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BW announced their plans to kill server communities yesterday...


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Sorry but this game does VERY little to promote "server communities"


Cross server warzones should come quicker. Then I won't have to play freaking huttball every 9 out of 10 maps.


Sorry to hear that your server sucks. Mine is awesome. I get to play Huttball against Pubs. I would even say that the Pubs are stronger in WZs than we are, on the whole. They win a lot. When cross-server queues come, the people on decent servers like mine are going to be hosed. Don't get me wrong -- I like Huttball, but I'll be sad when cross-server comes and that's all I ever get to play anymore. That blows.

Edited by belialle
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Sorry to hear that your server sucks. Mine is awesome. I get to play Huttball against Pubs. I would even say that the Pubs are stronger in WZs than we are, on the whole. They win a lot. When cross-server queues come, the people on decent servers like mine are going to be hosed. Don't get me wrong -- I like Huttball, but I'll be sad when cross-server comes and that's all I ever get to play anymore. That blows.


I'm on Hex Droid, the best server in the EU.


but still, there is no server in this game with a tight community. Those that think there is are deluding themselves. Mmo players are selfish and don't give a damn about other people when it comes down to it.

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But do you know which guild tags to watch out for? Do you know who you should support in the WZ for a stronger chance at a win and who is going to be worthless? Do you know who the whiners are? Have you started to recognize the names of people yet? You know, like you see PlayerX and you know they usually have a pocket healer that follows them around and that you should kill it. Or -- you see PlayerZ on your team, and you know they're a good healer, so you know you should help peel for them.


That's what community is. No one is pretending that we're all best friends here. But when you play with/against the same people enough that you start recognizing them, you do develop a much greater sense of solidarity -- and even faction pride. That goes away with cross-server queues.


If I wanted to play a game that was essentially just a big waiting room, I'd go back to WoW. But that's not what I want. It's why I'm here and not there. The closed server setup we have right now is one of the main things that distinguishes this game from WoW. When you take that away, you strip this game of one of the only special, unique features it has compared to WoW.


I knew those things in WoW and it was cross server. I have a pretty bad memory for names, too, but the ones I needed to remember, I remembered. When in doubt, handy notepad to scribble down that so and so is lag switching or playing from Mars was always handy, too. And since most of the twink players liked to reroll with the same name or a variation on the same name when they felt like rolling low level BGs, I remembered them, too. As well as the usual assortment of healers.

Edited by maradigamer
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I knew those things in WoW and it was cross server. I have a pretty bad memory for names, too, but the ones I needed to remember, I remembered. When in doubt, handy notepad to scribble down that so and so is lag switching or playing from Mars was always handy, too. And since most of the twink players liked to reroll with the same name or a variation on the same name when they felt like rolling low level BGs, I remembered them, too. As well as the usual assortment of healers.


So....about 240 servers, with 900-1500 players per server (I'm just guessing here), and you were able to keep track of all the players in the random queue? I may have to call shenanigans here. I rarely saw the same person twice, and all I ever did was queue random BGs when I played.

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So....about 240 servers, with 900-1500 players per server (I'm just guessing here), and you were able to keep track of all the players in the random queue? I may have to call shenanigans here. I rarely saw the same person twice, and all I ever did was queue random BGs when I played.


A lot of people played at the same time every day, so that cuts down on the number. Not everyone plays pvp, and most don't play daily, especially while leveling, so that cuts it down even more. Granted, pvp in this game might be more popular than in WoW so more people might queue more often, but I'm willing to chance it. There are very few players worth remembering in any warzone, if you want to know the truth. And no, I'm not trying to count myself in that number. Except when I healed. Any healer who plays every day, unless they're atrocious, is worth a mental note. ;)

Edited by maradigamer
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Since when?


Since the game launched. Was always the best populated servers, got the majority of the "big guilds" and have the more experienced player. All the other EU servers are just shadows of Hex Droid and people eventually step over to it.

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A lot of people played at the same time every day, so that cuts down on the number. Not everyone plays pvp, and most don't play daily, especially while leveling, so that cuts it down even more. Granted, pvp in this game might be more popular than in WoW so more people might queue more often, but I'm willing to chance it. There are very few players worth remembering in any warzone, if you want to know the truth. And no, I'm not trying to count myself in that number. Except when I healed. Any healer who plays every day, unless they're atrocious, is worth a mental note. ;)


Hey, if you play a healer, you start to recognize your assists and peelers pretty fast. It goes both ways, for sure. :]

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Hey, if you play a healer, you start to recognize your assists and peelers pretty fast. It goes both ways, for sure. :]


I did play a healer. True, you notice. Well, to be honest, I mostly healed at objectives or whoever the flag carrier was in WSG. So I knew who tried to win. Of course, much of the time was spent against premades that weren't even supposed to be in our queue, and we knew those names after awhile, too.


Druid kitty stealth afk grab a sandwich wait for them to get bored of stomping the graveyard. Horrible. But not every game was that bad.

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I am with you as well. Cross-server stuff is not a wise thing to do ... especially for a brand new game. It would be much more appropriate for them to merge servers or otherwise balance the servers' populations before they try the cross-server thing.


Either that, or it was a roundabout way of saying you won't be given a choice to which WZ you can enter for a long time because they don't think we are responsible enough to make choices they way they would like us to. Either way, it is a little insulting. Other games offer choice of warzones and the players adapt. Seems BW is more like Big Brother.


How does one balance the server populations if there's a total of 500,000 Republics across all servers and 1,000,000 Imperials? (made up numbers) The only thing that will ever balance all the servers is if they force people to change factions, which will never happen.


Honestly, this is why 2 faction mmo's need to go away. There should always be either 1 faction or 3 factions. NEVER 2...I dont see why any developer makes 2 factions. It's just a recipe for permanent server imbalances.

Edited by xNonphixionx
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MAybe they will just add an option where you can personally decide if you are cross queued or not. Like you don't care if cross queued as an example.


If you want to play with community only it might be a choice too.


I would rather see server merges though.


I don't want to see stuff aka Balingo@Fatman or whatever.

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a wargroup and cross server pvp was needed. so many times there are lopsided wz matches with outnumbered teams having no chance because their isn't enough people from a particular faction to que.


WoW made battle groups and it never killed any communities, it created a thriving pvp base. When i want to pvp i shouldn't have to wait 4 hours to get enough people to be able to pvp with, it should be a several minute wait if that.


open world pvp zones will still be server based, it's only the warzones that will be effected by cross server.


this is a step in the right direction, if someone can't see that then they are completely blind to the fact of why pvp is struggling right now. there are other reasons but this is a big one.

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>Join Guild

>Make "friends"

>Group with "Friends"

>Community intact


Server communities aren't a thing. Guild communities are a thing.


Cross-Server is necessary to ensure server population vitality in events of off-peak hours or a lower-population server.


Keeping your team together isn't the only thing in PvP. You never had rivals on the other faction you played AGAINST? In early WoW, we had several rival guilds that fielded premades against us. Have you ever killed Leeroy Jenkins? I have. I did it all the time. Pals4Life were on our server.


GG to that with cross server!

Edited by EternalFinality
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Will has before, and can happen again. However, as I tell my grandkids, "Squeaky wheel gets the oil." Most forums are whiners and, as such, get listened to more. What we need are more people that post on forums that actually praise BW for what they have done, what they will do, and what is great in the game already. A hearty thank you goes out to those that are doing this. I hope everyone enjoys their day and playtime in the galaxy far, far away.


Why bother? For every good post we make theres 20 posts crying that i want my stuff now. It's not the players fault they rolled bad servers but instead of putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound merge servers or offer a transfer off low pop servers. Fix the problem don't cover it up.


My 2cents not that its worth a damn. Another Star wars game killed by the dev's

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X server is for lazy people


join a guild....make friends....recruit your Real Life bud's to play SWTOR with you.....ANYTHING besides X server PVP.


Same server = "Yay, we got so and so healer in our grp....SWEET!"

or "Watch out for that guy on the opposing team! He'll own you in 1v1 all day!


X server = ".......crickets......."

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Keeping your team together isn't the only thing in PvP. You never had rivals on the other faction you played AGAINST? In early WoW, we had several rival guilds that fielded premades against us. Have you ever killed Leeroy Jenkins? I have. I did it all the time. Pals4Life were on our server.


GG to that with cross server!


That was when WoW was a lot smaller and that kind of thing could be accomplished.


The more people, the less of a "server community" there is.


And seriously - I don't give two ***** about WoW. The PvP in that game is worse than the PvP in this game..and that is saying a lot.

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That was when WoW was a lot smaller and that kind of thing could be accomplished.


The more people, the less of a "server community" there is.


And seriously - I don't give two ***** about WoW. The PvP in that game is worse than the PvP in this game..and that is saying a lot.


I don't understand. If WoW was getting bigger, why would they need cross server warzones?


Why does TOR? They're implementing it for the exact opposite reason.

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>Join Guild

>Make "friends"

>Group with "Friends"

>Community intact


Server communities aren't a thing. Guild communities are a thing.


Cross-Server is necessary to ensure server population vitality in events of off-peak hours or a lower-population server.


This post made me cringe.


If server communities aren't a thing, all you'll end up with is a very sheltered game. I played world of warcraft from first week of TBC -> Cataclysm October 2011. Back during the days of TBC when I was looking for a guild I got to know a lot of people on my server by simply running dungeons. That's how I found a guild, through my server.


I quit the game in WLK, and when I got back the dungeon finder had been introduced. As I was looking for a new guild, I realized that there was simply no way of getting to know anyone. I stood in dalaran and ran either a dungeon queue or a battleground queue, grouping up with people I would never meet again... and for what, smoother queue times? F*ck smoother queue times.


People misbehave, are rude and simply do not talk because of these functions. And why would they, when the queues and the systems provides them with everything they need? Other people become means to an end for your own selfish goals. Why would you care about someone who you'll never team up with again?


Of course, you could say that the same applies to the game today. However, if you act like a pr*ck in a group, chances are there will be repercussions. I've seen some people on my server that disgust me, and I know to stay clear of them. Then I've met a lot of people that I really like, and I have a chance to continue to play and chat with them. Best part is; they are NOT in my guild! In fact, the people I pvp with are most often in other guilds! This never happened in wow.






From an early Q&A before the game was launched, Bioware was asked this:

Are waiting queues cross-server and, if so, also cross-language?


And their response was this:

No. We believe that fostering rivalries and memorable encounters with recognizable players are important in building a good PvP community on a server. We suspect cross-server queuing compromises these key tenets. Additionally, systems like bolster and same faction vs same faction Warzones (like Hutball) help matches pop frequently and regularly.





And to finish my wall of text, I am going to quote something another person wrote yesterday:


a MMO can go one of two routes:


1) Focus on the Massive

We open things up so that you can do anything you want with random faceless people. You don't have to ask, the game will find these faceless people for you. And you don't have to see them ever again either, because they don't play on your server!

2) Focus on Community

Your queues are longer. But you can build a name and a reputation. People know you, what you do and whether or not you're good at it. While your guild might be your family, your server becomes your extended family.

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From an early Q&A before the game was launched, Bioware was asked this:


Are waiting queues cross-server and, if so, also cross-language?


And their response was this:


No. We believe that fostering rivalries and memorable encounters with recognizable players are important in building a good PvP community on a server. We suspect cross-server queuing compromises these key tenets. Additionally, systems like bolster and same faction vs same faction Warzones (like Hutball) help matches pop frequently and regularly.


Bioware is on a roll these days for saying one thing and then compromising their own principles later (probably at the demands of EA).


It was all over Dragon Age 2. Some of the older dev interviews are hilarious.

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