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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People leaving wz is now out of control.


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OFC, Every Battlemaster just quits.. i do...


dude you can't grind Bm bags , so its only wins and ilum.


sometimes it takes over 7-8games to get 3 wins cuz of pugs. and the fact that i got 1 Bm Comm in 34bags , im not gonna endure a faceroll in any WZ.


IF they fix the BM bags and that you cant buy BM bags with something.. ill stay in the games, otherwise if it's a faceroll im always gonna quit.


staying in a game where i get ganked 3v1 4v1 all the time wont make me a better player.

Thank you for understanding the fatal flaw in this system. Those fresh 50 crying all over the place and those white knight that "stay till the end" like the captain of the titanic piss me off.


There will be more and more "leavers" as more and more people will reach BM (valor 60) and as you can already be in full champ gear FAR BEFORE that point (contrary to our time when we had for the most part one, two or three cent peaces as RNG screwed us all over the place), you'll see there is no point in being in a pug getting facreoll by a premade.


You can't buy BM bags, and anyway the 25% rng isn't cutting it. Let's face it it becomes a chore, much like the awesome Ilum "open pvp" or should I say "open pvb" (pvb player versus box)

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The quitting is nto the problem, it is the symptome.


There is a number of reasons to quit a WZ. Some better than other.


As it is today we get a huge bonus for winning. If you are only playing to win the 3 wins a day to get the quest done.


As there is no punishemnt for quitting, there is hardly any reason to stay in a losing game.


Second, we play pugs vs premade. So the chance of loosing for pugs is huge.


Farming. One team go to 5-0 and then don't finish the game but keep on playing for 10 more minutes.


This is often the result of premades.


Don't missunderstand me, I love premades. But they are made to fight each other. Premade vs pugs is just wrong. The game is supposed to be fun for all parts, not only for one side.


Facing a premade group and ending losing 2-0, it is clearly time to leave the game. I will leave again and again

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Then quit playing the game altogether.


It already sounds like you only pay to play this game to complete two quests per day, then log off. Sounds like an incredible waste of time to me, and probably money, too, depending on your circumstances.


You're obviously not having any fun just playing the game and enjoying it for what it is.


Don't worry, if i dont get any BM comms in my next 6bags im quitting.


Seeing such a system for end game pvp is completely ridiculous, and if they dont change it , they are never gonna have competitive pvp. Well maybe they don't care about competitive pvp.


and right now class balance is just bad.

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I'll answer your questions, but first I'll let you in on a little secret.... winning is fun, getting constantly roflmao-stomped isn't.


TLDR: Whether you PvP for fun or for competition, both are based on the same truth: Their relative enjoyment is based on experiencing a proportional reward from the perceived participation. When a voluntary experience ceases to be enjoyable, people quit.

And they should, rightly so. But when their quitting without actually quitting (leaving matches early vs. just unsubbing and never coming back), their perceived lack of enjoyment, or fun, starts to wear down everyone else on the team they just abandoned, and the train wreck of non-fun just keeps taking on more casualties.


I wish quitters would just leave the game entirely, to be honest. If a losing match, even just a single one a day, is so incredibly unfun to them that they cannot bear it, they have a real dissocial disorder that can only be treated with professional help, and NOT via /nerdragequitting out of the warzone.

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-People play PVP to complete the dailies.

-Dailies are only completed by winning.

-Gear awarded from daily PVP bags can be harvested for mods/enhancements.

-Losing awards nothing.


You're a game designer and you wonder why people quit at the first sign of losing?


Who invented this garbage?


This is pretty much the main reason everything is the way it is I'm pretty certain of.


Edit: Oh, and getting steamrolled by premades.

Edited by MagrothJ
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Here's an idea.


PVP for the entertainment value. It's a game. You're paying to be entertained by a game, win or lose. Some of you folks seem to be sounding like you only bought the game and are paying a monthly subscription to do 2 quests a day and put more pixels (gear) on a character via RNG, then log off.


I think your money would be better spent elsewhere, if that's the only reason you are paying to play. Buy a McDonalds happy meal and play with the toy inside; that would be more entertainment value, by how you guys seem to make it sound.


I do. Many times I get my 3 wins and continue to q. But I have friends who can't play as much as I can, or during raid days only have a short amount of time before Raid starts and cause of time limits.


So yes I've helped them win by throwing matches. It's not exploiting, the 4 on the loosing side still farm medals, just lets our guild/friends score.

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If the pvp in this game was fun, you think:


A: More people would leave

B: Less people would leave


Adding a punitive measure won't make it any more fun.




I have to agree with this. The games themselves are the problem.

Too much huttball, not enough anything the (bleep) else.


Don't make people afraid to leave, make them want to stay

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And they should, rightly so. But when their quitting without actually quitting (leaving matches early vs. just unsubbing and never coming back), their perceived lack of enjoyment, or fun, starts to wear down everyone else on the team they just abandoned, and the train wreck of non-fun just keeps taking on more casualties.


I wish quitters would just leave the game entirely, to be honest. If a losing match, even just a single one a day, is so incredibly unfun to them that they cannot bear it, they have a real dissocial disorder that can only be treated with professional help, and NOT via /nerdragequitting out of the warzone.


Are you even BM? and What's your Class. SORC?

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staying in a game where i get ganked 3v1 4v1 all the time wont make me a better player.


You're focused only on gear and winning, and that is handy-capping your ability to grow as a PvP player.


Depending on the situation I'll charge into 2v1, 3v1 and 4v1's all the time, and not because i'm expecting to win, but because it teaches me reactions to various situations which can be applied to future games.


And there is the rare 2v1 win which is incredibly rewarding.

Edited by Evil_Santa
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This post is EXACTLY what is wrong with PvP in this game.


This playstyle should be a reportable offense. Sad. And the saddest part? You're still better than the quitters.


Well if it was reportable I'd stop. But I play within the rules of the game. Some people might not like it, and I don't care. It's how this pvp is in this game, esp once BM.

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Farming. One team go to 5-0 and then don't finish the game but keep on playing for 10 more minutes.



This is the only time I will quit. When the other team is doing this they are wasting EVERYONES time (it is more efficient for them to T up another WZ).


As long as my team is still trying and the other team is still trying to win and not farming medals I will stick it out.

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You're focused only on gear and winning, and that is handy-capping your ability to grow as a PvP player.


Depending on the situation I'll charge into 2v1, 3v1 and 4v1's all the time, and not because i'm expecting to win, but because it teaches you reactions to various situations which can be applied to future games.


And there is the rare 2v1 win which is incredibly rewarding.


O yea i will jump into 3v1 4v1 with my sniper, beeing the worst class in pvp against good geared people.


OFC all i want is gear and wins. This is the way BattleMaster works.


and btw i don't even have to jump anywhere, as soon as i show up , i get 2 warriors leaping on me , which roots me , which makes cover unavailable , which makes my cover pulse not work, which kills me.

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Are you even BM? and What's your Class. SORC?
Rank 54 Kinetic Combat Shadow. Been playing since December 14th, and was also a weekend warrior beta tester. But you'd know what class I play if you read any more of this thread than just a post or two. I don't have a brain aneurysm if there's no armor piece in a bag. I get excited if there is something there, but if it's just tokens, oh well. More queues, more warzones, more fun, more thrilling fights, more entertainment. I'm not a selfish individual, *shrugs*.


It's incredibly fun for me, whether I win or lose. I'm sorry if cheap entertainment to you is only fun if you are winning.


Do you walk out of a movie theater if the movie doesn't make you laugh in the first minute?

Edited by Nangasaur
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O yea i will jump into 3v1 4v1 with my sniper, beeing the worst class in pvp against good geared people.


OFC all i want is gear and wins. This is the way BattleMaster works.


and btw i don't even have to jump anywhere, as soon as i show up , i get 2 warriors leaping on me , which roots me , which makes cover unavailable , which makes my cover pulse not work, which kills me.


I play with a lvl 50 sniper who has 2 pieces of BM and the rest champ gear.


He consistently gets 300k - 500k damage in every warzone and has top kills - even with other players in full BM on the opposite team.


All your post has done is prove my point further that you're too focused on the idea that gear is going to make you this amazing pvper. News flash, equipment can only do so much.


For example - what wins car races, the driver or the car?

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Rank 54 Kinetic Combat Shadow. Been playing since December 14th, and was also a weekend warrior beta tester.


It's incredibly fun for me, whether I win or lose. I'm sorry if cheap entertainment to you is only fun if you are winning.


Do you walk out of a movie theater if the movie doesn't make you laugh in the first minute?


i think of it more like changing channels on the tv, you turn it on and theres a show thats okay, so you change the channel until you find something better


we should all be trying to maximize our happiness

Edited by LanceUpercutt
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Regardless of arguement. Regardless of flames.


I queue with no option to exclude huttball. I am forced to play a game which I do not enjoy. I paid for my time just like everyone else.


I REFUSE to be forced to play a wz I do not enjoy. I will QUIT huttball, damn near everytime. The only way I stay, even if the team is losing, is because I recognize good players on the team, and try my best to help them.


Otherwise, screw huttball, and screw anyone who thinks ANYONE should be forced to play something that they do not wish to, due to lack of ANY mechanic to avoid the issue.


Feel completely free to disagree with me, its your problem not mine. I solve my issue by dumping huttball anytime i'm put into it, because I HATE IT.

Edited by mdkmaster
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i think of it more like changing channels on the tv, you turn it on and theres a show thats okay, so you change the channel until you find something better


we should all be trying to maximize our happiness


And if there's 7 other people in the room who are enjoying what's on, do you still just grab the remote and flip the channel?


If you did that in a room with myself and 6 of my friends, you would be out the door within 1 minute for not asking us if it's ok to change the channel, and you would never be invited to do anything with us again.


This isn't about just you.

Edited by Evil_Santa
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Rank 54 Kinetic Combat Shadow. Been playing since December 14th, and was also a weekend warrior beta tester. But you'd know what class I play if you read any more of this thread than just a post or two.


It's incredibly fun for me, whether I win or lose. I'm sorry if cheap entertainment to you is only fun if you are winning.


Do you walk out of a movie theater if the movie doesn't make you laugh in the first minute?


You are not battlemaster yet. it explains everything.


Let me know when youve been playing alot of PVP , 10+ games a day and got 1 BM token in more than 2 weeks.


We will talk after.

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And if there's 7 other people in the room who are enjoying what's on, do you still just grab the remote and flip the channel?


If you did that in a room with myself and 6 of my friends, you would be out the door within 1 minute for not asking us if it's ok to change the channel, and you would never be invited to do anything with us again.


This isn't about just you.


if im in my room with 7 strangers ill watch whatever i want, plus the other 8 people on the other team will be glad i quit, so the majority of people are happy

Edited by LanceUpercutt
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You are not battlemaster yet. it explains everything.


Let me know when youve been playing alot of PVP , 10+ games a day and got 1 BM token in more than 2 weeks.


We will talk after.


I'm not BM, but was valor rank 46 yesterday morning and am rank 50 today but broke the 10+ games a day mark weeks ago.


I've also never gotten a single champ token in any bag i've opened.


Gear grinds are not meant to be something that takes 1 week to finish in a game. Perhaps this isn't the game for you, but I offer a viable solution that sounds like it's more to your tastes. Progress Quest. It's a fantastic MMO that you just have to open and that's it! You get levels, items, advancement, and even pvp by doing nothing - and you can choose how fast these things come to you. Go check it out, because I really hope you like it enough to quit this game.

Edited by Evil_Santa
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I'm not BM, but was valor rank 46 yesterday morning and am rank 50 today but broke the 10+ games a day mark weeks ago.


I've also never gotten a single champ token in any bag i've opened.


Gear grinds are not meant to be something that takes 1 week to finish in a game. Perhaps this isn't the game for you, but I offer a viable solution that sounds like it's more to your tastes. Progress Quest. It's a fantastic MMO that you just have to open and that's it! You get levels, items, advancement, and even pvp by doing nothing - and you can choose how fast these things come to you. Go check it out, because I really hope you like it enough to quit this game.


Don't get me wrong, i enjoyed playing PVP thru Valor 60. I didnt farm ilum.


The fact that you can buy Champ Bags with WZ/MERC Comms makes it good, and now its even better that you can champion gears with champ commodations.


The BM system is complete trash and you can't grind them.

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Perhaps this isn't the game for you, but I offer a viable solution that sounds like it's more to your tastes. Progress Quest. It's a fantastic MMO that you just have to open and that's it! You get levels, items, advancement, and even pvp by doing nothing - and you can choose how fast these things come to you. Go check it out, because I really hope you like it enough to quit this game.


I thought this was BS, but googled it to find out. Absolutely hilarious!

Edited by Bamajawn
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You are not battlemaster yet. it explains everything.

See my post again, I edited and added more.


Let me know when youve been playing alot of PVP , 10+ games a day and got 1 BM token in more than 2 weeks.

I play a lot...more than most people probably should. Usually a lot more than 10 games a day the past few weeks, with the occasional day or two lull of not playing at all. Real life responsibilities and all. You'll know all about that when you get all big and have a family of your own to support.


We will talk after.
We're talking now. But the issue is not about me. The issue is not with people staying and enjoying the game, win or lose. No, we are not the problem. Those of us who are entertained by the game we pay a measly 15 dollars a month and don't think of it as a second job are not the problem.


Those people who think their 15 dollars a month amounts to more than the 15 dollars a month of 7 other people ARE the problem. The quitters are the problem. The people who play this game like a second job and think the only way to be entertained is to cause other people grief are the problem. The childish behavior is the problem.


The problem is you. But you don't see it that way, and it's understandable. It goes with the territory of being selfish.

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Don't get me wrong, i enjoyed playing PVP thru Valor 60. I didnt farm ilum.


The fact that you can buy Champ Bags with WZ/MERC Comms makes it good, and now its even better that you can champion gears with champ commodations.


The BM system is complete trash and you can't grind them.


this ^^

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