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Keyboard Turners/Clickers


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Dont know about you man but most the abilities in this game are insta cast and can be used on the move, meaning you dont need to stand in one spot to play your toon. So i dont really see how key bindings and strafing has a huge advantage in swtor. I would put myself in the middle cause i do click on abilities. But i have so called "keyboard pros" try to strafe circle all around me and i have no issues at all burning them down like any other class. What makes you thing i have to sit there and put up with that nonsense? ever heard of kiting? strafe that.
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Thank you. Well said. Some people are trying to turn this into a "you mad you got owned by keyboard turners" or a "youre just a big mean snob!"type of debate.


Guys just humour me and test it yourself. Turn your char with the keys. Then with mouse. Which is faster and by how much?


Backpedaling. Youre moving slow as hell. Take some time and train yourself to spin camera and strafe away instead of backing up in slowmo while getting pounded by lightsabers from the sides.


To clarify. This isnt a "your way is bad my way is good" thing. Its a "this is a more efficient and hence more effective method" argument. Use it or dont.


It's nothing like that at all actually.


In my experience, people who defend clicking or keyboard turning or backpeddaling are simply not as good at this (or any) game compared to people who strafe, keybind and mouse turn. They're not as good because they simply CANNOT BE due to the lower reaction time and movement speed.


Play however you want to, I don't care, it's your $15. Just don't be surprised when people are reluctant to group with you or stereotype you as a "bad" because you're controlling your character in an inferior manner. Also don't be surprised when a lesser geared player beats you in PVP because they have faster reaction time and character movement.


Keyboard turning, S-keying and clicking are essentially a self imposed snare and GCD increase. There's nothing to argue, it's a fact.

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Dont know about you man but most the abilities in this game are insta cast and can be used on the move, meaning you dont need to stand in one spot to play your toon. So i dont really see how key bindings and strafing has a huge advantage in swtor. I would put myself in the middle cause i do click on abilities. But i have so called "keyboard pros" try to strafe circle all around me and i have no issues at all burning them down like any other class. What makes you thing i have to sit there and put up with that nonsense? ever heard of kiting? strafe that.


Well, guess you don't play melee. A keyboard turner vs a mouse turner is pretty much gonna win against the keyboard turner, due to the fact of slower turning and slow response.


This game caters to "keyboard turners" especially for range, cause this game face turns for you. The only MMO game, or actually any PC game that does that for you, that I have played. Without that face turning, goodluck. Cause you'll be out played with someone running around you.


Strafing is a form of kiting..

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Why are there so many keyboard turners and clickers in this game?


Because I bought the game and gave Bioware the subscription money.


Can't speak for anyone else, but I suspect that it is the same for them, too.


You want my life story so that you can try and figure out why I do what I do?

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Well, guess you don't play melee. A keyboard turner vs a mouse turner is pretty much gonna win against the keyboard turner, due to the fact of slower turning and slow response.


This game caters to "keyboard turners" especially for range, cause this game face turns for you. The only MMO game, or actually any PC game that does that for you, that I have played. Without that face turning, goodluck. Cause you'll be out played with someone running around you.


Strafing is a form of kiting..


Actually play a V 64 Vanguard. Im not a keyboard turner, but i do click on my abilities. Just always been that way for me in all mmos. think its mostly cause im left handed. If people want to play that way and feel comfortable doing it though let em. Some probably dont feel comfortable playing "the right way" as some say. but who cares. The OP and others can try to hide behide other words but the truth of the matter is they are really saying "OMG wuts wit these keyturners and clickers dey so bad how can they play like dat!" Really who cares. In your world that just makes you shine more and those type of players easier to kill.

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Why is back peddling a bad thing? Well ok it is depending on the situation..


On my sorc, when someone force charges me, it's (hit the knockback, then stun, then force speed and backpeddle while raining lighting death down on ya).


Seems to work pretty well, but without the force speed it's pointless.


Like the OP said i have noticed that the range of being able to cast something is pretty wide ( perhaps a 200 degree radius) and adding on to the auto-turning to keep channeled abilities working, players don't need to use their mouse as much for movement/line of sight.

Edited by Evil_Santa
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Actually play a V 64 Vanguard. Im not a keyboard turner, but i do click on my abilities. Just always been that way for me in all mmos. think its mostly cause im left handed. If people want to play that way and feel comfortable doing it though let em. Some probably dont feel comfortable playing "the right way" as some say. but who cares. The OP and others can try to hide behide other words but the truth of the matter is they are really saying "OMG wuts wit these keyturners and clickers dey so bad how can they play like dat!" Really who cares. In your world that just makes you shine more and those type of players easier to kill.


So if your a clicker, but not a keyboard turner. Then how do you turn? Your too busy clicking.. Or the fail face turning system cater to you.

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So if your a clicker, but not a keyboard turner. Then how do you turn? Your too busy clicking.. Or the fail face turning system cater to you.


The face turning feature isn't fail, it is the lack of collision detection. Without collision detection face turning just keeps the game balanced.

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lol, I love this comment, I see it in every single MMO there is. It's like, you think you are among those "best" so you think you are entitled to say what you did. It's a fricken game...it is only possible to be so good at something that requires you to click click click and mod mod mod and gear gear gear.




I never said best. I said good, and yes I do consider myself good. But please..continue. I care alot about your skill cap theory for mmo's and would like to read more about it.

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The fact that so many people here defend keyboard turning, clicking and back-pedaling only goes to show you how much of the casual pvp crowd this game has attracted. ;)



I think that will shortly change, once Rated WZs come out. That will raise the bar of expectations.

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Several classes in this game can get by with keyboard turns and clicking. Autofacing and 1.5 secs global cooldown make it possible.


The disadvantage is small to nonexistant in most cases.


This. Just about every ability I have tested has auto facing. Given how forgiving melee range is, given that I have a minimum of 180 latency and up to 360mms, mouse turning really doesn't mean much. All I need to do is take my hand off the directional buttons, hit the ability or move closer if I need to, auto face does the rest.


The level of elitism in a video games these days is laughable.

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I click and I do exceptionally well.


It's a stereotype, like calling most people that start threads which have a thousand predecessors stupid.


Or alternatively, everyone that thinks they're better than others because they can hit their 1-4 keys faster like it's an actual real life skill.

Edited by Bluesnacks
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I beleive thats mentioned in the test patch notes that theyve fixed at least *one* of the bugs with controls which impacts mouse turning/control.


I know it bugs the hell out of me when i play my Concealment Operative in PVP

I have issues when i play my operative with directional controls being randomly "stuck", or skill keys are "stuck" like the key is being held down when it isnt....


I use mouse turning extensivly on my OP because its needed to get consistant "back"stabs.


2 different keyboards, 2 different manufacturers, 2 different drivers/software packages... same results.

unbinding keys doesnt help either...its just a bug that needs squishing.


the patch note i refer to is

"Players no longer lose mouse click functionality in some circumstances after pressing multiple mouse buttons."

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i play with both hands on the keyboard, movement with wasd and skills mapped mostly on the number pad.


i play mostly pvp on my near battlemaster sent and i usually top the dmg charts. sure mouse turning is preferable, but i make it work just fine.


i think it is mostly the clicking that confers a disadvantage in pvp not the keyboard turning.


Sorry man but the keyboard turning and clicking go hand in hand and are both bad. If you keyboard turn I can out manuver you, but I guess autofacing helps people and its lame


- LF to GW2

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There are clickers and keyboard turners in every game, you just don't see them pvp because they usually get destroyed every battleground they step into and then stop. There were a lot of raiders in wow that clicked & keyboard turned becase well... They could.




However, as a ranged class here clicking, keyboard turning, and backpedaling is completely viable in pvp.


You can literally get the highest dmg in huttball if you do nothing but tab around and spam your pve rotation + your 4 second stun on whoever's in range. It's ridiculous really.



Hell, on my sorcerer I've gotten top damage in bgs using my laptop's touchpad.

Edited by Aidank
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I could see it having advantages at times in 1v1 in this game. But 1vs1's rarely happen. You may think your pro strafin all around a keyboard turner just to have 2 sents/maras leap into your backside anyway when your doing it lol. Keyboard turners were at a disadvantage in wow/daoc even war with some classes. Dont think it applies to Swtor. Most the time in this game your dealing with multiples not duels.
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Yeah, this sounds like "Wow, I've seen so many people put their right shoe on first. What's up with that? Everyone knows you're supposed to put your left shoe on first...shoe noobs."


That being said, I have an honest question. I have all my abilities keybound, and turn with the mouse, but use WASD extensively for all other movement. What is so bad about backpedaling? Sometimes I like to put some distance between myself and my target, while still facing them. I don't need the "S" key for a binding. Someone care to enlighten me?


Its because backpeddling is slower and with this huge GCD you can run turn shoot run and cover more ground, It's efficiency, but since there is no small scaled deathmatch pvp it doesn't really matter.

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