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Seperate Power and Colour Crystals


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I thought you wanted to give the ability to everyone to be able to just click a color and go... no limits... also, you want to remove stats from them as well? and make one power crystal (i.e.) the power for it.. then color being it's own item correct?


BUT no limits on faction/dark light and free for all with it?


I get that from all these posts you wanted to just open up the colors to all and everything and not bind them to stats?


I.e. there is white crystal in the game right now... with a crit stat... It is specific and rare... and not easy to obtain... how do you want this to be obtained now and used in what fashion?


Everything will stay the same. Same dark/light restrictions on colour only crystals. The Whilte crystal will still be very, very rare and difficult to get. But it just won't hold any stats. In Essence it will be a status symbol saying "Look at me and all the hard work I did to get this crystal."


Similarly there will be a equal hard to get power crystal which holds the stats.


Again I understand its not a must change idea and theres not really anything wrong with the current system in place. Its just I'd like see people with the colour they want rather than the colour they need to take.

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Everything will stay the same. Same dark/light restrictions on colour only crystals. The Whilte crystal will still be very, very rare and difficult to get. But it just won't hold any stats. In Essence it will be a status symbol saying "Look at me and all the hard work I did to get this crystal."


Similarly there will be a equal hard to get power crystal which holds the stats.


Again I understand its not a must change idea and theres not really anything wrong with the current system in place. Its just I'd like see people with the colour they want rather than the colour they need to take.


Where would the "said" power crystal for it come from if I may ask? I mean in a way this could be interesting if we are breaking them apart as far as power to boot perse.


Meaning... Ok so you got the color part... NOW to get a kick *** power (stat) mod for it you have to kill this mob or find or make this holo/datacron?


Also... I am just now looking back at my screenshots.. Crap we USED TO HAVE 4 slots in our sabers... lol. They removed one.. and I just remembered this.


I mean the only issue I see is (like gear or drops) there is value to MAKING that person roll the dice on getting that color and the stats it has like it or not vs choosing whatever they want for the stat (for the saber or said weapon hilt etc).


Again I see what your saying but there is recourse.. of the (roll of the choice)... example: I Looted a KICK *** pair of boots epic.. and amazing HOWEVER they do NOT have a defense STAT on it and thus making them ALMOST perfect... (LUCK OF THE DRAW IN THE GAME perse) concept right?


See what I mean?


This could be viewed as a (Luck of the draw) concept in the game of loot for the game and loot table itself right?


AKA pro and con for every item in the game...

Edited by Iskareot
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I thought you wanted to give the ability to everyone to be able to just click a color and go... no limits... also, you want to remove stats from them as well? and make one power crystal (i.e.) the power for it.. then color being it's own item correct?


BUT no limits on faction/dark light and free for all with it?


I get that from all these posts you wanted to just open up the colors to all and everything and not bind them to stats?


Yes, the idea is to take the stats away and move those stats to another crystal. It would allow versatility and customisation for the players. Here's an example:


Right now, my lightsabre has four modification slots: a colour crystal, a Mod, a Hilt, and an Enhancement. All four of them give my lightsabre its stats. We are proposing adding a fifth modification slot for a power crystal that will modify stats in place of the now statless colour crystal.


The system would not truly effect any of the work that you seem determined to do for certain colours. My Sentinel would still have to go through ungodly amounts of PvP to get cyan crystals for her lightsabres. The only difference would be that those crystals would not have stats; the stats would be replaced by power crystals that would hold the stats that the colour crystals used to have.


An example would be that same cyan crystal. The current Advanced Cyan Hawkeye Crystal gives the stat bonus of 41 Power. We are proposing that the +41 Power be removed and a new class of crystals be introduced. An example of that would the the creation of an Advanced Hawkeye Sapith Crystal that gives +41 Power. This would allow the player to use the cyan crystal or whatever other colour crystal that he or she pleases in his or her blaster or lightsabre.


In addition, you would still need to find the colour crystal that you want. These colour crystals could be earned through PvP, PvE drops, ridiculous quest nonsense like the magenta crystal, or whatever other way. That crystal would still need to be earned. This system would also allow for power crystals to do the same thing. You would have to hunt and work for the crystals with the stats that you want.


The power crystal idea could also be replaced by a focusing lens or whatever other lightsabre part or blaster part that would fill in for the colour crystals' former stats.


I.e. there is white crystal in the game right now... with a crit stat... It is specific and rare... and not easy to obtain... how do you want this to be obtained now and used in what fashion?


This is false. That crystal is not currently obtainable in-game. We would want the crystal to be obtained by the same means. That whole idea would not be changed at all.




The issue that we see and have is that everyone does or will eventually all have the same colours. We'd like to see some variety and be able to use the colours that we prefer. The biggest argument for this idea is the SE & pre-order crystals. I love the crystals that came with my TOR mouse, but I can't use them anymore. The stats on them gimp me horribly at level 32 and I've finally had to lay them to rest. If our system was implemented, I would be able to use the colour of my choice without having to sacrifice stats, optimisation, or performance.


Furthermore, every Operation I do wouldn't involve six cyan coloured lightsabres being drawn. This new system would allow for more variability and personalisation.

Edited by flyersfan
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Yes, the idea is to take the stats away and move those stats to another crystal. It would allow versatility and customisation for the players. Here's an example:


Right now, my lightsabre has four modification slots: a colour crystal, a Mod, a Hilt, and an Enhancement. All four of them give my lightsabre its stats. We are proposing adding a fifth modification slot for a power crystal that will modify stats in place of the now statless colour crystal.


The system would not truly effect any of the work that you seem determined to do for certain colours. My Sentinel would still have to go through ungodly amounts of PvP to get cyan crystals for her lightsabres. The only difference would be that those crystals would not have stats; the stats would be replaced by power crystals that would hold the stats that the colour crystals used to have.


An example would be that same cyan crystal. The current Advanced Cyan Hawkeye Crystal gives the stat bonus of 41 Power. We are proposing that the +41 Power be removed and a new class of crystals be introduced. An example of that would the the creation of an Advanced Hawkeye Sapith Crystal that gives +41 Power. This would allow the player to use the cyan crystal or whatever other colour crystal that he or she pleases in his or her blaster or lightsabre.


In addition, you would still need to find the colour crystal that you want. These colour crystals could be earned through PvP, PvE drops, ridiculous quest nonsense like the magenta crystal, or whatever other way. That crystal would still need to be earned. This system would also allow for power crystals to do the same thing. You would have to hunt and work for the crystals with the stats that you want.


The power crystal idea could also be replaced by a focusing lens or whatever other lightsabre part or blaster part that would fill in for the colour crystals' former stats.




This is false. That crystal is not currently obtainable in-game. We would want the crystal to be obtained by the same means. That whole idea would not be changed at all.




The issue that we see and have is that everyone does or will eventually all have the same colours. We'd like to see some variety and be able to use the colours that we prefer. The biggest argument for this idea is the SE & pre-order crystals. I love the crystals that came with my TOR mouse, but I can't use them anymore. The stats on them gimp me horribly at level 32 and I've finally had to lay them to rest. If our system was implemented, I would be able to use the colour of my choice without having to sacrifice stats, optimisation, or performance.


Furthermore, every Operation I do wouldn't involve six cyan coloured lightsabres being drawn. This new system would allow for more variability and personalisation.


Pretty much this.

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Closer to cannon? Off-topic; I wanna wear black, you know, as Luke did, the main protagonist in the original trilogy. But no, BW says I gotta wear white or brown, or that weird looking space suit that looks nothing like the orange rebel alliance suit but something closer to Dave's spacesuit in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Because BW know best.


Instead of giving us simple industry standards such as gear remodelling and color dye tools they just had to "innovate" the gear system. Atm. it is both clumsy and lacking.




industry standard? Not by a long shot.

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My suggestion is to keep the stats with the color crystals, but to increase the stat variety and levels. As it is now, only certain colors have the max possible stats available. Why not give versions of each color that all share those stats? Give all of the extremely rare ones only the max stats, and make the common ones craftable at that level as well. For people who just want stats they can give more business to Artificers, while people who want a specific color won't be gimped.


It's still equally as challenging to get a certain rare color, and doesn't require reworking the whole system. Plus it gives more reason to be an Artificer.

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I hoenstly dont see this as being a big deal. I have a choice in crystal right now. In fact I have 5 choice atm, blue green orange yellow and magenta. The purple of the 1st 4 colors is the same. The magenta has the same stat and I think +2 more of that stat


I like orange, so I am using orange +2 crit to use pink doesnt mean anything to me, and in fact I dont see alot of those pink around.

My raids represent every above mentioned color


So I do not think this is necessary at all at this time.


If there was a case where for example the magenta was +10 better then yea I would agree, but people have plenty of choices

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The system works fine as it is. They just need to make it so that the purple re'd versions of the green, blue, and red crystals give you just as many stats as purple and cyan crystals.


Problem solved.


Go ahead and remove the Light and Dark restrictions though. There's enough examples in the Canon of how that isn't the case.

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Yes color separate from stats would be good; however, a couple things.


First the stat difference is meaningless currently. I looked at magenta crystal and decided to spend 30k rather than 300k since the -2 or whatever stat is nothing. Most people wouldn't notice +10 to a stat if it hit them in the face.


And lets face it...the content is not tuned for a difficulty that requires min/maxing of stats. If you ate a min/maxer you can probably do the content without it. If you're having problems with intent then it's not your stats that's an issue and +20 wouldn't be noticeable for you either.



Bottom line is choose the color you want because it doesn't matter.


the only color with a large disparity is the preorder black core ones. I wouldnt mind having the option to turn it in to the vendor and buy a level 50 version but that's it.

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I like this idea very much, I like my yellow and black crystal but i can't really use it anymore because it has a stat on it.


For a jedi the lightsaber it is a very personal weapon and don't see why it couldn't be as special and personal to the Jedi player as it was when Luke first held his father lightsagber. Jedi built their own Lightsaber and want them to be perfect and the way they want it.


Color Crystal (for people who still want stat why not when Artifice crit, it could open a slot like it does on other pieces of gears, those WOULD sell on the GTN and it wouldn't be flooded by crystal nobody wants to buy, thus giving the Artificer a profitable venture even when they can't craft the rare magenta crystal that sells 400k a piece)


Focus crystal would replace the now statles(not a word I know) color crystal.


Like i said lightsaber is just not another peice of gear. if I want to play the whole game with a white lightsaber, I shouldn't be penalized for it just because I don't want to run around in a purple pvp lightsaber, bad enough i have to look like a hobo in the consular pvp gear at least give the option to have a color i like.


rare color should be rare and hard to get.

Edited by BlackLotus
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Color Crystal (for people who still want stat why not when Artifice crit, it could open a slot like it does on other pieces of gears, those WOULD sell on the GTN and it wouldn't be flooded by crystal nobody wants to buy, thus giving the Artificer a profitable venture even when they can't craft the rare magenta crystal that sells 400k a piece)


I like this idea a lot. I think every Crafting Skill should be able to produce some kind of augment slot item. It would do wonders for the Crafting Skills.

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The whole "rare colors should be rare" argument is kinda silly once you take into account that everyone is going to have a very different opinion on what colors should be rare. I personally love dual-wielding a green and blue lightsaber, which can be done pretty much the second you hit level 10. Then there's my gf who really wants a purple lightsaber, which is (as far as I know) not something that can be done as soon as you hit level 10.


My point is that color is an ENTIRELY aesthetic choice, so why not treat it like one? I don't think dropping the stats from current crystals would be the easiest way to go about changing it. It's an interesting idea, but I think the best idea being tossed around is to just make all the colors cover all stats so if you want a crystal with endurance you can get it in any color. Another idea I had would be maybe a vendor who could change the color of the crystal while keeping the stats. I think that could appease the most people, because high-stat crystals would still remain difficult to obtain but everyone would be able to have the color they want.

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And what's the issue exactly?


That it's going to affect more than just light sabers....it'll affect all blasters, and anything else that uses color crystals which includes melee swords. What I'm trying to say changing color crystals such that it would just change the color and have a stat crystal just for stats will affect any modular item that uses color crystals from blasters, electro-staffs to vibroswords, etc. This means they have to change all modular weapons that use color crystals to have an additional mod slot for the extra crystal.

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That it's going to affect more than just light sabers....it'll affect all blasters, and anything else that uses color crystals which includes melee swords. What I'm trying to say changing color crystals such that it would just change the color and have a stat crystal just for stats will affect any modular item that uses color crystals from blasters, electro-staffs to vibroswords, etc. This means they have to change all modular weapons that use color crystals to have an additional mod slot for the extra crystal.


Who cares?


It's their job to fix stupid design decisions.


This was a stupid design decision.


I really couldn't care less how much work a redesign would mean for them. They get paid to do this garbage. And hey, if they didn't want to rework it, why introduce a ridiculous mechanic like this in the first place? People have been screaming their heads off about this being poorly implemented since beta. Big shock that it continues to be an issue now.

Edited by AJediKnight
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Who cares?


It's their job to fix stupid design decisions.


This was a stupid design decision.


I really couldn't care less how much work a redesign would mean for them. They get paid to do this garbage. And hey, if they didn't want to rework it, why introduce a ridiculous mechanic like this in the first place? People have been screaming their heads off about this being poorly implemented since beta. Big shock that it continues to be an issue now.


Probably because they weren't going to rework it.

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Probably because they weren't going to rework it.


It's something that they should rework. If it's truly something that was discussed and complained about in beta, then BioWare should fix it. I don't need a date or even a timeframe, but I'd just like to know that it's being worked on or at least being looked at.

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Here is what I thought when I heard about different colour crystals.


The game would allow crafters to make the "colour" part of the crystals while you had to earn the "power" part of the crystal in game.


I thought for default all Empire would use Red and all Republic would use Blue. If you wanted to change your crystals colour you would have to go to a crafter and have them change the colour of your crystal.

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