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10 Good
  1. For me it is the fact that I can't unlock my camera, so to see behind me I have to move with the keyboard while locking my camera to pan around with my mouse. I think a lot of it is the way this game is designed.
  2. I would agree that I would prefer the option to disable it. I don't think it is game breaking, but I don't like it. It makes the action bar more confusing and busy.
  3. I remember DAoC fondly. I was a Minstrel and loved the utility I brought to a group. Speed and ...um....what was that ability...it made your whole group move fast and were immune to CC for like 10s. I just remember that requiring skill to use before the mez or for the other team to fake you into using it so they could CC you after. It wasn't a perfect game but I did love that I felt like I could make a good group better. I feel that a little in SWTOR. I might feel it more with more open PvP.
  4. Eeeek...I'm a bad PvP player (but trying to learn) and even I can see how that was just a bad attack plan. My rule of thumb. If I just got completely whooped up on by someone in PvP (which happens...a lot), I try to reflect on what I could have done better or different. (combat logs would help...ahem) It's more productive than being defeatist and complaining about other classes. Sorcs die all the time 1v1. I've killed a few and I'm a Seer. Oh no, maybe I should be neutered...err...fixed.
  5. Apple's model just doesn't support 3rd parties developing their hardware. They control the design experience from end to end. I can only imagine what multi-touch gesturing would be like if they had to rely on different hardware manufacturers to build a machine to support their OS. At the end of the day I could build my own car as well, but I prefer to just go buy one already built. I am the target market.
  6. There are other parts of mac hardware that I find superior. Battery life is better than almost every laptop I've seen. That being said, I did modify my macbook. Took out the CD, put in an SSD primary and stuck the HDD in the CD bay. I got the SSD and HDD chassis from a 3rd party company. Automator allows you to program a set of tasks you want to run and then macro them. I was a die hard PC person. I laughed at people who gushed about their macs. Then I used one. Now I am a gushing lemming as well. It just makes sense to me and lets me get things done.
  7. That's surprising. I suppose it depends on what you want to do. I find the ability to run shell script to be amazing and Automator is something I can't imagine living without. At the end of the day I like to use my Mac to do things, not fine tune the tool I am using to get them done. To each their own.
  8. Here is the real deal. There was a vote. Most of you guys probably missed it and that's okay. Basically they sat the Republic Decorating Committee down and asked us where we would like to spend the funds. Here is the transcript. Republic Leaders: Would you like better tents or more booze? Committee: More booze please. Republic Leaders: What kind of droids would you like in the station? Committee: We would like droids that bring us booze. Republic Leaders: What if they were secret Imperial spy droids? Committee: Do we still get the booze? Republic Leaders: Yes. Committee: Then we would like the evil Imperial spy droids that bring us more booze please. Republic Leaders: How about Cargo Bays? Would you like more cargo bays? Committee: Will the cargo bays be full of booze? Republic Leaders: No. Committee: We don't get it. Republic Leaders: How about some lovely holographic trees? Committee: Holographic what? No, if we drink enough we can hallucinate our own trees. Republic Leaders: Open Forum. Is there anything specific you would like in the fleet? Committee: Yea, it would be cool if there was a pond or a fountain. Something we could piss and puke in after we drink all the booze. None of us have ever found a toilet in this place. We usually just piss in the corner and throw some trash over it, but we are running out of space. So there you have it.
  9. With your cheery attitude and team spirit, I am shocked you haven't found a group of likeminded people to play with that would avoid all this angst.
  10. This post was so bad I thought at first it was a joke. The first was my favorite. How would you calculate this imbalance? Total active characters logged in at the time? Considering that you can have characters on both factions, why not have all the Imps log on to a Republic alt, get their Imperial buffs and then log back onto their main characters to laugh at you for a poorly implemented solution. This post was very much a "magic happens here" set of solutions. That doesn't work in the real world of software development and design. There is no magic. Algorithm to auto-detect population imbalance. It still makes me laugh. 5 Stars for Funny 1 Star for Realism
  11. I'm a healer and hardly arrogant. Nor have I really seen arrogant healers. The MVP system is like the lottery. If you get votes, yay! If not, try again. I've has WZs where I was really not happy with my performance. Bad positioning, let someone die, lost sight of an objective, etc. It never fails that I will get 1-3 MVP votes. Other times I feel like I played like a madman. Massive healing, incredible defense, capping objectives. I will get zero votes. That usually makes me laugh out loud. Best not to give it to much thought and just enjoy the battles.
  12. I am having worse latency than I have ever had. I had a knockback ability hit me in Alderan while I was respawned at the starting point. It is really bad. Additionally, three WZ wins in a row and no update to the quest. Overall, I feel like something was missed in this update today. Anyone else or should I be looking elsewhere on my system?
  13. I never understand people accusing Apple of inferior hardware. If Apple is known for anything it is superior hardware. I even prefer Windows on my Mac. It is a solid piece of hardware with excellent specs. Most of my PC friends talk about all the "tweaks" they make to their system. I push the "on" button.
  14. I created a new character on Crucible Pits. There are so many people everywhere. It is like playing a completely different game. My server population must have been extremely low. There is something energizing having people around you, having WZs pop regularly, having the opportunity to make friends and group up. I was ready to walk away from SWTOR and today I had a blast. I would highly recommend to Bioware to look at server populations and recommend to anyone feeling stagnant to try a different server if you are willing.
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