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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Pro-Toggle Thread for same gender content.


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Your argument is this:


You don't want r/l politics to ruin your immersion.


That everyone should enjoy the content they want, but through a toggle.


Firstly, but this isn't political, it is a feature, just like any other, that is waiting to be implemented, relationships between people of the same gender are already part of Star Wars canon, if that was your gripe, in fact they are as canon as anything else.


Secondly, when Same gender content is implemented, you already can enjoy the content you want, if you don't want to flirt with someone of the same/opposite gender, don't, like I don't flirt with someone of the opposite gender whenever such a thing comes up.


There is already going to be a toggle, it's the decision you make when you are given the option.


Just like all other content in the game, you can PvP, if you don't want to, then don't go and PvP or pick a PvP server.


If you don't want to craft, don't craft.


If you don't want to flirt with person X, Don't select the flirt option.


There is already a toggle, it's the flirt option, click or don't.


This content cannot ruin your immersion, and there is also no need for a toggle, as one is already going to be in from the moment the content is put into game.


If you merely don't want the option at all, this game cannot be designed around you, because then people will ask for the option to not see PvP, etc... at all.


If you don't want to use the content, don't, it's easy.

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To my knowledge, you don't get hit on by a companion unless you hit on them first. So what's the problem? None of the conversation choices are valid until you click one. Your character isn't gay because a same sex flirt option appeared - only when you click on it. So don't click on it. It's really that simple.


I mean, I wouldn't get upset if they added some type of an orientation option .. but it's just unnecessary when you have such an easy option available to you. Don't click it!

Edited by PinkiePiePower
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The OP's suggestion as written seems like a sensible solution to the problem, though given the incendiary nature of the discussion and the shallow content as it presently stands, I'd rather there was no flirt content to begin with, and the developers focused on the game's over 9000 other problems.


Was any effort made to estimate how much content [Flirt] actually covers currently? I assume they'd use already existing material from the current [Flirt] to implement same-sex flirting, of which the former is sparse enough already.

Edited by Ansultares
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I'm not sure a toggle sends the right idea, to say the least. Can't you just not choose those options you don't wish? If you don't want your character to flirt with a same-gendered player, then just don't choose that option when it comes up. If you have a problem with the very idea of even a suggestion that such a thing is possible, that is quite honestly "your problem" and the game shouldn't have to change.


I'm sure there is someone out there who wants a permanent language filter, complete removal of all "violence", some iconography in the game changed/removed because of some religious issue (ie. I saw someone complaining that sith altars looked too much like catholic ones and that was insulting to devout catholics), but should there be filters/toggles/alterations for all these things because it is possible someone is going to have their sensibilities offended?


This is calling for censorship of a medium that gives more chances than ever to avoid these story elements, compared to film and literature certainly. Asking for a toggle, much less suggesting that the game should install an alternate version, seems thematically like saying "I can't even stand for coding that allows the possibility of a man flirting with another man to reside on my hard drive!", which is bloody ridiculous.


Don't choose those options in game.

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Ha! I love it! "Make same-gender romance a toggle."


All romance is a toggle! You either FLIRT or NOT.


People asking for a toggle are symptomatic of the larger problem as a whole: They simply wish they could turn "the gays" off like a light switch, be rid of them, brush them under a rug and never have to look at them. When people say: "I don't want to be confronted with it", that is exactly what they're saying: Turn it off, hide it, it is obscene.


To be honest I don't expect Bioware to include same-gender anything. It's too risky for them to take a side like that. It's far easier to cave into the pre-teen parental homophobia exhibited by the lion share of their player base.


I wish it weren't true, but it is. The hate makes me sick.

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My argument is simply;


If you're a big tough Sith Inquisitor and don't want to [Flirt] with that sexy beast Khem Val...




And don't complain when the prompt to do so appears.



The ability to Flirt and Romance companions/NPCs of the same sex was present in other BioWare titles without the ability to toggle it out because it was a choice you could make.


They've already made the mistake of leaving it out at launch; Don't make the mistake of being able to hide it simply because someone doesn't want to face the choice of using it.

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Ha! I love it! "Make same-gender romance a toggle."


All romance is a toggle! You either FLIRT or NOT.


People asking for a toggle are symptomatic of the larger problem as a whole: They simply wish they could turn "the gays" off like a light switch, be rid of them, brush them under a rug and never have to look at them. When people say: "I don't want to be confronted with it", that is exactly what they're saying: Turn it off, hide it, it is obscene.


To be honest I don't expect Bioware to include same-gender anything. It's too risky for them to take a side like that. It's far easier to cave into the pre-teen parental homophobia exhibited by the lion share of their player base.


I wish it weren't true, but it is. The hate makes me sick.


And yet this post does not get deleted... see my point?

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I never understood why there was a restriction to begin with. If they change it now it would be a "sides" issue. If it was always in the game, it would have just been another option that was just "there". BioWare ALREADY picked their side. I doubt they are going to change it now.
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Actually I had a post that was deleted... While it didn't mention specifically that I was anti-toggle it made some serious hints. Still not entirely sure why it was deleted, but it was and I can accept that Bioware needs to keep tight wraps on their own forums.


If you are anti-toggle or anti-sgra it is best to just send an email to EA/BW expressing your opinion to them directly. As I have done.

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And yet this post does not get deleted... see my point?


has anyone flagged it? Are the mods awake and patrolling the boards? It's not like posts just get instantly deleted lol. You must know for a fact that posts on both sides of the argument have been deleted lol, I can show you screenshots of my warning if you really want.


I don't see why you're so worked up over this right now anyway, you've got the game just how you want it in it's current state, the content hasn't even gotten so much as a "we're working on it" from the dev team. So calm down a little, there will be plenty of time for the dev's to hear all of your opinions throughout the coming months before this content is even considered.

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This entire thread is dumb.


Why does it even matter that this stuff is in the game? Is it really that detrimental either way that we need a 40 page thread arguing over it?


I'm not for or against anything. I could really care less. It's a game. Who cares if your "group" is represented or not because a case could be made about BioWare prejudice by just about any minority on the planet.


There are much bigger things to fix/add than this relationship BS. It's such a minuscule part of the game that it should not ever be a priority.

Edited by Cyntric
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This entire thread is dumb.


Why does it even matter that this stuff is in the game? Is it really that detrimental either way that we need a 40 page thread arguing over it?


I'm not for or against anything. I could really care less. It's a game. Who cares if your "group" is represented or not because a case could be made about BioWare prejudice

by just about any minority on the planet.


There are much bigger things to fix/add than this relationship BS. It's such a minuscule part of the game that it should not ever be a priority.






This threads arguments have degraded to illogical insults. The entire point of this thread was to promote a simple, unnoticeable feature, that players could use. No more insulting then the simple "Toggle PvP" function inside your UI. Sadly human nature has warped the views of both sides. Ive encountered numerous posts where, to sum it up, they are simple trolls who Jargon there grammar to give them the appearance of "Intelligent." Between one radical party wanting there lifestyle to be represented and exposed to EVERYTHING - and another radical party wanting to keep the lifestyle locked out of the game completely, its truly saddening.

Edited by Elyons
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