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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sooooo unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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And for you who said my friends are trolling me, your funny! they are rl friends and i've seen all items they got before rank 40! If they was lucky, it means 4 of my real life friends was just as lucky, i find that hard to belive as "luck" ....


If you and/or your friends have some way to work out the result of an RNG other than luck I'll gladly take the next Euromillions rollover lottery numbers from you.


Random means random. The whole point is that some people would have got lots of items in the old system, some would have got none.


New system is way better. Much easier to finish gearing my 50 and it will be much easier to start gearing my alt when she gets to 50.

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I do respect what you guys are saying, but understand i'm allowed to have my own view on stuff. Reason i wrote this post was since my 4 real life friends got all gear super fast before they was rank 40 even, then i mean all items, main/offhand all 5 parts + theyr companions have full set almost too..


But then again like some said maybe my friends been super lucky then, i do belive u people who said it took u a very long time.. So i don't know...

Edited by DEuZZ
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I do respect what you guys are saying, but understand i'm allowed to have my own view on stuff. Reason i wrote this post was since my 4 real life friends got all gear super fast before they was rank 40 even, then i mean all items, main/offhand all 5 parts + theyr companions have full set almost too..


Firstly what does their valor rank matter? I was 40 valor before I hit lvl 50 so I wasn't fully geared until around 57-58 valor.


Secondly, fair enough - your friends geared quickly. They were lucky, or they simply farmed a hell of a lot more bags than you. It doesn't mean that everyone had their loot rate.

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Firstly what does their valor rank matter? I was 40 valor before I hit lvl 50 so I wasn't fully geared until around 57-58 valor.


Secondly, fair enough - your friends geared quickly. They were lucky, or they simply farmed a hell of a lot more bags than you. It doesn't mean that everyone had their loot rate.


Yeah i guess they was lucky then, but when i made this post it felt unfair how fast they got items, for themself + they'r companions even, but now as i've read all post's i might spoken too soon, but i only knew what my rl friends got at the time... It just seem before you got champ gear a lot faster...


It's not like i will stop pvp or anything or quit the game, i just said how i felt about new system.. But sadly many don't read all i've said. I said i like that you get champ marks, but what i did not like was that they redused the drop chance of items down to 0.001% or what it is.

Edited by DEuZZ
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Yeah i guess they was lucky then, but when i made this post it felt unfair how fast they got items, for themself + they'r companions even, but now as i've read all post's i might spoken too soon, but i only knew what my rl friends got at the time... It just seem before you got champ gear a lot faster...


Some people did, most didn't. And you couldn't plan for it.


Now you can say "another 3 bags and I'll get my 2 piece set bonus!" back then you could open a million bags and never get anything more than cent tokens (or more often never get anything which you need).


How many offhands do you need? There's very few options (e.g. 1 generator and 1 shield for a BH) and yet the old system had no way to choose what to buy, just wait until one happened to drop.

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Some people did, most didn't. And you couldn't plan for it.


Now you can say "another 3 bags and I'll get my 2 piece set bonus!" back then you could open a million bags and never get anything more than cent tokens (or more often never get anything which you need).


How many offhands do you need? There's very few options (e.g. 1 generator and 1 shield for a BH) and yet the old system had no way to choose what to buy, just wait until one happened to drop.


I hear you man. But i mean the extra gear was'nt a waste as u can use it to gear your companions too. But i do get what you are saying.

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I hear you man. But i mean the extra gear was'nt a waste as u can use it to gear your companions too. But i do get what you are saying.


As a BH I'm fairly lucky, I think all but 2 of my comps use aim as their primary stat.


However, none of them use aim pistols, I have about a dozen cent / champ / tionese / columi aim ear pieces now and companions have no place in end game (raids, flashpoints, warzones, Ilum, etc) so the point is pretty much moot anyway.

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As a BH I'm fairly lucky, I think all but 2 of my comps use aim as their primary stat.


However, none of them use aim pistols, I have about a dozen cent / champ / tionese / columi aim ear pieces now and companions have no place in end game (raids, flashpoints, warzones, Ilum, etc) so the point is pretty much moot anyway.


Yeah i know but still if they have gear, if you wanna do some flashpoints just 2 people + you companions, or help people in hard quest etc etc.. They are useful even if not in end game.

Edited by DEuZZ
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Was Valor Rank 62 before i completed my Champ set... sorta... (thats like doing 1-50 twice)



Never got a main hander, never got a helm got 6 pieces in maybe 100 champ bags ..


bought the helm with champ tokens, got a BM mainhander on my 15th BM bag



The new system for cent/champ bags is *much* better, every bag is progress towards champ gear and you never get screwed with a useless piece of gear and 1 cent token like before..

You also can grind out as many champ bags in a week as you have hours to play.


Its not perfect however...

At BM level you are subjected to RNG AND a maximum of 16 BM bags/week...if you do every PVP daily/weekly.


That one can be a bit rough, some days 2 tokens...most days/weeks..nothin.... but at least there no duplicates..


But its the current top end PVP gear...so its not supposed to be easy

Edited by blackadda
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champion gear is alot easier to get now... but BM gear is pain in the ***.. i dinged valor rank 60 1 day after patch in which they ****ed it up ... now i have opened 25 BM bags and still didnt get a single BM commendation..


tell me something about luck..


0.000752543458% chance of that happening.


Math is pretty black and white, and with a .25% of a token in a bag, here is how it breaks down. It's simpler then you might think (although this is grossly simplified, it's still 'correct')


69% of people will get a token by the time they open 4 bags.


~90% of people will get a token by the time they open 8 bags.


~98% of people will get a token by the time they open 12 bags.


It's how probability works ... 2% of people get screwed. But the mathematical definition of "screwed" is falling outside of 3 standard deviations, so as soon as you start seeing numbers higher then 16 start being sceptical.


The ODDS of opening 25 bags with nothing is 1:1375, so if we assume 100 battle masters a server who have been battle master longer enough to open 25 bags there should be about 20 people in this boat game wide. This doesn't make it impossible that this guy is getting the truth, but it makes it impossible everyone who says this on the forms are all telling the truth!

Edited by lexiekaboom
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Was Valor Rank 62 before i completed my Champ set... sorta... (thats like doing 1-50 twice)



Never got a main hander, never got a helm got 6 pieces in maybe 100 champ bags ..


bought the helm with champ tokens, got a BM mainhander on my 15th BM bag



The new system for cent/champ bags is *much* better, every bag is progress towards champ gear and you never get screwed with a useless piece of gear and 1 cent token like before..

You also can grind out as many champ bags in a week as you have hours to play.


Its not perfect however...

At BM level you are subjected to RNG AND a maximum of 16 BM bags/week...if you do every PVP daily/weekly.


That one can be a bit rough, some days 2 tokens...most days/weeks..nothin.... but at least there no duplicates..


But its the current top end PVP gear...so its not supposed to be easy


Oh man ;o ok thanks for telling me this :)

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Although this post was annoying to read, I do agree... I too have started trying to pvp at 50, i have about 350 expertise from pre patch and i went into a WZ last night and an OPs killed me before the 1.5 sec stun wore off... basically just quit after that.. that was through my static shield..


Congratulations on getting caught off guard at 30% life by an Ops.


You are just bad. 350 expertise is largely enough to even the playing field even against Battlemasters.

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All my friends got full gear SUPER fast in old system.. So if you're telling me it took you a long time i don't know man..

And when i said trolling, i ment people being rude and calling names etc. And trying to make me angry etc.


Ya, some people did, and some people were unlucky and opened 100 bags and only got 4 items. You can still get gear out of bags...if you haven't then you are unlucky and probably would of been unlucky in the old system as well and would of been QQing about 20 bags of nothing but 60 centurion comms.


I hit battlemaster before the ilum kill trade, which means i did it the slow way, and also means i opened a sh*t ton of bags and i never completed my full champion set until after getting enough champ comms from BM bags to buy them. Now im on BM bags, and 40 bags later because of stupid RNG, i have 2 tokens which still doesnt buy my BM main hand.


I look at the patch and think "really? glad champ bags sucked for me but is great for the new 50s, while BM bags still suck for me and will be great for the new BMs when they change those bags too"


I already enjoy seeing people who are less valor/play less out gear me, cant wait to see people who are a full month behind me do the same.

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Pre-patch I got 7 items in the Champ bag; 5 relics and 2 earpieces. A lotta use those were. However, since the patch I'gotten enough Champ/Centurian points to get several pieces of gear. Need i say which I like more, the old or new?


Yeah im looking forward to hittin 50 with my jugg and operative because i damned well know i can geat champ gear on tap just by grinding out merc coms


I was skeptical when i heard about the tokens...then i was the exact opposite when i realise it was 15/7 from champ bags, and 15 champ tokens for every BM bag.


It means... Get to BM...and Champ gear becomes really easy to obtain... it makes the thought of doing that valor 58-60 grind over again a lot less daunting.

Edited by blackadda
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Ya, some people did, and some people were unlucky and opened 100 bags and only got 4 items. You can still get gear out of bags...if you haven't then you are unlucky and probably would of been unlucky in the old system as well and would of been QQing about 20 bags of nothing but 60 centurion comms.


I hit battlemaster before the ilum kill trade, which means i did it the slow way, and also means i opened a sh*t ton of bags and i never completed my full champion set until after getting enough champ comms from BM bags to buy them. Now im on BM bags, and 40 bags later because of stupid RNG, i have 2 tokens which still doesnt buy my BM main hand.


I look at the patch and think "really? glad champ bags sucked for me but is great for the new 50s, while BM bags still suck for me and will be great for the new BMs when they change those bags too"


I already enjoy seeing people who are less valor/play less out gear me, cant wait to see people who are a full month behind me do the same.


yeah i know man, but i was only thinking about my real life friends that got gear super fast, i guess they just was lucky then as i've said in many of the other post's. At least i know now that before patch people was struggling with getting gear, i just tough it was more eZ as my mates got it so fast ;S

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OK , so i dont agree with the crying of the drops in the bags, Friend of mine got a lightsaber from his very first bag. My complaints are that once you hit 50 warzones and illum are near impossible if you dont have the gear. I myself have done 20 warzones since i turned 50 (1 week ago) and have won 1...yes 1...i went from 34 kills and 6-7 medals per match when i was 49 and under too 2-11 kills...and im extremely lucky to get a medal now. Why not seperate the retardedly high geared from the low geared...Because of the losses I have 1 centurion piece...so it could always be worst ole bud
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OK , so i dont agree with the crying of the drops in the bags, Friend of mine got a lightsaber from his very first bag. My complaints are that once you hit 50 warzones and illum are near impossible if you dont have the gear. I myself have done 20 warzones since i turned 50 (1 week ago) and have won 1...yes 1...i went from 34 kills and 6-7 medals per match when i was 49 and under too 2-11 kills...and im extremely lucky to get a medal now. Why not seperate the retardedly high geared from the low geared...Because of the losses I have 1 centurion piece...so it could always be worst ole bud


Man you must been really unlucky xD no ofence of course :) most i've been in we won but i do lose myself, but not as much as you have ;S but yeah people are VERY good geared, people who been playing since start etc, but that's normal.

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