higher, the skill of a sniper can HUGELY influence the outcome of a fight.


Really? I find myself able to **** anyone in a 1v1. ANYONE. even in a 2v1 I feel that I can win if I have enough moves up. MM Sniper 34

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My level 13 Gunslinger took down a level 43 Sniper on Voidstar the other day.


I know we're buffed to equal levels, but still.....


And it was 1v1, btw. For some reason, he insisted on trying to stay in cover the whole time.


You mean he insisted on using the mechanic that gives him 20% dodge against other gunslingers? Wow he must have been horrible!!!!


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why nobody plays GS/Snipers:


1. Worst mobility in game

2. Terrible Utility

3. Terrible Survivability

4. Sub par dps


They are inferior to sorcs/bh's in ever aspect, there is no reason to play them.


Is this a troll? I top warzone boards most of the time ever since I got 30 and Followthrough.


1. Yes

2. Err... okay

3. Orly? I get the least amount of deaths because people leave me alone as they think I'm bad.

4. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL no. Pure DPS class, and we do pure dps. Although you usually won't find any decent snipers.

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You mean he insisted on using the mechanic that gives him 20% dodge against other gunslingers? Wow he must have been horrible!!!!



No, you leave cover to regrant ballistic dampeners, and snapshot. Of course I think it should just refresh every 6 seconds, but that would ruin any lasting in-cover things like channeled Series of Shots, Ballastic Shield, or Entrench. A good sniper vs sniper uses the diversion to make em leave cover, then when they're about to nuke you using ambush FT Snipe SoS, you put Evasion up to "LOL DODGE **** YOU" to them. Snipers and knowing when to use your abilities really make sniper vs sniper 1v1 very much tactical. You know those boxes near the expertise buffs on Huttball? We were LoSing each other around the catwalk and the boxes, it was fun.

Edited by Zunayson
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I wish you would have told me that before I played this huttball match a second ago



Whoot! lets a play a class with so much skill that even a clicker can do well lol. GS/sniper would bore anyone who values movement to tears. Granted this game barely rewards it with its autofacing. Why dont you spend 10 minutes to learn to play with binds and then maybe you can roll a melee in a mmo?

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Is this a troll? I top warzone boards most of the time ever since I got 30 and Followthrough.


1. Yes

2. Err... okay

3. Orly? I get the least amount of deaths because people leave me alone as they think I'm bad.

4. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL no. Pure DPS class, and we do pure dps. Although you usually won't find any decent snipers.


This is really the reason for the opinions most people have on the class.

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I'm, not very good and don't think snipers (which I play) are particularly powerful.


But as a noob 50 I get gang F***** every time I wander too close the fray.


What that tells me is that the enemy team wants me dead fast regardless of my noobitude.


They go out of their way to kill me quickly. I don't feel like much of a threat (especially since my gear is not good PvP gear yet). But obviously it seems like a standard tactic to down the sniper first and fast.


I am new to 50 PvP and am usually the only sniper or one of two snipers (rare) in a WZ.


So I don't really know the verdict is still out for me...though I won't swear off buffs :D.


I get my *** kicked but still get medals and comms..so I don't leave empty handed.


On another note I think Alderaan is the most sniper friendly map....unless other snipers want to share some tactics with me on huttball and void.

Edited by Doxxs
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Whoot! lets a play a class with so much skill that even a clicker can do well lol. GS/sniper would bore anyone who values movement to tears. Granted this game barely rewards it with its autofacing. Why dont you spend 10 minutes to learn to play with binds and then maybe you can roll a melee in a mmo?


The implication that every single class in the game isnt just as easy is very telling about how good you are.

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Whoot! lets a play a class with so much skill that even a clicker can do well lol. GS/sniper would bore anyone who values movement to tears. Granted this game barely rewards it with its autofacing. Why dont you spend 10 minutes to learn to play with binds and then maybe you can roll a melee in a mmo?


Are you jealous that I perform better than you even while clicking my cooldowns?

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lol snipers.


I see them occasionally, and then they die.


In-fact, if i see their targeting reticle appear above my character i usually drop what I'm doing and look for my free ki.... uggh.... err...I mean..SNIPERS ARE OVERPOWERED, EVERYONE ROLL SNIPERS!!!!




















....pretty please?

Edited by Jebi
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Whoot! lets a play a class with so much skill that even a clicker can do well lol. GS/sniper would bore anyone who values movement to tears. Granted this game barely rewards it with its autofacing. Why dont you spend 10 minutes to learn to play with binds and then maybe you can roll a melee in a mmo?


are you calling snipers/gs a faceroll class? lol i invite you to roll one and find out for yourself

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This is really the reason for the opinions most people have on the class.


It's true. I'm sorry, but there's no way my gear (No PvP gear, only lvl 34) gives me a huge advantage. Snipe and ft hit for 2k, Ambush for 3k, easy. I haven't gotten SoS yet (2 levels!), but I imagine that it'll tick for 1 - 1.5k per second. I just can burst nuke out all my energy and CDS and kill someone with ease.


Leg shot > Ambush > FT > Insta snipe > Leave Cover > Re-instasnipe > Entrench (If they don't lose interest as they should and go for the ball) > Snipe > Snipe (Followthrough (FT) as needed) > Takedown > Re instasnipe


I'm sorry but snipers can be pretty mobile if they do it right. But if they're nuking, they'll have to stand still. Having the highest range in the game, I like to leg shot people at about 33 meters and nuke them while any other class can't even hit me.


Many people go for snipers first thinking they'll get the low hanging fruit first. I like it when I'm not ********ed by the whole team (1 or 2 people), because then I prove them wrong by nuking them down.

Edited by Zunayson
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