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Allow us to play without companions.


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I don't want to micromanage them, especially when they often don't respond to said micromanagement in the first place. Speaking of doc, want to know how many times he's died to AOE from elites because I told him to move and he stood there like a brick ( and yes, I put him on passive to get him to come to me)? I've lost count. That is the kind of aggravating nonsense I am talking about. With the bugginess of the crtl-number commands ( locking your character in autorun etc etc), using those is hit and miss. Not to mention, I have 4 bars full of hotkeys I already use on a regular basis, I'd need another set of arms and hands to throw a 5th bar in ( thanks to the lack of macros).


If you can't get through all solo content with little to no effort while using appropriate gear/companions you have only your own ineptitude to blame, not the "buggy" companions.

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Companions are an integral part of the game - not only for quest & flashpoint adventuring, but they essentially are the crafting system. So they can't be removed from the game without having to redesign much of it from the ground up. If dismissing them isn't an option then I'm afraid you're probably out of options. :( Edited by GalacticKegger
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you might as well say "let us play without gear because i dont want to spend any of my money" - they are facets of game design. they are here on purpose because that is the game bioware made. deal with it or find another game.
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Companions are working as intended and advertised years before release. This game was balanced with a companion in mind. Just like the Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and KOTOR series were. Companion interaction is pretty much what BioWare is most famous for in their games.


So the answer will be a flat out no, end of discussion. I guarantee you they are not going to waste resources re-balancing everything. They have WAY to many REAL issues to work on like bugs, new content, PVP balance, UI, gameplay performance, etc. etc. etc....

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Long story short, I don't want to have to drag them around with me.


You signed up for the wrong game then. Like many of the BW games and KOTOR I and II, companions are a big part of this game and that's always been clear from day 1. Asking them to change a fundamental component of the game is unrealistic and pointless. You might as well walk into a McDonalds and tell them you don't want them to serve fries with their burgers any more because you don't like fries. Or, you could just design your own game and then it will be exactly the way you want.

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This thread is beyond reason.


One of the first things i read about the game before release was the whole companion system and how it worked.

Based on this information i knew what to expect regarding companions impact on the gameplay.


-To poster above me-


It is more like the OP walks into a pizzeria, orders a pizza,gets angry when the waiter doesn't bring a cheeseburger and in a furious state suggests that they convert the pizzeria into a burger restaurant for his/hers pleasure.


I sincerely hope OP is trolling, but one can never know in this world.

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Right, and level in content designed for you + companion. No.


My suggestion is to go back to playing World of Warfcraft, which is designed from the ground up to be companion-less.


Companions are one of the really good things about this game. In traditional MMORPGs such as WoW, certain class roles have an easier time in solo PvE than others. Namely, damage-dealer classes have a much easier time, while tanks and healers can be anything from annoying to unplayable in solo PvE. Companions frees us from that, and allows us to choose to level up any type of character we want without worrying about whether or not our characters will be viable in solo PvE.


Not only do I like companions, but I actually prefer the companion implementation in Star Trek Online, where you basically run around with an entire party in ground-based solo PvE.

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First you say they're useless and do nothing but then you say you can't succeed without them... you need to make up your mind here they can't both be true.


I think you're the one that's useless and maybe your companions should be allowed to play without you.

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Its funny cuz he complains that the content is too hard to do without the companion, and then goes on to talk about how the companion is practically useless, in fact even makes the encounters harder!


So which is it, can you not play without your companion because it is too hard, or are the companions just dead weight? If you can't do it without them, that kinda renders your arguments invalid, and if your arguments are valid, then you can just dismiss your companion and fly solo no problem right? :D

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Except for Doc forgetting to heal me on occasion, I don't have the multitude of problems that some of these jokers claim to have with their companions.


They make most encounter much easier and the game practically hands you gear for them.

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He just wants his character to be stronger and his abilities enhanced so he can dismiss the companion. Start an Inquisitor. Companion one is Khem, he stinks as a tank but he's awesome and very entertaining as a companion. You'll love him.
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He just wants his character to be stronger and his abilities enhanced so he can dismiss the companion. Start an Inquisitor. Companion one is Khem, he stinks as a tank but he's awesome and very entertaining as a companion. You'll love him.


Khem is a viable tank, up until Tat. About there, I stopped using him, except in certain situations.

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Like what? What needs to be fixed with the companions except for maybe a "turn off voice" for

the ship robots?



Not all companions are itemised properly, they changed some companions late in beta but didn't re-itemise for them.


Some options need to stay turned off when you turn them off.


The healing AI needs to be sorted a bit on some of them.


And if they could fix the trying to harvest but not doing so issue that would be nice too (not the end of the world as you can just do it yourself, but wastes time sometimes).


That do you? :)

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I've lost count of the number of times this came up this past year -


"Buff the player who does not use a Companion" ... okay, so reward players who choose not to make use of a major game mechanic.


On PvP servers you quickly Zerg down your foes Companions ... he can't Zerg yours, you have a Buff instead, thus only the foolish would use a Companion on a PvP server in Open World PvP. So, how do you compensate these players with Affection? Afterall Affection = Faster Crew Skill times, better Crit chances ... etc ... so Buff those too ...


... if you are adamant your Companion is a 'Pet' then it is a 'pet' & you'll never be happy in SW:TOR.


Of course, if you could make some 'Friends' then you'd not have to use your Companion - 2 players are stronger than One Player & One Companion.


In short - there is no way to make you more powerful to compensate (to encourage) you to play without a Companion unless -


(A) Buff you - making you OP in PvP

(B) Dropping difficulty/number of mobs so players WITH Companions wipe through stuff effortlessly (I'm not opposed to this idea :cool:)

© Completely remove Companions from SW:TOR & rebuild the game from the ground up without them (Including Crafting)


(D) Your Suggestion?

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Title says it all. Before the fanboys jump in and say " You can, it'll just be more difficult", realistically, if you want to level, you need a companion. That is the problem in a nutshell. I am sick to death of babysitting and gearing these mouthbreathers. 9 times out of 10, they do something stupid that makes an already difficult encounter more difficult. They are a liability. I don't want to know their story lines, or hear their lame quips every other minute, if I wanted banter I'd group.


Not to mention, some of them, such as Qyzen Fess, have equipment that is very difficult to find an upgrade for ( Techblade...no moddable ones either). Oh, and good luck keeping them current on gear as well, since on my server gear ( on the GTN anyways) at your current level is hard to come by. On top of that, some of them are completely useless altogether and stay on the ship the entire time anyways, since certain comps don't gel with your AC. Having a ship full of comps and only realistically being able to use one is lame.


Long story short, I don't want to have to drag them around with me. They're dead weight, annoying, poorly coded AI that I have to constantly micromanage to get even the smallest utility out of. PVE/leveling in this game should not be balanced around it, allow people that want to fly solo, to truly fly solo.


Dude, if you think their AI is bad and gets in the way, you'll have a field trip in Mass Effect 2, with Miranda always climbing on the highest and most easy to shoot at crate :D


Barring the occasional LoS bug, certain companions getting in the way (I'm looking at you Khem) and some being kinda weak (o hai Kalyio), I find them quite unobtrusive and a fun addition to the game.


What I like about them is that they bring a "group dynamic" even to solo play. Meaning that even soloers like myself can have some practice with group dynamics, so that we're more effective if we join a group. And this also ensures that we use more of our abilities - in WoW I would rarely need to use more than my core abilities whilst leveling.


Still, to each his own.

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Okay, how about soaking up ( pitiful) damage, dying, leaving you to finish off the rest anyways? Or, sitting there doing nothing at all? Pulling other packs? Bugging out so you aren't out of combat? Healing for next to nothing, being zerged by mobs and dying? Those are pretty useless.


1: They can take way more of a beating than you if you gear them out. Stop trying to use an undergeared companion as a tank. You wouldn't use an undergeared player to tank, why do you think a companion can do it?


2: The places they "sit and do nothing" are very few and far between, and the fix is easy. Walk back to them, put them on passive, and then hit attack again. You do have those bound, yes? If you're just attacking and then letting the companion do whatever ti wants, you're getting what you deserve.


3: Companions can't pull mobs unless told to attack them, or are in combat when they are patrolled past. If you get too close the mobs will attack you, but not your companion. They can run right through 50 mobs on the way to reach you after a pathing error, and nothing will even move.


4: The permanent combat bug has nothing to do with companions and everything to do with mobs.


5: You're playing the wrong game.

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Not all companions are itemised properly, they changed some companions late in beta but didn't re-itemise for them.


What does that mean? You mean their gear? All seems fine to me.


Some options need to stay turned off when you turn them off.


That was fixed in one of the recent patches - I havent had a single one go off since.


The healing AI needs to be sorted a bit on some of them.


No, people need to make sure they pay attention to where their companion is and that they have los and arent out of range.

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Yes, this *person* is an idiot or a troll or both. He obviously does not know how to play these games, or is one of those people that expects everything handed to him on a silver platter. Sorry, but the rest of us like to work for our rewards. You say you don't like the companions, you don't want to gear them, they are useless, all they do is soak up pitiful damage and half-*** heal you. Well, it was said many times, dismiss them. If you don't like them, then gearing them is easy... DON'T. Because if you don't want you use them, you don't have to gear them and they won't soak up all your damage or heal you, which by the way is what they are there for. You don't like their comments, tough. It's an MMO, and you are not going to get away from useless babble one way or another. So, unless you can manage to get an army of trolls to follow you on this ridiculous quest, then please quit the game and don't come back. Don't worry, I am sure none of us, and especially your companions, will miss you.
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Or I could take your route, and be a trolling tool for no apparent reason. I'm not saying do away with companions, I'm saying allow those who choose to level without them to be able to do so without it being a lesson in masochism.

If companions are so useless, why can't you do the content without them?

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