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I have completed the game, what now?


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Three things about GW2.


1) VERY experienced MMO company


2) Building off an existing playerbase from a previous game for a SEQUEL.


3) The sequel has taken more than the time it takes for a player to do "everything" in probably multiples of a hundred or a thousand.


That doesn't make it immune to failing, it still could.

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The long-lasting players will be the most important market for TOR and they are the ones who require more content. Not the casuals who make 20 alts and keep dying at level 10 in WZs. They will not be around for long.

Wrong, if only this subsection of players were left in the game there would be no content because you couldnt financialy support it.


Raiders are a small section of the community who consume the most content, given every MMO these days has a raid or die mentality i'd be quite happy to see raiding as a past time go the way of the dinosaurs because many of you are intollerant to other forms of end game content. Raided for 5 years & dont miss it at all

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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I have done everything this content-light game has to offer.


As much as I like Star Wars, BW, I wish you had released this game in July 2012 instead.


You are far too slow with new content.


Edit: Some casuals are saying I have "burnt through content too fast". Rubbish. I play as much as the majority of players and I play it well enough and with good enough players to have actually done what this game offered me. Nightmare modes, battlemaster etc.


One problem is, is that this game is too easy, that I can go to EV and clear it in an hour when Molten Core would take 4 hours in WoW if you weren't bad.


The long-lasting players will be the most important market for TOR and they are the ones who require more content. Not the casuals who make 20 alts and keep dying at level 10 in WZs. They will not be around for long.


And FYI, vanilla WoW had far more content than this game at launch. Far more.


Yes you did burn through it too fast. This game is as casual as it gets, and playing as casually as it gets rather than in a more competitive way has gotten me a lot of enjoyment so far. If you're a more hardcore type, too bad, the game really isn't for you - which could prove harmful later on for BW, but it's too early to judge.

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I don't think anything has reached the hype levels of TOR.


GW2 followers seems to suffer more from ADHD then any other group of fanboys I have seen. ToR was hyped, but not in the same way. Alot of people used the Star Wars + BioWare to get some hype, but in GW2 its mainly due to the "new" mechanics... and we all know how well that goes when developers start to promise stuff :D


Personally, I'll get GW2, see what the fuzz is about, lean back and see the forums light up in flames. Because, you know its going to happen (ArenaNet is setting some very high goals, but I do hope they reach them) :p

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I have done everything this content-light game has to offer.


As much as I like Star Wars, BW, I wish you had released this game in July 2012 instead.


You are far too slow with new content.


Edit: Some casuals are saying I have "burnt through content too fast". Rubbish. I play as much as the majority of players and I play it well enough and with good enough players to have actually done what this game offered me. Nightmare modes, battlemaster etc.


One problem is, is that this game is too easy, that I can go to EV and clear it in an hour when Molten Core would take 4 hours in WoW if you weren't bad.


The long-lasting players will be the most important market for TOR and they are the ones who require more content. Not the casuals who make 20 alts and keep dying at level 10 in WZs. They will not be around for long.


And FYI, vanilla WoW had far more content than this game at launch. Far more.



You've finished all 8 stories? Wow. I bow to your superior epic gaming skills sir! To have done everything in the game and gotten to be top at everything, you must be some sort of gaming deity! We should all make a shrine to you!


Or...you could stop trolling already.

Don't like it? Leave.

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I have done everything this content-light game has to offer.


As much as I like Star Wars, BW, I wish you had released this game in July 2012 instead.


You are far too slow with new content.



You sir, a full of it, as are the rest of this small minority of people who claim they have completed all aspects of the game.


But if you feel that there is nothing left for you to do, then leave, go back to WoW as you clearly find it to be a superior product.


(And feel free to /flag my post, I'll take a strike or a ban so that I can call you out on your blatant BS.)

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GW2 followers seems to suffer more from ADHD then any other group of fanboys I have seen. ToR was hyped, but not in the same way. Alot of people used the Star Wars + BioWare to get some hype, but in GW2 its mainly due to the "new" mechanics... and we all know how well that goes when developers start to promise stuff :D


Personally, I'll get GW2, see what the fuzz is about, lean back and see the forums light up in flames. Because, you know its going to happen (ArenaNet is setting some very high goals, but I do hope they reach them) :p


I don't think you can go wrong with WvWvW, but maybe that's just me.

Servers will band together, the community feel will thrive on that alone.

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You've finished all 8 stories? Wow. I bow to your superior epic gaming skills sir! To have done everything in the game and gotten to be top at everything, you must be some sort of gaming deity! We should all make a shrine to you!


Or...you could stop trolling already.

Don't like it? Leave.


That's your definition of doing it all? Completing all 8 storylines? Go read a book or something, I promise you the story will be better.

I'd rather play a fun game, but to each their own

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Why would I want to collect mount? Do you have to have a achievement system in place to collect the mounts? Can't you award yourself? To level in SWTOR is a lot more fun than to level in generic mmo #56 due to the voice over. Do you like the grind that rep is? Or do you just the remember the "rep grind" a'la wotlk and not vanilla wow?


I would rather have something else than a stupid rep grind that does nothing than waste my time on useless things than maybe one item that I would want. There is a lot of things to do in SWTOR, do another class and enjoy its story. It is much more engaging than random mmo #56.


You may have just missed my point. What I listed were options for immersion. What doesn't appeal to you, may in fact appeal to lots of other people and it keeps them subbed as a result. Unfortunately, SW has one option for immersion, story! Once the story is done at lvl 50, the game just becomes a pointless grind for.... um... welllllll, er... can't think of a reason why actually!

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By the way Don't feed da troll


and please tell us ... you have all the codex entry ? you full stuff BM ? all you companions too ? all you recipes is violet ? killed all the world bosses ? :x


SO if its the case You're my hero and i will wear a panty with your name and avatar oon it :x

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Sadly that is what a lot of people are doing lol. When I think about it I could just resub because frankly 15 bucks is pretty much nothing to me but why? Sitting on the Fleet staring at the screen and supporting a mediocre game and company are not much fun.


It kind of makes me sad but it's the logical choice. I may end up just staying subbed so the option to play is there but at this point I am just flushing money down the drain to a company that does not deserve my business :(.


Just stay subbed so you can troll the foums.

You seem to like it here:D

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I call BS on the OP. Sadly none of the facts presented have any root in reality. Content is not coming out too slow. The game launched with more endgame content than WoW launch, not that it matters though since WoW is a 7 year old game. The 'casuals' are the largest playerbase.


The game has weekly updates.

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If one spends several hours per day playing, one will inevitably come to the point where there's no content left to play. Let's face it, it's a game and it's not endless. You can't expect it to have content which is enough for you to play 7 hours a day for the next 5 years.
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I have done everything this content-light game has to offer.


As much as I like Star Wars, BW, I wish you had released this game in July 2012 instead.


You are far too slow with new content.


Edit: Some casuals are saying I have "burnt through content too fast". Rubbish. I play as much as the majority of players and I play it well enough and with good enough players to have actually done what this game offered me. Nightmare modes, battlemaster etc.


One problem is, is that this game is too easy, that I can go to EV and clear it in an hour when Molten Core would take 4 hours in WoW if you weren't bad.


The long-lasting players will be the most important market for TOR and they are the ones who require more content. Not the casuals who make 20 alts and keep dying at level 10 in WZs. They will not be around for long.


And FYI, vanilla WoW had far more content than this game at launch. Far more.


WoW might've taken longer to level your character, but more end-game? Did it even have Onyxia when it was released?

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I have done everything this content-light game has to offer.


As much as I like Star Wars, BW, I wish you had released this game in July 2012 instead.


You are far too slow with new content.


Edit: Some casuals are saying I have "burnt through content too fast". Rubbish. I play as much as the majority of players and I play it well enough and with good enough players to have actually done what this game offered me. Nightmare modes, battlemaster etc.


One problem is, is that this game is too easy, that I can go to EV and clear it in an hour when Molten Core would take 4 hours in WoW if you weren't bad.


The long-lasting players will be the most important market for TOR and they are the ones who require more content. Not the casuals who make 20 alts and keep dying at level 10 in WZs. They will not be around for long.


And FYI, vanilla WoW had far more content than this game at launch. Far more.


yea ive also comepleted the game. got full t3 pvp/pve on 2 toons and i keep thinking for myself what can i do now... apart from amke another toon but there is no point.

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I'd say out of all the MMOs I've played this one is pumping out content much faster than all the others. As a learning coder, I'm somewhat aware of the daunting task of fixing bugs and smoothing out systems, I find the timeframe in which they have both addressed and corrected issues to be very acceptable.


I would suggest OP, to level a new alt perhaps on the other faction. Take a break from the game, just because its an MMO, doesnt mean we have to stay on it for hours on end. Come back in a week maybe you'll find something new to do. Adopt a Llama, its an absolutly sublime exprience, walk it like you would walk a dog, the ladies love a Llama. Take up basket weaving, make a basket to store food for your newly adopted Llama. Get a chick pregnant! if you are a chick, go get pregnant! Kids are great theres ALWAYS something new and fun to do with them! I could go on with fun and exciting suggestions for you, but those should keep you busy for quite some time.

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