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If this game wasn't starwars would you be playing it?


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Dragon Age and Mass Effect worked perfectly and have been unknown IP's before launch.

I trust BioWare could have done it easily with a third one.


My answer is clearly yes, because the storywriting and the way they realize it in their games is unrivaled. :)


Yes, the story is amazing, i just cant wait to answer the next cut scene, for credits... I'm in!


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I must say..





No I would not be here if it wasnt a Star Wars title and the most important thing here really isnt that it is SW its that it is SW w/Lucas arts attached.


Simply put this is not a game type that I typically enjoy or play. I never set foot in a wow sever and never plan to. I never played EQ or any of the other wow-equs games.


I play MMO games like eve, UO, darkfall, SWG(preNWG) and a myriad of FTP sandboxes.


I am a sandbox player. I do not like being "funneled" through content. I think content should be a conscience decision each and every step of the way.


I DECIDE!!!!!!!


That said. I am not for bashing this title just for the above reason nor do I hold to an "playing exempt" status on this type game. I did try rift ya know. But i still think this is not the game I assumed it to be. And with that I can say I did enjoy the kotar series and as such I am enjoying this game as much.


The state of MMO gaming has snowballed far beyond player decision making into "we tell you what to do" That has been a trend for as long as I can remember playing MMOs.


That is just not going to stop nor is it exclusive to MMOs or even the PC/mac/console but society in general. From the time we are torn from our families and placed in the care of strangers our decision making is taken away.


Who is to blame?


Certainly not Lucas right? After all it was his vision that brought us the idea of good vs evil without Christianity mucking up the works. In a far removed situation were we could make that choice without it making our lives more difficult.





That is the crux of the main argument we have here every day but are unable too or are to oppressed to state it

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I've been playing online since EQ.

I played RIFT to end game and maxed out two characters in PVP. Got bored and cancelled my account.

I came back online to play SWTOR for three reasons.


1. The people I play with.

2. The game content and the appeal of the overall storyline.

3. PVP and PVE environment.


When the wheels start to spin and nothing seems to be new I will probably leave. Although Gear grinds get very boring, I still feel I have a lot of PVE content to enjoy. And in all honesty the PVP fights 1vs1 or open world random battles are still very fun.


If this game didn't have Star Wars in the title I would of left already.

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Edit because of people trying to be cute. With out the starwars name and such is this a good MMO?

You know wear I am going with this it is a valid question. If this was a MMO with out the star wars franchise on the label would you be playing it.


I would have to say nope no way.

Obviously no. I would not play this MMO if it was a different universe.
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I want to like this game - i really do . the only reason im still giving bioware a bit more time is because it is Star Wars. This is close to going down as one of the biggest messes in big budget video game history. They should have spent more time on content and smooth game play and less time making thousands of cut scenes and fancy movies that are only annoying after the first time sitting thru them. Edited by Adacian
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Edit because of people trying to be cute. With out the starwars name and such is this a good MMO?

You know wear I am going with this it is a valid question. If this was a MMO with out the star wars franchise on the label would you be playing it.


I would have to say nope no way.


If lightsabers and force weren't here .... a big NO.


I'm fed up with WoW clones as it is ... and with all those 'future' additions it only makes it more similiar.

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Without the SW IP tag, this game wouldnt exist.


That said, if this were an Indy game, released in its current state...quickest MMO failure in history.


I said it before, will say it again, Fallen Earth had more to offer then this game.


Even Tiggs will tell you, FE was better then this game.

Edited by Kunra
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