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Everything posted by Weinerschnitzel

  1. he didnt play 27 wzs and won 4. he opened 27 bags and won 4? grats! you are doing much better than most. i opened 20 isn bags and won none but im still happily pvping away. they do contain cent and champ commendations right? meaning if you opened 27....you should have like a 5-6 pieces of gear already.
  2. i didnt realize just how many people play a game to look pretty. my old girlfriend, had to go through all the characters customizations for hours before she would even decide to play a game or not.
  3. I just dinged 50 a few days ago with a jugg and I am just utterly confused with all these posts about how this or that level 35 jugg cant kill an elite or is getting owned by 2 silvers. I'm really not sure what the hell you guys are doing wrong. I've had no problems up till now...really. Perhaps look into these things? 1. Look at your gear. Look at the level requirements. If the level requirement of the piece is about 5 levels underneath your current level. It may be time to look for a new piece. TBH, the game via random drops and quest rewards, should provide you with all the pieces you need. Always grab the commendation. Those commendations will allow you to buy mods to keep yourself well equipped for any pve situation. look to pick up guardian pieces. i always went for the bigger endurance boost. get defense. shield and absorption i dont think are all its banged out to be. remember, you get a small chance to shield, and if that happens, you only absorp half of that dmg. more if you have a lot of absorption. and thats only on regular physical dmg. no kinetic, no elemental, no nothing. defense increases chance to parry and deflect and absorb. 2. Look at your companion. I honestly dont think companion gear even matters. But the companion you pick does significantly. I used vette till level 40 basically. She does great aoe dmg. If you're fighting mobs of regulars, 4-5 in number, pick vette. she takes care of everything fast. just aoe taunt when you run in. at level 40-50, depending on the mob, use quinn or jaesa. if the mobs a boss, or elite+silver, or 2 silvers+regulars, use quinn. if the mob is a solo elite or silver + regulars, use jaesa. Jaesa's single target dps seems to be much better than vettes. broonmark and the guy who uses aim sucks. they're tanks that cant tank crap. ive only had to use defensive cooldowns when i wasnt paying attention and patrols or other mobs were aggroed. and even then, it was a pretty easy fight. obviously, with quinn you have less downtime, but youre doing all the dmg. with jaesa, you have to heal after every 2-3 fights. up to you which you prefer. also, i would pick the one i have a higher companion rating with because gifts get more expensive. comapnion rating gain via convos during missions are free. 3. skill rotation - retaliate everytime its up (to get the 6% defense). smash everytime its up(to get the opponents to miss 5%). force scream with the skill tree sonic barrier everytime its up (to instantly get a 100-1000 shield depending on your level). when 10 guys are on you, turn on saber ward. if its still looking bad, use that 20 min cd that refreshes saber ward. use saber ward again. if you think you can win, turn on endure pain and the 40% dmg reduce. use a stim pack at the very end. if its looking bad before using the last ditch effort stim pack, run....while running, aoe slow the mob behind you, let your comp die (sorry companion), every 5 secs, let an aoe slow loose. you'll get away guaranteed. also, as you level, your companion gains more skills, but you have to manually put them on auto cast. and everytime i change companions, their stances seem to get turned off. turn them on to have them do extra dmg or cause less aggro. 4. awareness. be aware of mobs. their locations. be aware of patrols. 5. pommel strike and karate kick. use these skills. they are your most dmging skills. people tend not to use them because they require the enemy to have certain conditions. dont be a noob. your vicious slash does 700 cost 3 rage and pommel and kick do 1000 and cost none. you can bring the mob down that much quicker. force leap, instantly karate kick. use one of your 3 stuns, pommel strike. as theyre coming out of it, force scream, and mess them up. a good finisher i like to kill of strong opponents when theyre at like 15-20% is the force push, saber throw, force leap, and then the saber throw that you can do close up when theyre under 10% followed by maybe a scream and your talent tree 31 skill. during this entire time, you take no dmg, keep that in mind for the hairy fights. jaesa does the aoe freeze all the time, meaning thats a free karate kick for you. i love jaesa. 5.5 i didnt give this a real number because it really shouldnt even be mentioned. dont play with one hand. use your damn keyboard and key binds. 6. pick a world thats 1-2 levels beneath you. quests can still be predominantly yellow and you'll have an easier time. even green quests give nice chunks of exp. 7. if after this read youre still having problems with any of the mobs and theyre not 5 levels higher than you, quit this game, cause you probably suck. and dont come to the forums and write a noob post stating leveling a jugg was too hard and youre leaving. we dont care. just quit. go play doom2 with god mode on.
  4. friday night yesterday...there were like 5 people there?
  5. any word on when light pop servers will be merged? ilum is mighty pathetic right now for me. I'm on Naddist Rebels.
  6. as true as that may be, i believe its better to kill than leave them alone per say. that respawn thing may happen, but then we would have to go into spawn barrier cd times and that gets a little too complicated. perhaps one day when it gets competitive enough and a timer is added to know when the barrier will go down unleashing the revived, but as of right now, i would rather kill then to let them live in fear of them respawning and then killing your teams ball carrier. i can then go on to argue that the respawned team will all force leap at your teammate with the ball and stun, which instantly fills up his resolve bar, and as a long as a healer and a guard is up, that person will survive and with 100% resolve slowly but surely score the point.
  7. there might be a communication problem here. i definately agree that one person who achieves top dmg doesnt automatically mean that he did the most to thelp his team win the game. thats why sometimes the top medal scoring person can be on the losing team. now with that said, people who vote for the person who scored the most points in terms of dmg, isnt neccessarily a scrub. the player who did the most dmg, did the MOST DMG. therefore, he deserves your vote because he did do the best technically from a number standpoint. now on to healing, i belive that with top healing, that person ALWAYS deserves a vote. if youre the top healer, it means youre in the middle of the action somewhere, and youre keeping your team mates alive which will accomplish two things. 1. that team mate will eventually score. 2. that person youre keeping alive will distract the opponents attacking him, leaving less people on the opposing team to score and defend. now with those 2 things said. the top dmg dealer, will most likely be attacking or killing someone. when he attacks, he will eventually kill. and the killed opponent will have to respawn all the way at base, and wait for the barrier to dissapear. that time spent there, is away from the action. meaning less people on the opposing team to score or defend resulting in higher chances for your team to score or defend. if hes just attacking and not killing, that means hes hitting one person on the opposing team, and that one person is being healed by a healer from the opposing team. so your one teammate, is effectively removing 2 of the opponents from doing their jobs. meaning the game is now 7 vs 6 your advantage. so that in my opinion is ALSO worthy of a mvp vote.
  8. i didnt mean to be insulting, which is why i wrote it the way i did. from what im getting is that you think there should be no penalty what so ever for leaving a WZ the second it seems like your team is losing because you have a limited amount of time to play a game. so thats like saying, kobe bryant, who devoted much of his life to playing basketball, has to play with a 60 lb weight strapped to him because everyone else who didnt devote as much time, needs to have some kind of advantage. i understand you dont have all the time in the world to play, so thats why your gear or skill will be subpar compared to those who do devote more time. and as a full grown person of 26 years old, that makes sense to me. also for you to ask for no penalty when you ruin the experience for 7 other people on your team, that just seems silly. did you even think about what you were saying before you posted?
  9. i dont get this statement in the sense that people voting for top heals would not be scrubs, because i truly believe healers deserve more votes. as for top dmg, even though top dmg "could" hint at a more selfish playstyle, dmg will ultimately bring down members of the opposing team, keeping them off the field, allowing more chances to score.
  10. youre just ruining the game for yourself right now. if they were farming you and you were vastly outnumbered then perhaps its worth looking into. just fight back and get medals while theyre farming you, and if all your buddies are level 15 and arent doing nothing, suck it up for one game and farm them the next game.
  11. I've havent seen that happen often...but thats an interesting idea...*jots down on paper* listen, if it was wow and queue times were 1 hour followed by a 1 hour match, then fine. but these queues are instant most of the times and matches last 15 mins. during this time, its not like you cant farm medals either. stop complaning. seriously.
  12. the pre 50 pvp gear has no expertise, which is the defining pvp stat. pre 50 ovo gear is just as good as whatever you're wearing right now as long as your current gear is on par with your current level. so if you like pvp, basically, get a champ bag(you're only allowed one), and have 1000 commendations and 1000 merc commendations saved up and at that point, if youre not 50 yet and want to spend commendations on anything, go ahead because at that point youre capped out on commendations. but pre 50 pvp gear is just regular pve gear. pvp gear may just have a more defined set of bonuses to certain stats that you may desire. like crit or surge or power.
  13. I just hit 50 the other day so I dont know too much yet....but 5 k heal? wow. is that even possible? 300k healing is a lot of healing for one medal. whats the average heals for a level 50 wz? i also think that when he tries to get the commando medal, the healing he puts out really really suffers. i just think there should be more incentive for healers as its pretty much the number one complaint now....where is my healer?! there are none, its just not worth being one. ive played 3 wzs the other day, not one healer. back in the day, there would usually be 2-3 dedicated healers.
  14. not really, i know with imperial agent healing you have to keep track of how many charges of that proc you have ( i forgot what its called right now) and just that alone in the heat of battle makes it more than "2-3 key binds" also, the fact that a healer has to move around to avoid getting put down too quickly makes it a highly apm intensive and multi-tasking chore. most healers have more much more game awareness than dps'ers...who would hold W and press 1..2...3...4...5.
  15. ridiculous, just because BW has been responsive to our demands, dont abuse that. petition for the need to remove wins from the quest? have you gone mad? are you that bad? listen to what you're saying here. you just want free handouts and i hope BW never ever implements something like this. dont they already give you a freebie with the quest that says all you have to do is participate in one wz? now you want all of them to be like this? jeez lewis.
  16. I just wanted to start this thread by saying that I am not a healer. I main a level 50 maruader. It's just through logical thinking and the complaints I hear from some of my friends who are healers that I thought a thread like this should be written for BW to see. Ok so I think that healers should get be able to get a few more medals for healing during WZs. So far, from what my friends tell me, theres basically 2 achievable healing medals, theres one for criting 2500 and theres one where you heal 10k worth of healing overall. I don't even know if there are any medals after that. Maybe a medal for healing over 75k? So he averages about 3-5 medals per game depending on how many last hits he can get and whether he'll be able to score a defender medal of some sort. For such a vital/boring role, the payoff is a little lackluster. Dps'ers, which i think consist of 80% of the characters rolled on the server, will generally average 5-6 medals. Last hit, soldier medal for killing ten, commando for killing 25, another for dmg over 75 k dmg, solo kill, and perhaps a defender medal are all pretty easily acheived. Seeing a lightning sorc with 8-9 medals is getting to be pretty ordinary for me. I think I saw one with 10 once. Tanks, i think average 5-6 also. The medals start rolling in when guard is active. And landing a soldier or even a commando is easy enough when you leap force into a crowd and do an aoe move. Even during losses, I can achieve 4-5 medals minimum. During a good match I can get 7-8 as well. So based on all of that, I really think healers should get more oppurtunities to get more medals. Perhaps they can create some combat medic medal? heal 10 people? Or maybe a medal for healing 5 people for at least 2.5k hp each? I played a couple games with him and I felt so bad that I consistently doubled his medals for each game. On top of that, people dont care either and just leave the WZ soon after, no one stays to look at overall healing done and vote the healers MVP. Maybe you guys can also implement something where the person with the most healing done on a team will auto get the mvp votes that are left un-submitted? It just seems so unfair for them right now. Thanks.
  17. hmm..ill give it a shot and socket the same armor mod into three different armor types and come back here with some numbers.
  18. Dear Bioware, I'm not sure why but there seems to be some unfairness when it comes to your special costumes. What I'm refering to, are the special costumes you can buy as your social level becomes higher. An example would be my avatar...the imperial pilot costume you may purchase with fleet mission commendations. I noticed that they are all light armor. So basically, if I was light armor, I could remove most of my mods from my regular armor and plug them into the special costume and look awesome with no loss of anything whatsoever. This is unfair for medium and heavy armor wearers as it forces them to take a hit in armor rating. Can you guys please fix this? I LOVE the imperial pilot suit and would love to see a heavy armor version of that suit. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE implement medium and heavy armor versions. Thank you. Sincerely, Unhappy Heavy Armor wearing sith warrior.
  19. this made a lot of sense to me....i really hope that some BW dev sees this.
  20. Hi everyone, I've been recently reading about Bioware developers/moderators putting up topics on how they are monitoring and banning players who would spawn camp treasure chests and elites who drop items. In my opinion, that seems a little unfair. If it's something that doesn't involve a hacking third party software and its not some kind of abuse or harassment...it should be allowed. To ban someone from camping a spawn point is just one step away from banning someone who kills too many normal bad guys in one day and gets too much gold or random drops. It doesnt make sense. On top of that, if they want to waste time waiting for chests to appear, they're not leveling and who cares if the guy spent the last 4 hours camping an elite and now has 46 level 11 items and made 10k credits selling them. Let them do that if they enjoy it. They dont know they can make 5x as much if they just level regularly. People are paying you guys money to play your game. Unless it's some form of clear abuse, it seems wrong to punish them for playing it the way they want to play it. P.S. dont ban me, the most I ever spawn camped an elite was about 3-4 times and then I just got bored and move on. i just posted this post because i thought it was neccessary. someone had to speak out for the pseudo-chinese farmers.
  21. hey guys. im new to the game and am currently around level 30. my question is what the heck is battlemaster and centurion commendations? where do i go to get that? is it similar to mercenary commendations in the sense that i have to trade WZ commendations in somewhere? thanks for your responses. or maybe tell me where i can go to read about it? im having a problem locating the search bar.
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