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Keyboard Turners/Clickers


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Why does it bother you how others play?


If you are "Elite" because you know how to bind and use your mouse, more power to you! Want a cookie?


I never said it bothers me. This is not flaming or trolling, I'm seriously amazed at the amount of clicking/keyboard turning and, additionally, as mentioned above, back-peddling in this game.


I'm not telling you to play in a way that you don't prefer. It's just that I have, over the course of hundreds of war zones, witnessed more of it in this game than in any other pvp throughout 3-4 other mmos.


I believe the mechanics of this game such as autofacing and the nature of the gcd tend to promote this method, or at least give some leniency to the downsides of it. I'm wondering what others think.


I do want a cookie though.

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i play with both hands on the keyboard, movement with wasd and skills mapped mostly on the number pad.


i play mostly pvp on my near battlemaster sent and i usually top the dmg charts. sure mouse turning is preferable, but i make it work just fine.


i think it is mostly the clicking that confers a disadvantage in pvp not the keyboard turning.

Edited by Legskindal
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I'm am pretty sure tidus who streams all the time as imP

On Jung ma server and is one of best Pvpers in game does not fight in wzs

With a mouse period


So not all keyboard tuners are created equal I guess

Edited by Trushott
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That his opponents are garbage.


Not really.


A smart keyboard turner knows that his opponents lack real skill and instead focus on trying to use LOS to gain an advantage. A smart keyboard turner knows how to nullify this advantage. While most mouse turners are actually dependent on that advantage and if you remove it from them they become mediocre players at best.


I use my mouse, but I use the same tactic that keyboard turners do when I face one of those more mediocre players who try to run around you and such.


I hit number 6 on my razer mouse.


Aka Leg Slash.


Oops. You can't LoS me anymore. You suddenly don't know how to play. Then you become easy pickings.

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wow look at all the elitist nerds in this thread.


so much win!


ps i turn with my mouse and have just about every key on my keyboard bound to an ability, but that doesn't make me better than anyone who likes to turn with their keyboards and click on their abilities.


grow up

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Yeah, this sounds like "Wow, I've seen so many people put their right shoe on first. What's up with that? Everyone knows you're supposed to put your left shoe on first...shoe noobs."


That being said, I have an honest question. I have all my abilities keybound, and turn with the mouse, but use WASD extensively for all other movement. What is so bad about backpedaling? Sometimes I like to put some distance between myself and my target, while still facing them. I don't need the "S" key for a binding. Someone care to enlighten me?

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I actually was a keyboard turner, then I read this thread and decided to go into a few warzones using my mouse to turn, to make sure I did it, I removed turn left & right from A&D and I was amazed at the difference in my mobility. I'm still not practiced with it, but I think you've just improved my pvp original poster. Thanks.
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