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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So I showed my friend SWTOR...


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I showed my buddy the game.


He used my account and created a sith warrior on a new server and got up to lvl 4 or something and he really liked it.


Then i switched over to my server to show him my Lvl 50 sith warrior (who was geared in almost all battlemaster pvp gear)


.... and he was like "double u tee eff!? "why do you look like a beefcake ninja? This is not starwars at all!"


I laughed, but i had to agree with him... Why must i look like a robot or ninja with spikes?.... can't i just look like a sith?

My friend was excited about playing and really had a good time trying it out but said that because of the appearance of endgame and this ridiculous armor would hinder him from playing in the future.... bioware might want to hear that.


I really think Bioware SEVERELY missed the ball on this... Just my 2cents

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Half the point of this game is that you can determine almost everything that your character is to become, this includes appearance as well as decisions and attitude and the like. It would be pretty bland if all sith had a signature 'sith' look and all looked the same....
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i understand fully the modification system.


However if i want to put my pvp mods in my orange moddable gear .. i lose the set bonus... then have to substitute crap armorings.


not so ideal a plan anymore huh?


patchnotes say changes to this are coming ... and they can't come fast enough imo.

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Pointless complaint. Theyve stated numerous times that theyre aware and that more craft-able orange gear and removable armorings and set bonuses from end game gear is coming this march.


You have to remember orange gear wasnt in to the last or second to last beta build. Considering that it works pretty damn well for not being super tested.

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Pointless complaint. Theyve stated numerous times that theyre aware and that more craft-able orange gear and removable armorings and set bonuses from end game gear is coming this march.


You have to remember orange gear wasnt in to the last or second to last beta build. Considering that it works pretty damn well for not being super tested.


I was pretty impressed with that myself. To the OP...I knwo what you mean. My favorite gear look is actually the first one you see when you build your character. simple. screams sith/jedi. then I get in game and laugh at some of the end game gear...with the teeth and the clunky armor and the weird...um...additions. I have a very basic looking sith setup right now, and I plan on keeping it. I probably wont get the high end PvP gear, nor the current raid setup UNLESS i can simply switch the mods over to my current setup. and get the set bounses


So my hope is that their "changes" revolve around that. Even though the moddable items was implemented last minute, its one of the best ideas IMO since sliced bread, and I think they should capitalize on it.spending your entire toons life being able to mod gear, and then get stuck in some 12 yr old's fantasy idea of a sith-turned-jungle cat is not my idea of sith. It may be it for some, but thats the beauty of moddable gear.


tell your friend that its coming...He can start now. even if they don't fix it for a month or so, there's so much leveling experience to be had im sure hell enjoy the game the whole time, even if he doesn't like their end game gear choices.


That and some of the classes look pretty good. BH armor is pretty nice looking for the most part (high end stuff). I actually wish I had more of that at the lower levels. Looks far more like bounty hunter gear then the stuff i get early on.

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You have to remember orange gear wasnt in to the last or second to last beta build. Considering that it works pretty damn well for not being super tested.


You have to remember to not spread false information.



I got into beta in august and there was orange items then and there was a lot of testing with 2 different systems, one of which only lasted like 3 weeks and did not make it to live because it was bad, and now the one we have in place is pretty good.

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Half the point of this game is that you can determine almost everything that your character is to become, this includes appearance as well as decisions and attitude and the like. It would be pretty bland if all sith had a signature 'sith' look and all looked the same....


The thing is though, why is it so difficult to get the signature Sith look then? The point of a roleplaying game is, that you can play a role. Yet for some hard to understand reason it is very difficult to play the most obvious role in SWTOR. And why does the game force you to use specific, awkward look to compete at high level? That's so not roleplaying! It's like a racing game which you can only win when you drive the Ferrari (which has been colored green by some "funny" developer). Seriously....

Edited by eatZecaai
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You have to remember to not spread false information.



I got into beta in august and there was orange items then and there was a lot of testing with 2 different systems, one of which only lasted like 3 weeks and did not make it to live because it was bad, and now the one we have in place is pretty good.


Back in August, everything was fully moddable (more or less). They introduced Orange gear in October when they changed how mods worked. This was done to prevent things like people using mods from the first boss in an Operation to mod out all of their gear. They introduced Orange Gear (based largely on existing blue pieces) and baked in the main stats on armor and weapons from level 50 pvp and similar end game stuff (the purples).


This is all changing, of course, so that the orange gear will be useable at end game while still preventing folks from using loot from the first boss to fully mod out their gear.

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I will admit the PvP armor is just a little bit over the top. Though I personally like it for the Sith Juggernauts (atleast on the PvP side) I wish they would have put a little more cloth and a little more black into it. I mean, Battlemaster for SW is purple/red/gray... what's up with that?
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OP and everyone who *****es about the armor need to *********** PAY ATTENTION.


It has been stated that FOR THE MARCH PATCH they are going to make purples fully moddable.


So go get some vanity gear, and get ready to pay through the teeth to rip mods.

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What you like and dislike may very well change during the game. Why not try to play it and see what happens. Got a leather-jacket for my JK around lvl 40, the smuggler-jacket Orange gear and it fit her so well so that's what I'm going with. There are options, get started playing the game and see what fits your char later on.
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the sith marauder looks just fine at the end game. he's supposed to be a cyborg warrior devoid of all humanity - the look that vader popularized. i actually think the armor is one of the best looking in the game, sans the long toenails.


I agree, my Jugg is rocking Battlemaster gear and despite the purple not matching the red on black lightsabre, I've no issue with it.


As for 'what does a Sith look like?' You seriously have to check out some of the whacky costumes poeple like Naga Sadow and Freedon Nadd wore. Hell I've seen images of the latter guy in what can only be described as spikey full plate armour!


Your mate needs some perspective, I think looking at end game warrior armour and dismissing a game is a pretty huge overreaction.

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