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How far into the future do you see yourself with SWTOR?


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I don't see it being another 7 year affair as warcraft was but it could definetly be depending on the direction they take it. Let's say I like the game long enough that I'm here for the year and probably longer depending on what they add. Hell hk-51 is coming at some point. Have to be here for that.
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Mmm not sure. Probably for a while. This is my casual putter around game I play in between other ones. I'd like to play all the stories out at least and at the rate I'm going that will probably take another 4 months at least. The sub fee is no big deal for me to pay just for that.
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LOL @ GW2.


No end game content.


GW was a joke.




Go post on their boards if you feel the need to promote that game.


You should probably at least learn about a game before you try and bash it. GW2 is adding some PvE features, but it's a PvP game. Personally, PvE is dead. I got my fill of fighting computer enemies in the 6 years that I played WoW. And, to be honest, the PvE content in SWTOR is absolutely horrendous. It's "easy mode" to the extreme. I'm glad GW2 is focusing on PvP and not stupid PvE content. It's my strong opinion that PvE MMO's are a thing of the past, and PvP based MMO's are what's needed to revolutionize the industry.

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Are we talking years here, or months from you bio tubbies?

I mean given what the game design here brings at its core. The VO, the story focus etc. Imagine that a few months from now they got it all sorted technically, and the game runs smooth as silk. Can you find a long term home at the republic or the empire fleets?


/Droidlife. Proud two month game card holder.


To answer your question "How far into the future do you see yourself with

SWTOR?" I will pose another question. What time is it right now?

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Diablo 3 is out next quarter. When it hits, I'm gone. This game is a waiting room for the next reasonably good thing. It's buggy, there are hackers, crew skills are worthless, endgame looks cool but does nothing, and most of my friends have already quit.


I'm still playing because it gives me and my bro (over seas) something to do together. If if wasn't for that, I would have been gone on the 18th of Jan.


This game is a stinking pile of $h1t and the only reason people still play it is because it has F-ing lightsabers in it and says starwars on the box.


If this was <Random Sci-fi IP> and glow axes...it would already be a dead game.

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You should probably at least learn about a game before you try and bash it. GW2 is adding some PvE features, but it's a PvP game. Personally, PvE is dead. I got my fill of fighting computer enemies in the 6 years that I played WoW. And, to be honest, the PvE content in SWTOR is absolutely horrendous. It's "easy mode" to the extreme. I'm glad GW2 is focusing on PvP and not stupid PvE content. It's my strong opinion that PvE MMO's are a thing of the past, and PvP based MMO's are what's needed to revolutionize the industry.


Different courses for different horses, I have always hated MMO pvp because of the gear. And no PVE isn't a thing of past, it's huge part of MMO.

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Wow... So much negativity on the boards. Im in for a while. Will probably take a short break to play Mass Effect and then I will be back. In a great guild and enjoying my two mains. Will start two on the EMP side soon.


Im a huge gamer and this game is saving big money on game purchases. Have not bought another game since launch. Mass Effect and MLB the Show are all that will keep me away.

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Different courses for different horses, I have always hated MMO pvp because of the gear. And no PVE isn't a thing of past, it's huge part of MMO.


PvP in GW2 does not depend on gear whatsoever. If PvE is such a huge part of MMO's, why has every PvE based MMO released in the past 7 years been sub-par, with many of them straight out failing?


It's because there's only so many ways to do PvE. If people want PvE they play World of Warcraft. Like it or not, while that juggernaut is alive no other game can compete with it in terms of PvE content.


That said, I would LOVE to see a DAoC 2 done correctly, or something just like it.

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2 weeks when my sub runs out.


Even with a LFD in place I'm not sure I would come back anymore. The gameplay is too shallow. For bioware to fix problems would require huge changes to the game itself which is not realistic.


WoW with lightsabers that lacks the charm of the original WoW when it was released. I can still seamlessly travel parts of wow in mind. Swtor is just a bunch of disjointed fugly doors, elevators, and hallways linked by flightpaths.

Edited by grueber
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My guess is that anyone speaking out against GW2 as an inferior game to SWTOR, has never even looked into it.

GW2 is better in every single way, and makes SWTOR look like Pong in comparison


^ This. I kept hearing about GW2 so I looked into it and was like "Well hello, beautiful. Aren't you going to flatout steam roll TOR?"

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No no no Bioware touted this as a true MMO bro, some of us brought those concerns back up in late 2009 and bioware assured us it was an MMO and that only our class stories would be instanced then in late 2010 they started to slightly change their toon and reworded how they described the game when posed the MMO question.


But your right all the info did point up to what it was . Blinded by our own hopes, but considering they said they were making a true MMO and not a hybrid we took them on their word.


Correction, it is a "True" mmo bro.

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Ten day sub run out here. This MMO seems as if taking steps backwards while other MMOs are looking forward.


(Single-threaded engine directX9 vs. WoW mutlithreaded engine AND 64bit client, Directx11)


Well, wow only JUST got a 64 bit client. and also hardly uses directx 11 features. So i guess that explains what the wow dev's were doing rather than creating 'good' new content' their latest addition 'Dragon Soul" i think is by far their worst addition yet. Simply judging a game on how many thread's it uses is a bit dodgey lol.

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and yet it still looks old and dated like something my NES could best any day of the week.


WoW Proprietary Engine (v4.0)


Directional Light Shafts

Color Grading

Point Light Shafts


Plus much much more...



Water effects:


Mass PvP:








SWTOR Water Effects (/facepalm)


SWTOR HEROengine (/facepalm)



Mass PvP (/facepalm):

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Already done. My sub runs out in a few days, 3 or 4 I guess.


At least I got a chance to make a few people happy by handing out 20K credits to folks on starter planets. That was the highlight of my time here.


Same here. I'll likely play D3, MoP, and GW2.

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If operative/scoundrel healing gets fixed, perhaps a couple months. Otherwise, I'm finding I simply don't have the drive to log in and play. I levelled a sorc to 32, but am loathed to do all the same quests/planets I already did on my operative.


So yeah, I'm guessing unless things change soon, I probably won't be interested enough to renew my subscription.

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Kthxbye don't let the BW door hit you in the bum on the way out. ;)


I don't think BW can afford a door. ;)


I'll probably get 15fps trying to leave BW's office. Once, outside - my fps will peak at 100 with vsync off.

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